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Everything posted by radar

  1. I spent one day on the water with him and this doesn't surprise me at all. (Except maybe feeding himself by catching fish . Those perch were pretty small Skip!)
  2. Great job Skipper.
  3. Fishunter!!! Lloyd is great. In all honesty for me to fork out $$ for a guide is a big deal and he would be a first choice evertime. Been twice for walleye with him and next on tthe bucket list is Lake O for salmon.
  4. What a great report!!!
  5. And Ron iss being shy, but he caught his first bass too. My computer is down so I can't put the pic up. Someone should take the guy out for a day of smallies. He's a great guy, you'll love it. FYI - Cliff is hoping to have his computer back Mon.
  6. Finally managed to find time to cash in on the Fishing for Tyler auction item offered by Skipper D. Big Cliff glad you could join us. Great day on the water. Appreciate the tour of Simcoe and the perch. Got a good feed scheduled for tomorrow. Few too many dinks caught, but not for lack of trying. We fished from Barrie to Cooks Bay. Cliff the venison summer sausage is great. Skipper, the computer is fried. I only have the one pick of your bass and its not that great.
  7. Glen Haffy looks good. Will have to try it. The best part is, we weren't fishing at Centreville, this was between rides.
  8. Took my 7 and 4 year old to Centreville on Toronto Island. Saw a guy with a good bend in a rod fighting a fish and my 7 year old asked to go watch. Guy was bringing in about 4 pound carp. He sees my kid and hands him the rod and tells him to fight the fish. Was only for a bit of the fight but my kid loved it. The guy then wanted the rod back and declined my offer to net it. Quick thanks and off we went with a huge smile on both our faces.
  9. I rented a boat for the day, After 20 mins recon, the engine conked out. Had to paddle back to shore against the current. Can't tell you how many people ignored me when I was trying to flag help. Had to ditch it up by highway and walk back. Owner was great about it. Apologized, made amends. Gave me a new one for the day and free one the next time. Arms were dead do didn't do much fishing and never went back. So I can't help with fishing, but he seemed like good people. Had just got em back from service and clearly something went wrong.
  10. Did mine! Have a questuion though. Most gov't will only pull info from a survey that is useful to the results they want. Given fishing is clearly not on their radar, it is probably goinng to get buried. How are you going to get the disclosure you need? Will it require an Freedom of Information request? How the heck do you do it anyway? Can anyone help with that? Ron keep up the good fight! I don't live there but apppreciate everything you have done.
  11. Not to dredge up an old topic, but can anyone tell me where I can get sealed blind rivets in Markham/Durham area? Been to the hardware stores Brafasco and Fastenall in Markham and Pickering areas and they don't have stainless or aluminium sealed blind rivets in stock. Anyone know where I can get them. Princess Auto? I've just redone the floor of my 17' Springbok and love the extra space without the old beat up livewell. I am going to leave it out and patch the through hole. Thanks
  12. "Mom and poop" it is too damn funny. I refuse to edit it! Stoopid blackberry vs. Fat thumbs
  13. Anyone have any details/info on Silver Pines on Sparrow? Looking for a place for 6-8 guys at the end May for fishing/poker. Not very picky, but having a restaurant on site is a big bonus. We are so spolied with everyody having websites, I don't want to bypass this place because they don't. It could be a mom and poop place that is a gem. Any other recommendations for places to stay? Thanks
  14. Dr. Sal you too have obviously educated yourself and formulated opinions. Surely you have something to contribute. Factual data? Research studies. Please respect Bigugli's original post about trying to mobilize about MNR not against college pensions.
