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Everything posted by StoneFly
Personally I think the Best bang for your $$ is an islander, however its north of $300 new,..take a look in the classified section.
I dunno,..Radar shows a nice front moving this way from the south,..although the forecast is only calling for 1-3mm both Mon and Tuesday.
Intentionally Snagging Fish is illegal Yes. Would the MNR do anything about Salmon,...Personally I doubt it.
Youuuuuuuuuuuuu betcha,.....lol...I will take the work and hike to my quiet spots with an early chromer here or there any old day of the week over the Boot Shoots.... thats being said,..I cant help being loured over to the heavy hitters ...G'Dam...can we have one decent rain SOON!!!!???????? Did we have 10" of rain in August when it was too warm,...and now 3 weeks with NOTTA? just one storm,...is that toooo much to ask for? Geeeeeeeez...lol
Its a little shaker,...but it was a blast after after waiting since May,..I think a total fluke considering the waether this year,...havent heard of anyone catching a chromer in the river's yet this fall,...and I guarentee this location is HUSH,..hence why I posted it.
$100 for anyone that can name the spot,....lol,..send a PM
lol,..Funny report,...they should really make it 25m on both sides of the dam DAM!!! Hopefully soon we will get a good rain and those fish will blow past all the usual rape holes and get up river and have some sex....not sure if it produces anything, but what the heck!!
You should add Drennan to the List, ...although it is made by raven, it is better than the raven brand. Not sure who makes Frog's hair, but that is pretty popular also. Assuming we are talking about Leaders for Steelheading.
Lol,..if only hoards knew of the spot,..in 6 years I have only ever seen one other guy there.... I really think it was a fluke, I mean the majority of the nooks haven't even come in yet. Pray for Rain!!!!
Out hunting nookies this morning, not many around, so I decided to try one of my honey Steelhead holes, sure enough a couple were hanging out. Must have come in a couple weeks ago when the water was up. This is nowhere near any river mouth either. Not huge, 23" by 12" around 4lbs,..but Dang was it ever fun.
So from Mississauga, you have maybe 3 main tribs that all meet in the same spot really,...arguable that u cant get there in 30 min from Erindale unless driving real fast,....and yes they are stocked,..but have any been caught over 8 "? meamning do they take? and shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Our Docs up here in the Canuckia would be a slight bit better if they didnt strive to get down there to make 3-10x the $$$ for your rich and famous,...I know this intimately...Sorry Dawg,...your GOV takes care of your Agent Oranged ass,..but how about the rest? Ever been to Europe? tell me where the evolved peeps are? Canadian system is by no means perfect or even great,..but we take care of our peeps to a decent degree....we dont let people die of crap cuz they cant pay...they may not always get the primo,..but then again people can pay for that anywhere on this planet!!! I wonder what you might say if you got your lazy ass fruit filled pension taken away and had to actually earn a living
Most of the population thinks Igrnorant means rude or vulgur when it really means uninfomred,..how Ironic is that ?l ol. Lets all get our own works and just stuff whatever the GOV tells us to into our veins,..did anyone read Brave new world...lol
Common cold kills more of the same old imuno-compromised people every year, closer to the millions range,..when do we get that needle? how about the sneezing needle,..or hiccup needle,..or itching needles,..how about a needle for a bad day,..or depression or ur tired or your sleepy....are you happy are ya sad does your arm hurt,...are ya lonely,...we got the needle? lol
Or what if the shot gave it to you and all those other people,..then what? think about that!!! but then again the providers made there money and more!!!! Dawg, just cruious are you a formal military guy?
you should get used to the Canadian healthcare model I would think....did you bring your Gun to the latest Obama rally? LOL
Do we have "PROOF" from the pharmaceutical companies? think about 'PROOF' before you respond, and if you know anything about science,..think one more time...
thats fantastic thinking for sure...no doubt,...but what ever happened to the simple things,..wash your hands,..dont touch things like poles and use the anit-bacterial squirt...i take the Go train also....but it doesnt make me want to potentially get sicker than i would have otherwise by getting a bad shot.....peeps,..use your brains,...think for yourselves,..please!!! Someone mentioned posting evidence,..i would love to see some about any flu shot making people get less flu....i have seen the color coded GIS maps Bull they post before an election from a particular news source,..but the validity is the same as the research saying our salmon are 90% wild...
I think they been puttn smthn else in your needles Dawgy,...are you for real? Cmon you must be kidding...
"And if you look hard enough you will even find that BAYER- actually sold the LIVE virus of --- wait for it----AIDS... thats right they sold the live strain to 3rd world countries so they did not have to throw it out-- they made money off of that" Is that the same Bayer that produces massive amounts of pesticides and then pharmaceuticals to help the eventual victims? Isnt that double dipping? lol
Dont even get me started on what Rumsy has pushed through with his power,..there are MANY examples and many worse than this one, aspertame comes to mind... . As for the Aids things,..that goes back waaaaay back. Anyone that has studied Microbiology knows Retro-viruses are man made. If you want to talk conspiracy theories,..theres a good one that tells a long story of Pope John II and his roomie at oxford in the 40's,..I could post some references, but this is neither the place or forum. Not too mention,...I stopped following that stuff long ago...lol.
Well this is intersting,...I have accidently caught several HUGE snapping turtles,..while carp fishing and bass fishing off of a dock,...the experience showed me how Freakin big those dinosaurs can get,...I have had them hooked over 100 lbs,..one of which we actually pulled up on the dock as he snapped onto a bass that was sitting in a net just below the water and wouldnt let go,...had a tail the size of my arm with studs all over it and paws like my hand,..and Oh boy, when they get out of the water, they turn viscious. it was caught accidently,...and he ran/waddled and dove back in but that thing was massive!!! Other times I have had say 50-75lbs+ while carp fishing several times. you cant really get close to unhook them. What the hell do they do with the turtles or the Bullfrogs for that matter?
And thats with the Placebo effect (50%),..problem is the vaccines get rushed out. Also the whole concept of Vaccine was to help with Massive pandemics that were killing millions, so if you save a million and kill 100,000 from the vaccine, thats good I think. However if you kill 100,000 and save none,...thats bad I think. We all know what a Vaccine is,..a 'dead' strain of the same virus that kills you. Problem there is with mutation and entoro/retro viruses that evolve faster than we can keep up and can survive conditions we fail to understand. No Offence to our buds on the south side,..but we up here think a little more for ourselves, than what Big Bad Daddy Sam tells us to do. Oh say can you seee....Lol Seriously No offence, I think its a culture thing. Just wash your hands and sneeze on your sleeve and dont nuzzle others sleeves,..lol Needles are for giving Blood, when your sick and smack...Lol