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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Bread pack is made with plain white bread which can be bought for 1 to 2 bucks a loaf. You put the fresh bread in a food processor and chop it up fine. Then place the crumbs in a zip lock bag. Squeeze most of the air out of the bag. Don't compact the bread into a solid mass though. One or two loaves will do for the day. If you don't have a food processor you can just tear the bread into little chunks. This will work but makes packing it around the hook evenly a little more difficult. Keep the zip lock bag closed to prevent the bread from drying out. That's it, simplicity at its best. Your total bait cost for the day would be between a buck and a half to four and and half bucks. This is the method for getting your bread pack around your baited hook. Use your hand to scoop up a bunch of pack bait . Hold your hand flat and using you other hand make a dent through the middle of the pile. Place the baited hook into the dent. Close your hand and squeeze repeatedly to pack the bait around the hook. Shift the pack around in you hand and squeeze repeatedly again. Repeat this until you have a nice evenly packed egg or ovoid shaped lump of bait. You are now ready to fish carp . Please see next post
  2. Hey Guys. I want to introduce you to a method for catching carp that I think is superior in many respects to the classic European method with the 12ft rod, baitrunner reel with bite alarm. This technique has evolved over the last 50 to 70 years to it's present form. The rods and reels are commonly available across North America and the baits are made with inexpensive store bought items. The line and terminal tackle are all readily available here as well. I use UglyStik rods either the 6ft or the 8 1/2 ft in MH action. The six footer I have is a one piece. I land carp over 30 lbs on these rods every year. They are fitted out with Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 6000 reels loaded with either 12 or 17 lb Berkly Trilene XT mono. Any comparable rods and reels will do. If you are starting out in carping this is the way to go because you can also fish for channel cats, pike, musky ( not the real big girls though) and even cast off piers for chinooks with the same outfit. The typical European outfit uses a Baitrunner reel which is considered an essential . The baitrunner reels were engineered to duplicate the features of a baitcaster reel ( which predate baitrunners by decades) in that baitcasters can be set on freespool. This feature is used on a baitcaster to cast with and also allows the fish to run with the bait and not pull your outfit into the drink. The baitcaster reels have a clicker or line-out alarm which sounds off when then fish takes off with your bait. With baitrunner reels you have to buy an electronic alarm which can cost anywhere from 30 to over 200 dollars. These alarms can also be frought with problems due to water getting in them and the clicker on a baitcaster does not need a battery which we all know can run down at the most inconvenient times. The terminal tackle consists of; a #2/0 or #1/0 straight eye baitholder hook. Mustad and Eagle Claw hooks will do just fine. Owner also makes a deadly sharp hook in this style and it is my favourite, a large barrel swivel , a plastic or rubber bead and egg sinkers. The bait is in two parts. The hook bait and the pack bait. For a hook bait a puffed corn is used. Please note not Corn Pops. These are readily available at the Bulk Barn or a local " healthy food " type store. They cost $2.99 for a big bag, which should last all season. You simply impale a piece with the hook. The puffs can have stuff added to them to increase their effectivness but this is not neccessary to start with. Please see next post
  4. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/w9DQnT1Awig?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JrudgFTgGrQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0fOaCTddlng?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. MM A ten pound carp can take a pretty big bait if it wants it. You are on the St. Lawrence so you know there are carp there over 50 lbs. If it is them you are after I would spend some time researching. Talk to guys, look for big fish in certain areas. Also another tactic for bigger fish is to fish beside your baited area. If you put a bunch of boiled corn out as chum and you get carp feeding in it , try casting 5 or 10 yards outside that area. I have caught bigger fish doing this. The bigger fish are less aggressive and less competitive for food. So they don't mix it up with the smaller fish milling about over your bait. You can also try float fishing for them. A lot of big carp here in Ontario have fallen to good float fisherman. I think one of the reasons is again that big fish are less aggressive and are more vulnerable to finesse tactics. If you chum with boiled field corn just use single piece as hookbait. Hope this helps.
