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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. In the real world there is no goose that laid the golden egg. That only exists in fairy tales and government jobs. I learned that you can trust no one. Lost one company pension when the company went bankrupt. Govt allows companies to borrow against the pension. Had a great RRSP until the I.T. stock collapse. The investment fund stopped paying out, and remains locked up until the RRSP has recovered from the losses. Biggest challenge to retirement is health care costs. There is a lot the government does not cover. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, most private health plans will decline you or bleed you. This I have learnt watching my wife spend 6 years going through the surgical revolving door.
  2. I had the catfish version for 5 years. Then someone came along one weekend, while we were away, and stole the thing. Would have taken them a good 20 minutes to unbolt the thing from the steel railings. I'd get another, except that they will soon be cancelling local mail delivery
  3. I love pickled herring, Heck, Finns and Swedes have a dozen different brines to choose from.Surstromming is nothing like that at all. Norwegian surstromming is supposed to be the worst.
  4. Surstromming. Only one uncle would dare eat that. Almost as bad as my Aunt Lily's Lutefisk.
  5. For you older folks. Peter, Paul and Mary anniversary on PBS. Sadly Mary left us.
  6. Hey Simon, around 1972, a rather obscure group, the RSDG, had a major hit on both sides of the pond. Not so uncommon in the British Isles but it caught everybody off guard on this side of the ocean. The album was "Farewell To The Greys"
  7. Dang it!! Now I have a craving for riisipuuri and blueberry sauce
  8. Not really outside the box. Perch are equally available in Europe. Italian prosciutto and Danish havarti. The perfect wash would be a couple of bottles of Tuborg or maybe some Bock beer.
  9. Got the hankering for rigatoni and meat sauce followed by a home made cherry pie. Now to think about tomorrow, Maybe perch wrapped in prosciutto, with a layer of melted havarti, grilled onion and pepper garnish served on an egg bun?
  10. Lesson from eating Mexican. Avoid carbonated beverages. Stick to the sangria.
  11. Being 1/2 Finn and 1/2 Swede, the most obvious is fish and seafood of almost any description. I also had the benefit of learning to cook from one of the best, my Gramma. Gotta be good to cook for the Samuel or Labatt families back in the day. All her traditional recipes are mine. Right down to traditional breadmaking. International foods I love to cook and eat, but the Mrs likes her meat and taters. In Toronto, banquet cooking opens ones eyes to such a variety of cooking styles. From the Dutch there are lekkerbekes german sauerkraut and sausage Hungarian cabbage rolls or cauliflower soup Italian gnocchi in sugo or capoletti in brodo Thai peanut sauce Curries!!!! Goat comes to mind. Loved going to the Bamboo. Mexican/South California. I grow 6 varieties of hot pepper The list is endless
  12. I had quite the album collection before we downsized. Over a thousand LP's primarily from the 60's and 70's. When we moved to the apartment, there was no room for all of that.
  13. Also known to happen on Stradic bail wires.
  14. Always move forward. It is never wrong to have a dream. If you fail the first time, learn from it.
  15. Not really anything new. We've been told for the past 7-8 years that this was coming, and many welcome these measures. Carbon taxes/environmental taxes are already hidden in the price of some consumer goods now.
  16. Instrumental music was big in the 60's. Something far too complex for today's youth apparently??? A Canadian great was "Walk Don't Run" by the Ventures. They would also record the hawaii 50 theme. Anybody remember Paul Marat's "Love Is Blue" How about "Telstar" Must not forget Duane Eddy.
  17. I still have the original album. There was some really unique and different stuff all thrown into the one album. last tune was called Sunflower. He also liked to dabble in other artistic medium, not unlike Andy Warhol, having produced a book of poetry and a "different" photography portfolio. I had a signed copy of the poetry book, years back, sold for a pretty penny. His daytime job was as a TV writer.
  18. You guys are killing me. I'm still too busy with soft water to even think about ice gear yet.
  19. Getting a record book fish has been on the bucket list since I was a teenager. I'd gladly bonk it and jump through the hoops
  20. No chance of any real ice our way. 50-55F temps our way will take care of any snow and ice in Niagara. Bring on de perchies!
  21. Not any more. Seems the only magazines at the Dr's offices consist of health periodicals, fashion and gossip rags. Can't remember the last time i saw an outdoors mag or Popular Mechanics. Mind you the dentist is a hockey freak, so there is always 1 copy of Sports Illustrated. Tried to donate my old copies of OOD for reading in the hospital and was told the content was deemed "inappropriate"
  22. At the rate mankind is going, Ma Nature might just fix that human infestation permanently
  23. Same mentality as the "kill the pike" crowd because they interfere with walleye and musky numbers. Redneck biology 101.
  24. The growth potential in Ottawa knows no limit. Regardless of how tight things are elsewhere in the country, the hordes of bureaucrats in the Ottawa area keep multiplying like rats.
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