  15. Bigugli I'm with ya. I don't care if its just you and me. Let's pick a day and spread the word! So what are the key points that need to made? 1) The COs have all but disappeared. 2) The MNR's mandate is based off of Resource Management based on scientific research. DJeep make s a great point there about cutbacks affecting research quality. (As a point on this, this is becoming a trademark slogan in Public Service (I know I work in it). Multiple Ministries are now stating they are providing service based on research - only they are not supporting research or they are cherrypicking research with less cost impact.) 3) Are there specific - quantifiable examples we could provide about "These cuts have resulted in this X". This needs to be kept real simple to get a message across. Jedi I know you are worried from a taxpayer/value perspective, but you offered a website. Still interested? Djeep can you get some actual facts of the deterioration of the research which would lead to poor MNR results? could you help mobilize (or at least psread the word to) a student population (are there groups clubs, organizations?) Is there a media/marketing person on line who can help structure a some strategies? Are there people online who could champion a social networking blitz? If every person on this board who visits another site could carry this message to every message board in Ontario - imagine the coverage for that. Hunting, fishing, canoeing, hiking, whatever kinda boards. Contact OFAH anyway. I am an OPSEU boy ( who believes OPSEU must play a viatl role in financial accountability to taxpayer), I'm sure I could find a disgruntled MNR employee or 2 who could provide some real input as to how bad it really is for them. What is really preventing them from putting feet on the ground to make a difference. Any other ideas?
  16. And great wings at the pub in Bewdley. I know yiu picked already by Stouffermill B+B on Hall's lake. Her cooking will blow your mind.
  17. I have a gov't job. I love what I do. If I say this I get nailed for being an ungrateful public servant. Untrained, unexperienced temps to fill holes in budget cuts have ben the norm for years. You do what you can so that you can leave work and hold your head high and leave the rest to the powers that made this mess. People get ticked at the bad service and blame unions for making the mess. Before I get jumped on, there is something to be said about being grateful for the job tho and putting in the extra time/effort, (and I do despite my kids asking this very night why I can't be home more) Remember, you will only be missed as long as it would take for the water to fill the whole if you pull your fist out of a bucket of water (did I get that saying right?). Skipper D is onto something there. Your priorities will shift and something else will come along. You sound like a guy who would be able to find other work because of your work ethic if your priorities forced it. Hang in there. I am.
  18. I'm sure the concept of possession has been challenged extensively and there is a working def'n. CO authority and discretion are very broad. While there certainly are bad apples I'm sure most aren't going to stick their neck out when they stand the chance of being called to court to explain themsleves. I am not saying anyone was a jerk in any of these cases, but I'm sure a lot of times the fined party talked or acted themselves into the fine/consequence. Or perhaps past history was used as a deternining factor. The test would be, given the totality of the circumstance, would a "reasonable" person reviewing the facts find the party guilty of the offence. That is what court is for. If someone has a complaint file it. Get it on record. Get an incident report number if they are asking for cash. We don't want absolute def'ns because then everyone gets charged or no one does. Discretion is important.
  19. To tie the 2 parts of this thread together...I was fishing Rice lake for crapppie one spring and hooked a solid bass literally as the MNR came around the point of an Island. They stayed respectfully back until I landed it and asked me to hold it up as it was a good fish on an ultralight set up. One look at my gear (slip floats and small jigs) and no worries. Actually had a good chat with them. They ended up giving some great advice on where to fish and had my best day of crappie fishing. I still call that my best day of crapppie fishing even though it wasn't my idea to go where they advised and I'll take the credit. And once again Lew is right. A big fish is a big fish.
  20. And now Skeeter has hooked me up with free tickets to the fishing show Its a good day!
  21. Found a big fat wallet on the side of 9th Line in Markham. HAd been run over a few times. Looked like everything was there - $101 cash, $6,000 in cheques, bunch of credit cards all normal ID - including his mechanic credentials - couple pictures of some cute kids. Figured out the address and phone number and tried to reach the guy. He calls me and said he didn't even know it was gone and was so grateful. So he hands me the $100 bill and absolutely refuses to take it back. That's a nice easy 5 minutes work and now I have a $100 to blow at the fishing show tomorrow!
  22. Just got back for Thunder Bay (work not fun). Fly Porter outta downtown TO. You can get a return flight for $230.00. First time flying Porter - so much better.
  23. If it helps to keep things straight, I've pm'd Big Cliff and will put my order through him. Don't know if you need to take me off the main list. 2 shirts - 1 small, 1 medium (don't care what colour but if you need me to choose - grey) And thanks for doing this
  24. I have not been able to contribute to Fishing for Tyler so would love to see it. Strong OFC logo presence would be nice. I'm in for a shirt or 2. Anything with OFC and charity I'm good for.
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