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Everything posted by Paully

  1. do they always bite with their backs? lol
  2. Yea... and last week i was catching crappie on scugog trolling a muskie killer, and the CO came by and didn't have a problem with it!
  3. Cash grab..
  4. I check this site out every now and then... http://www.trapper.ca/cnta/index.php
  5. Stick to fish porn and you'll never have these kinds of problems..
  6. Hire a trapper in your area.. They make great hats .. or winter mitts
  7. Epic! You really know how to sum up a trip..
  8. If you really think about it.. you're eating a chickens time of the month
  9. 8 - 10 lb clear line..
  10. Sweet ride bud.. This might be a dumb question but i gotta ask.. Whats the difference with a saltwater engine??
  11. Nice.. you should post crappie pics more often..
  12. I think you mean the following saturday..? no?..
  13. Boston got the number 2 pick..
  14. Maybe it was dog walkers..was it on a path or next to the river? You should post the chicken pics!
  15. Canada must be great if you risk your life just to get here! http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2010/04/13/13573861.html
  16. some real nice work!
  17. There is a couple of bays that will hold crappie... try Black duck bay(north-east end of the lake) But watch out for rocks..
  18. Thats cool... Reminds me of another board member that had a pet muskie.
  19. I caught a nice 3lb trout and decided to keep it for the table..Anyone got a simple way to make it?
  20. Paully


    "Im sick of these Monday to Friday snakes on this monday to friday plane!".. if it were on superstation.. they hack everything
  21. What are the odds of winning?..
  22. So when is dinner?
  23. :jerry:
  24. I used power pro 50lb to wrap a guide up then some clear epoxy to keep it in place.. This was only meant to be a temporary fix but is still good till this day.
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