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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. Man for 50 a month it almost sounds like everything will disappear come spring or over the winter
  2. That's Awesome Glen where did you get your supplies?
  3. I feel that Garmin is behind in technology compared to Lowrance or Humminbird. Preference is totally up to you
  4. Jane & Finch is a nice neighborhood Barrie would be my choice
  5. Oh yea to get to the south launch you turn right where you see the Stephan plant sign and just keep going straight over the tracks
  6. Depending on the size of your boat the free launch of the south end is a lil Skitchy. But i have seen a 18ft Lund launch with a truck. If in doubt you can head to the trailer park it's number 7199 and is it ever a trailer park. The launch is awesome with docks just a steep hill getting to the launch. They charge $15
  7. Hmm you shouldn't have a problem turning your engine over at all. I would check your connections at the battery wire brush the connections to make sure you have solid contact. If that doesn't work then i would have your battery tested i know the opti's needs a lot of cranking amps to turn the motor.
  8. Witch trail cam do you have? nice shots
  9. You should forward that to everyones email lol
  10. Yea it's the best way to make them rig's. In my eyes i think this is like the first drop shot rig. I think we all at some point in time have used a "drop shot" rig.
  11. Can anyone find any plans on building a PVC frame for the winter?
  12. Yea white milky is water mixing with oil. Your gonna have to drain the tank and put fresh gas in. Cause could be to much ethanol gas use over the years. I would recommend you use a non ethanol gas such as Shell V-power (91 octane) or Ultra Mar premium (91octane) they both don't have ethanol.
  13. The higher quality wet skins suit aren't bad. I recently bought a viking 2 piece suit love it.. But in a couple of years i will fall off my wallet and get a Gore-Tex suit 100MPH
  14. Yea i would go that root if you got the money. I basically just bought a cheap new fish finder for the front used the transducer that came with it. Witch was the transom mount kind. But as for electric steer or cable steer just depends what type of fishing you are doing. Cable steer is more for tourney anglers and electric is more for all around fishing in my opinion.
  15. Try the red Label for your main line
  16. Give them a call they can answer all your questions Rocky's Tackle repair 3 Royce Ave Orillia ON, L3V 5H8 Phone #: 705-325-3526
  17. Sorry about your loss. Does anyone know of any outboard locks we can get?. I know they sell them for the smaller 9.9 and 20Hp outboards
  18. i hate winter
  19. Great break out the credit card again lol
  20. Lures as gifts wow. I wouldn't be able to do it.
  21. Yes Check out Northamfishing they are awesome ppl to deal with and quality lures
  22. Blood Knot http://www.animatedknots.com/bloodknot/ind...imatedknots.com
  23. I would run one of these batteries it will last about 8-10hrs per charge witch is typically 2 trips for ppl. It's a 12v 7amp Sealed lead acid battery
  24. How much is GCD paying you to Post? lol
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