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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. unless mother nature has a passport that's the case!
  2. just looking at the 7 day forecast for North Bay. Highs of 0 and lows of -3to-6 last year i was ice fishin december 3rd and this year we still have no ice or snow! Bring on the cold!
  3. Merci monsieur!
  4. would it be possible for you to post it in french as a new thread Roy? and add the english later on if you find it?
  5. obviously not too smart about it if he took it to the butchers. rightfully so they were charged. personally the MNR should look into the numbers and open a short hunt in the area, but then people are gonna complain when they dont get drawn for a tag, its lose lose.
  6. hahaha "hunny i accidently dropped my camera in the water" i need a new one i wanna hear how that one goes over lol good lookin day out a few nice lookin ones too.
  7. what does that accomplish i realize you legally can but who does it benefit. it's a dog for cryin out loud, derived from wolves it's natural to chase other animals. the guy asked a simple question he got his answer and probably doesnt need to hear that it doesnt bother some holes to shoot it for simply being a dog.
  8. good to see man! i like the mix of fish especially the few browns tossed in.
  9. thats' correct, my appologies.
  10. yea as wayne stated you can be up the creek without a paddle if caught it's considered hunting , as for tia taking down a turkey, not likely gonna happen HUNTING: Includes lying in wait for, searching for, being on the trail of, pursuing, CHASING or shooting at wildlife, whether or not the wildlife is killed, injured, captured or harassed. You need a hunting licence to do any of these things, except where the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act , 1997 states otherwise. nice looking pal ya got there laszlo Matt!
  11. i kinda figured it was a smaller lake, i recognize some of the backrounds in these pics from older posts as well.
  12. let's start off with saying congrats on startin the hardwater guiding. As for fav pic i didnt know which one to pick then i decided to choose this one for a few reasons. first off i was pre-fishing for a tournament on a lake i was not familiar with, for starters. Then mother nature decided to throw in a curve ball the day before i left to go down there. from nice sunny 25C no wind no cloud catch em non stop under the cover kinda days to 12C windy and POURING rain. i mean cats and dogs doesnt do it justice it was raining hippos and giraffs. the fish were impossible to find for the first half of the day. so my buddy who i took up with me and i decided to make a run to town and grab a few odd ball lures to try and grab a bite to eat. needless to say i wasnt feeling subway after it sat in 4 inches of water in the bottom of the boat. so we make our way back to the lake get all set up and ready to go again i untied all my rods and switched to some lures i didnt expect to work like a super spook over 75 FOW and sure enough BAM. i set hook into one. and another and another. in 4 casts we have almost 14 lbs of fish. that bite slowed down and i switched to a small storm sub-wart around some deep cover and thats where i got into this hungry hog. at 4-9 its not my biggest fish but a great way to end what seemed like a terrible trip at first. we ended up catching about 15 fish that day and all deccent sizes. Unfortunately i got sent away for work 2 days later and didnt fish the tournament, although i did find out that the winning weight was just over 15 lbs on what was called a "terrible wet cold crappy rainy day" by a few of the guys i heard from who did fish it. our pre fish weight was 3- 13 3- 12 4- 2 3-9 and 4-9 for a total of 19- 13 i think this fish just made me feel good to realize that on any given day on any water i think i was able to find the fish. Matt!
  13. What he said /\ I I great report mike
  14. is everybody missing the fact that as the number of houses and buildings and destruction of natural living spaces of these animals takes place their gonna move out. come up "north" like north bay, which i still consider fairly south and see how many of the little fury buggers you can count in an afternoon walk. If ya see less than 5 in 3 hours of walking ya better see an optometrist
  15. i must have seen 5 or 6 of them tonight along with 3 deer in north bay city limits on my walk, just went for a short walk through a few trails in town and saw plenty, all of them white yet we havnt even had a dump of snow yet
  16. thats a great day on the water kev and sly. some really nice lookin fish there, how big is the lake your on? is like 200Acres or 2000?
  17. give it time brian! did you ever figure out what was on your ladder that they loved so much? not everyone gets as lucky or should i say unlucky as me! i went for a walk the other day after putting out more bait and walked up on a doe a spike and a fork horn all at about 15 yards in some beaver grass broadside. thats the lucky part, unlucky was i didnt bring the bow cuz my hands were full of corn salt lick and apples on the way in!
  18. are you saying you'll give me 20$ if it turns into a shemozzle? hahaha cuz i'm in
  19. giggity gigggity! all done!
  20. 10 bucks says it will! hahaha
  21. you'll never forget that fish picture or not man!
  22. this is the best picture i could find Jaques you can see how the eye (where line is tied) is on a bit of an angle downward personally i would prefer if they were angle upwards which would reduce the effect of sinking on the topwater Great job on them by the way! lookin good Matt!
  23. nice looking fish like you said nothing huge but definatley plenty of them cool shots, those cameras are awsum too a buddy of mine has one
  24. Wally-world carries rapala reels
  25. i don't believe it's because tourists are " cheap" or rapists of our waters, as far as i know a non resident whether they be from saskatchewan or florida they only have the option of a conservation license and not a sport, as far as locals being caught with "one" extra fish thats likely one per trip or outing resulting in maybe 20 or 10 or 100 fish over their limit over the course of the year and one night line may only kill a few fish after people let them go the following morning because they're too small so when ya start to think of it as Rick said earlier locals are the ones who do the most damage by far wether it reaches the public's eye or not. so think about "one" extra fish on a provincial scale
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