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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Peter's sells worms by the 100, 200, and flat. A flat runs $50+ depending on availability.
  2. We all obviously have a great love for our friends. Even the other half's rats We need them as much as they need us. Have you ever noticed how, on even your very worst days, the dog will still be there to be your friend. I think I'd lose my sanity without the girls.
  3. The rapids below the Mary Lake dam can be quite dangerous with a sudden outflow following a t-boomer and downpour. Younger kids in life jackets have found themselves trapped in some of the pool's back eddies until we've tossed lines to them. Been sucked under once while wading for smallies further downstream. oth the first time I've "bathed" my camera
  4. I have images of Betty White holding a pair of hedgeclippers
  5. Even after 1 week you cannot adequately cover the lake. just take your time.
  6. Once the kids hit them terrible twos, wifey will be only too happy to pawn baby off on whomever she can. You, granparents, inlaws, total strangers.... Which is why the kids get fishing rods at that age. Nice to have some adult play time though. Great report as always.
  7. it's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, the dogs are happy and the home is filled with the aroma of fresh brewed and bacon.
  8. They do become a very important part of our lives. I'm thankful to be woken up every morning by mine.
  9. Everybody has seen my wee fish theiving rats a hundred times or more. We love Xmas. Lucky was a rescue dog I picked up at the humane society. Despite being abused she is the most loyal and lovable dog I have known. 15 years old and just starting to slow down. She has been surrogate mommy to every puppy and kitten to enter our doors. Even when she really did not want to. Harlem kept trying to suckle the old girl for about 6 weeks and she just put up with it. They know when to line up for brekkie I have to thank Hammercarp for the nickname. Quite an appropriate title for little Peanut as a "Scandinavian Fish Retreiver" Last, but not least, we have Ruffins. A loveable rascal in our home for 3 short years, but I was forced to put him down. Found out later he was the product of a puppy mill. My kids still have not forgiven me. Yes I am as attached to my animals as my own offspring. The dogs at least listen when spoken to
  10. Congrats on the surprise catch. Good to hear you and Steve had a great day.
  11. loon mallard 30lb snapper rods and reels old anchors. a 12 ft boat (landed it too!) bicycle microwave umbrella ( my biggest fight. Was opened up and drifting along the bottom of the 12 Mile creek) lawn chairs beer and pop cans
  12. Best to call ahead. Each conservation authority has it's own definition of the no motor rule.
  13. It may be funny and your laughing now , but remember this lesson I give to my son. Your dad is the mirror image of you in days to come. It will come back to haunt you.
  14. None wrong with that at all. Nice walter. My mother still likes to put me in my place when we go fishing It's the way things were meant to be. Look at poor TJ as a classic example. Without his Mrs catching the fish, he might starve.
  15. Should be no problem fishing downstream of the Queenston ramp. As already mentioned, just be mindful of the current. Also keep well to the Canadian side unless you have a N.Y. license and equipment that conforms to USCG standards. They have different requirements.
  16. Got to drag them out with you. That way there is no squawking from the chicken coop.
  17. Nice little corner of paradise you have there. Great place to share time with the young ones.
  18. As mentioned by BTBM many conservation areas have policies promoting C&R but they are not entrenched in the provincial regs. At best they might ask an offending party to pack up and leave for failing to obey the rules of the park.
  19. And they allow these people to breed!
  20. Looks like you and those kids are having a lot of fun. That is the most important thing. Big fish sizes are small potatoes to all those smiles I see.
  21. Great report, haven't seen chain pics since I was a teen staying with my uncle in NS. New Brunswick is another beautiful province and good fishing to boot. As for eel. Yeech! The oldtimers would get them in traps and drop them live into a sack of coarse salt. Then they would clean them and either brine them or smoke them.
  22. Dagummit! Lard Tunnerin! These newfs breed like rats In a few months I'll offer congratulations. Don't be wanting to jinx things
  23. Great report. Nothing beats the satisfaction of success on your own lures.
  24. It's a tough position to be in all of a sudden. Sometimes you choose a new path. Other times a door opens in an unexpected direction and you go where you never dreamed of. I wanted to join the Reg navy but could not pass the physical, so I did the next best thing back then, time with the reserves on weekends while doing the 9-5 in factories. Went back and got edumacated and spent 10 years in hospital admin. Then became a contractor and suddenly back to doing what my grandparents first did when they came here, agriculture and Hort! I never thought I would wind up where they began. Truth is it was the most satisfying career. Long story short. Life can be full of surprises. You've got the attitude and adaptability to make a go of most opps. Have at it.
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