  7. Puffed Corn - Please note Corn Puffs not Corn Pops
  8. My answer to your question is, "Not You" at least not the value of your money. This inflation is the result of the financial crisis that nearly sank the worlds economy. When I started a post about the crooks that did this ( Inside Job ) there was not a bit of interest on this forum. The guys that caused this and future financial troubles yet to come class all got bonuses again in 2010. They could not give a crap about the price of gas, heating oil, insurance and the like.
  9. I like to use the store bought " lifting ground bait" It has particles in it that suspend in the water column and drift in the current. This way you can draw carp into your swim no matter where they are in water, on top, suspended or on the bottom. I would not use method as pack bait. The mechanical properties of method are too unpredictable and unreliable. You may get frustrated with it flying off on a cast or sitting on the bottom like a lump of concrete.
  10. Mike yes there is a difference between the three. Ground bait- ground bait is put into the water by throwing it in. You can pitch it by hand like a baseball or use any of a number of devices to get it out there. A ground bait ball breaks down and covers the ground/bottom in the area you are fishing. It is meant to draw and hold fish in your swim. Method - method is cast in along with you hook bait. It is secured to your line by a method feeder or feeder weight. Method usually stays together on you feeder and gets the fish to put it's head closer to your baited hook. The method mix usually falls off when you are playing a fish or reeling your line back in. Pack bait- pack bait is packed around your baited hook and cast in. It is meant to break down shortly after it hits the bottom. It serves to draw and hold the fish and get them to put their heads close to your baited hook. Pack bait recipes should be followed closely because they need the mechanical strength to stay on your line while casting and they need to break down shortly there after. Some one who is good with pack bait can tell you when their pack will break within 10 seconds after hitting the bottom. As you can see they all have different purposes and techniques for their use. You can also pre-bait or chum the area you are going to fish. This done to get the fish used to feeding in your swim. This is usually done with particles/seeds like field corn or wild bird seed. You do this by putting the prepared chum/bait into the area/swim you are going to fish every day at the same time for a few days before you fish. Usually three days to a week is a good length of time. There are various devices used to accomplish this. Field corn should be soaked and boiled and wild bird seed should be soaked before you use them.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Come on out and check it out. Cheap admission, free parking. Drop by and say hello. Niagara Outdoor Show
  13. Wow! Speed and power.
  14. Cool. Nice fish.
  15. There are those that are already ahead of you but good thinking.
  16. :lol: I do not doubt that having to rub elbows with Brits, Hungarians, South Africans and others from around the globe will do him some good.
  17. Hey you bass guys you should drop by the 2011 World Carp Championship. BASS founder Ray Scott will be visiting the event for a few days. You never know, you may bump into him. Click on the link to read about it. BASS friends with carp I don't seriously expect you to do so. But it does show that efforts are being made to extend the hand of friendship amongst anglers and that is a good thing for all of us.
  18. Spears Fishing not spear fishing
  19. Wolf I think the record now comes from Lake Simcoe, although it was from the Gan for quite a while.
  20. I lmao at this one especially the shot at the end of the video. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O89P4UwDVso?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. The short answer is yes WWD's as us carp guys call them are carp magnets in the winter. The coal fired generating station that was in operation in Mississauga was a well known hot spot for winter carping. If you get any, post the pictures of your "snow carp". We love to see them.
  22. I caught a pop can and when I drained the water out I found it was inhabited by a 2 1/2" small mouth. I was trolling for musky with a mepps and snagged the corner of a waterlogged 1/4" 4x6 ft. sheet of plywood. It must have blown off somebodies boat house. When it was gliding through the water I thought I had a monster.
  23. That was cool. It was like watching a submarine go buy.
  24. Quillback sucker. The long dorsal spine gives it away. They also have a very distinctive looking eye, with a vertical dark bar running through it.
  25. Links to photo bucket do not work No Pictures
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