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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Awesome Fish Bud!!! Probably closer to 14-15lbs though,..I caught a Coho last fall and it was 36" by 22" and it only weighed 17lbs. Sweet Fish nonetheless, beats my Pb steelhead of 30"x20" which was incidently 12lbs.
  2. I went out for opener for the first time last year,...WOW,...unbelievable how many people come out for it...and the slaughter is a somewhat saddening. spring came early this year,..and I have already witnessed a few dropbacks...I have to admit that I had fun fishing those hungry droppies last may,..but that being said...for the good of the fishery,..Im kinda hoping they all blow out before the April 24. If not,.I will of course be there to catch and release them,...to swim and spawn next year...with no eggs left in the females and the fact that they come from Lake O,..there should be no reason really why all are not released. Just a thought.
  3. Nice fish guys, especially snagging the Sucka...lol...its the same out east,..most fish have been in the system awhile and are getting colour...Need some RAIN!!!!
  4. Really too bad the shark had to die...but that guy has got balls!!!
  5. One more from this morning,..I think Im done until we get some fresh fish or dropbacks
  6. She was and Angelo did a Great job with that fish,..when she was in the water,..we thought well over 10lb...but once banked,..we figured 8-9...belly about to burst with eggs,..so we let her swim and put those big genes to work!!! More fish hit on artificials than roe today, by far..!!!
  7. Hey Dave, Ya I saw Loodi the other day and told me about his wife...that really sucks,..hoopefully she gets better soon. I am only heading out weekends for the most part, so if you have a satrurday or sunday off, let me know. Maybe tommorrow....We hit your backyard river today for a couple hours,..and the bite was slow but we managed a couple good sized ones,..will post in a bit. if you are off work Sunday, let me know.
  8. Nice Fish Puddle N***, that second pic looks like you are spankin the fish...How did Loody do?
  9. Keep at it RF!!! I was a little lucky I think, when I first started Fishing rivers, it was for salmon on the notty, my buddy and I had absolutley no clue and these websites werent around, but fortunately, my buddy knew a guy that used to guide in BC and we showed him a spot where we found a whack of fish and he showed us how to catch them and have been learning more every year ever since. So one day around 5-6 years ago, while salmon fishing in September, I happened upon a pool full of steelhead, I went 5/20 that day using my primitive spinning gear float set up,..and i learned more and more everytime I went out and kept catching fish. Talking to guys on the river and watching them is definately key!!! Once you know how to get them to hit,..Knowing when and where to fish is defintaely the biggest factor. as others have mentioned. I would say when you have found fish (or atleast are pretty sure you have),..knowing what and how to present and when to set the hook and the confidence is the next biggest thing. The first year I had a pin, I still brought my spinning rod float set up and caught way more fish on it even in the big rivers. On smaller rivers a pin wont do you much good for hooks-ups,..it will help you land them faster for sure and it is definately more fun,...it has advantages for long tight drifts on larger systems, but for smaller rivers you can totally do very well with a spinning set up. The best advice I can give you to shorten your learning curve is to hire a guide or go out with some guys from this board who know when and where as well as you might want to try catchin or atleast hooking them on a spinning rod before using the pin. PS,..I know a guy who caught a few chromers on the Notty on his first few outings aand then went dry out east for probably 50 outings while we caught fish all around him,..so dont feel too bad,..it could be worse.
  10. Mykester,...LMAO......love the Avatar pic....where did you get that?
  11. WHeeeeew...for a minute I though this was a real river....that being said,...there are no silt fences or any erosion bariers,.totally illegal, not too mention the change of landscape,....Having a bit of background in this area...I know it is a MAJOR issue!!!
  12. dont catfish spawn in that soup and live in it...? where is Dawgy to chime in on those creepy excuse for a fish?
  13. Lostof carp, Pike, Bass, crappies and suckers in there,...raised on fertilizer and pesticides.... Unbeleivable that people eat those fish....and you thought Lake O salmon were bad....
