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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Does anyone have an idea how much these things would 'normally' go for?
  2. Uhm... What does THAT do for yourself? Other than wasting a few pennies on a stamp?
  3. HAHA!! Now that's an awesome idea!!
  4. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=how+do+I+patent+an+idea+in+canada
  5. I went to Lake O yesterday, just to test them out - pretty awesome action in these things!
  6. Checkout Youtube - There are a lot of videos on the Savagear Lineup! Pretty awesome action on these things...
  7. Here are 2 similar posts somebody made a long time back... - http://www.fishontario.com/species/Other/index.cfm?ID=61&FN=20080912105109_OtherSpecies - http://ontariosportfishing.com/view_topic.php?forum_id=6&id=177 now I just realized, they're talking about Simcoe on here ..... my bad!
  8. I would assume a "Ledger Rig" (I think the folks in England call 'em)... would be best, with some type of float to get it a few feet higher off the ground?
  9. Hey Rick, The only skins I see available are IP.BOARD; IP.BOARD LO-FI & CLUB...Currently using IP.BOARD.... unless, I'm on a different page here? EDIT: Are there supposed to be other skins available?
  10. I remember a couple years back @ a local trib, a kid was telling me he's been using Cod Liver Oil to attract the trout/salmon. