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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. ...is that Savagear stuff really not all that good? Do you REALLY think I paid full price for that?! :@ As Wayne Brady would say: do I have to choke a *****?! :@ .... I'm heading there tomorrow anyway. so... EDIT: I didn't realize this topic would cause such a stir!
  2. So... In light of all the great input... I went to BPS today to checkout their SPRING SALE.... Here's what I picked up... This was the stuff on SALE too... I couldn't bring myself to spending in upwards of $20 for some of the Musky Lures! (I don't get to go musky fishing all that often)... Coming this season - would any seasoned vet's care to take out a MUSKY Beginner? I'd be willing to split cost of gas....
  3. I know there is 1 guy that works @ the Markham Location that's a member here... hopefully he can put some insight?... Forgot his OFC Handle though
  4. LoL - I seriously thought everyone was stumped on this... Reason why I asked is cause, I would REALLY love to see some videos recorded on BLU-RAY... Something like THIS would be AWESOME to watch in BLU-RAY....
  5. .... Did I just stump OFC or something? Bump..... .....In hopes of getting an answer?
  6. Hey Folks, I been thinking... Do you guys/gals know of any fishing videos that have crossed over into the BLU-RAY market? I know videos like the Lindner's would be AMAZING if it came in BLU-RAY quality... but I don't know if they have (or any fishing videos for that matter).... Anyone know if there are any out there? Cheers, A2F
  7. Thank You Sir!
  8. Hey Folks, I've been searching on BPS with no luck at all! I can't seem to find the ONLINE FLYER for the TORONTO AREA of BPS!! I know someone posted it earlier... and I've checked out the site.... I keep getting a "Dead Link".... Can anyone help?! RoB
  9. What ZONE is VANCE's RESORT located in??
  10. Hey Folks, I'm heading up to VANCE's RESORT up north in a couple months time, and I more specifically want to target MUSKY while I'm up there. (Going on the 1st week of June). I've never caught a MUSKY before, but I'm sure as damn hell determined to... My question to you MUSKY FISHERMAN is... What would be your TOP-5 MUSKY "MUST-HAVE" BAITS/LURES when targeting MUSKIES? If you can, can you include PICTURES of the LURES/BAITS... Most of us haven't heard of all the popular "Musky" baits out there... Thanks in advance to those whom have contributed... A2F (RoB) PS: Are there any TIPS anyone can provide in terms of heading to VANCE's RESORT? **I'm not looking for any special spots by any means... just tips, like... What should I bring (fishing wise)... etc...** THANKS AGAIN!!
  11. LMAO!!! Someone is bitter!!
  12. Haha! I liked that one too!
  13. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fell outta my chair..... Hahahaha Anyone seen this video?
  14. LOL!!! Did you guys manage to catch anything?! hahahah... at least it was good for something! I was NEVER planning on buying this... I just wanted to hear others inputs..
  15. Hey Folks, Just wanted to know if anyone's EVER tried this out before... I came across it by accident on the internet... hahaha... looks interesting enough.... http://www.trollingbobber.com/ Your Thoughts?
  16. I know somebody posted something about River Etiquettes awhile back.... Can't remember whom though.
  17. I was there... but not really "socializing" hahaha... You can see my buddy's black hat in-between Pete Maina and the lady to the right of him. I was next to my buddy (Behind Pete Maina in the picture) *8th Picture* I had no idea there was a G2G that day! I was there... but not really.... Enjoyed seeing people that I recognized from the forum.
  18. Sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...
  19. http://www.break.com/index/dude-catches-fi...-bare-hand.html Check this out.... pretty awesome!!
  20. R-Type?
  21. Awesome!! Thanks for that JP! I think I might just search for that rod!! Thanks to all others who contributed!!
  22. Yeah.... good point! Guess I had too much work on the mind at the time... My budget is MAX. $120 + taxes. BTW... Here are the specs on the MED. TRIGGER rod I have... MODEL#:GS66MT-2 MAKE: BPS "GRAPHITE SERIES" LENGTH: 6'6" PCS: 2 ACTION: MEDIUM LINE RANGE: 8 - 17LB. WEIGHT: 1/4 - 5/8oz. COLOUR: BLACK/SILVER EDIT: I'm looking to pick one up @ the Fishing/Boat show coming up...
  23. I require it because I travel when I fish... don't have my own boat... YET!
  24. Hey Addicts, I'm in the market for a Crankbait Rod - Trigger Style. My only requirement is that its a 2pc. Here are my questions... 1) What are the usual specifications on a Crankbait rod? (ie: lure weight etc...) 2) Is it advisable to get a 7' rod? I have a medium-action Trigger rod, that I've been using - but found it has a poor performance for crankbaits. (I don't have the specs on me right now, but will get 'em once I get home from work). Right now, all I can tell you is that its a 6'6" made by BPS "Graphite Series". ...What do you recommend? Thanks, A2F (RoB)
  25. HOLY SMOKES!! I almost thought that was REAL for a second there!!! AWESOME WORK!!
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