  14. A couple more From Today... Trevor with a Nice Male... Ang with a Little Hen...
  15. Had a couple hours late this afternoon and tried a completely new spot today for my second time out this year and was pleasantly surprised. First one broke me off, next one was a grandma hookset, lol, next one I landed and then a 10lb+ Brute broke me off just before I left. Was a fun couple hours nonetheless. Warm enough to get a few Jumps out of her Even though she took me a couple minutes to get her in and 10 seconds for the pic,...she took almost no revival, took off like a bullet!!! Lets let the wild ones swim
  16. Thanks for posting this...it sheds some intelligent light on the whole issue!!!
  17. WOW,...thats scary stuff!!! Imagine 60,000,000 americans invading canadian fisheries? Yikes,..think it gets crowded now?
  18. Lol, yep smelts!!!
  19. I dunno how far north you guys are, but southern ON is forecasting Rain ...ALOT of Rain from Friday to Monday with daytime Temps in the 5-10C range,..bring on them Chromers !!!
  20. WOW,...Intersting thread...but I wont pretend this debate hasnt been done to death in the past. Personally, I would love to see a flourishing Atlantic population...Ive only ever experienced these fish on TV from the out east flyfishing to be had...It looks absolutely amazing to me,....the strength of chinooks and acrobatics of Steelhead...seems like the perfect river Fish. Not too mention if they did take they would fill in that summer gap we have for river fishing. Whether the atlantics succeed or not,...if money is going into improving habitat that otherwise wouldnt happen...by all means,..this is a GREAT thing IMO!!! If we dropped Nooks altogether and allowed Coho, Steelhead and Browns more space and effort,..I think most River fisherman and possibly the downrigger guys would be quite happy. Don't get me wrong,..the nookies are fun and all,..but if they were gone, so would many of the problems the rivers have. ie., the number of anglers and snagging and garbage etc etc. Personally I hope the Atlantics take and floursih,..however if they dont and the other prized species benefit through wild population increases,...GIDDY UP!!! P.s,..all the debate over the proper names,..Get a grip...lol,..who cares???
  21. Lol,..Well thanks ART for the wisdom about my line of thought and its degree of correctness I suppose the plumber does rank in high on the proffessions that society seeks opinions and wisdom from Lol,...Im just kidding around, but again as I stated, it was my PERSONAL opinion and preference and experience. BTW, do you use alot of Stonflies down there in Viginia? what do you catch with them if so? 10-15lb steelhead? 20-30lb salmon?
  22. Lol Time is money to a degree,...see above
  23. I understand what you are saying Art,..however what you said about pride in the roebags etc., I think you misunderstood, it has nothing to do with that it has to do with functionality. I have a couple buddies that tie their own stonies and prince nymphs and they are good at it..and i have compared those to the ones I bought from a high end flyshop for $2 and it made no difference at all. there is however a difference in the Roe Bag analogy, not too mention the economics. Some of the water I fish is loaded with wood and I guess what Im thinkin more about is on those days Im using flies, how proud would I be losing 5 or 6 of those to the woodwork that I spent 2 hours making vs just dropping $10-$15. Maybe another way too look at it Again I think its a personal preference thing based on value of time
  24. Well that argument doesnt really apply and I agree that the Fly looks nice!! Back to your point, I guess we could all make our own clothes as well? I understand the possible slight enhanced satisfaction from catching a fish on something you made that cost you $1 and probably 20 minutes of time over and above buying the exact same thing for $2, but for me personally its not worth it. tying my own roe bags is different, I can do it FAR cheaper and better than store bought pre-tied bags, and it is much more versatile for size, shape, colour, cure type of roe etc etc. The same argument for me personally doesnt work for flies when I can buy the exact same thing for slightly more. I mean I would have to tie 30-40 per hour to make it economically feasable. just My $0.02 Again Nice Fly!!!
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