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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. I was able to catch another paddle fish this morning. It was a real amazing fight. The big girl was returned back to fight another day. I was using a two inch storm crank bait. I also caught severl saugers, white bass, drum, and skip jack herring all in two hours of fishing.
  2. welcome, looking forward to your posts and reports!
  3. Thats one class i wouldn't mind taking.
  4. cool website, thanks for posting the link.
  5. needs a bigger fine and life time ban on fishing!
  6. no muskies that i know of in the ohio river in this area. Some of the smaller feeder rivers to the ohio river have muskies in them.
  7. I actually caught one yesterday here in louisville. If you want to see a picture of it check out my ohio river report part 2. I think it would be a good idea to restore any native species that has disappeared.
  8. nice eyes!
  9. I think your right solopaddler the second fish does look like a quillback. It was a strange combination of fish that i caught, and you never do know what you will catch in the ohio river.
  10. Well I was able to land my first paddle fish at the falls of the ohio river. Put up and very nice fight on light line. She was caught on a two inch jig. I was also caught about 20 white bass and tons of skip jack herring. I also caught some type of a fish that i cant identify. I think it is a type of a carp. Any ideas? Paddle Fish (she was returned back to the river to swim again) What type of a fish is this? (some type of a carp?) Skip Jack herring
  11. Lots of pike, and have caught some real huge crappies there. I have good luck on rapala husky jerks, and spinner baits for pike. Small twister tails for the crappies right before the sun sets. There are plenty of bass, but there not in season just yet. Good luck!
  12. wow, thanks for sharing those pics. Looks like you guys have been busy!
  13. We have them here in Kenutcky in the Ohio River. Lots of people fish for them here. There was a report a few weeks ago of a sting operation by conservation officers from Indiana who caught people illigeally snaging paddle fish and killing the fish for their roe. They are really prehistroic looking fish.
  14. great work!
  15. very nice kawartha walleye!
  16. very nice PB carp!
  17. amazing report, thanks for sharing!
  18. nice looking pike!
  19. nice report, thanks for sharing the pics.
  20. nice report, and those spinners look really good!
  21. i will be only coming up for the summer I have 6 weeks off from work, so i will be spending that time fishing! I will be probably be here for another 2 years until i finish my dissertation. i am trying to convince my wife to move to Ontario.
  22. nice spot!
  23. Had a chance to go out today and fish the falls of the Ohio river in here in Louisville. The river was finally low enough to fish. You can catch pretty much anything in this river including: walleye, sauger, white bass, stripers, hybrid bass, smallmouth, largemouth, paddle fish, carp, gar, etc. Today i fished for a two hours using Jigs and small crank baits. I was able to catch a few small saugers, a few white bass, two drums, a few shad and a new species i have never caught before a small flat head catfish. Now im just looking forward to coming up to ontario to fish for some muskies soon. Falls of the Ohio River Falls of the Ohio River Small Flat Head Small sauger White bass
  24. nice fish, thanks for sharing a report.
  25. very nice!
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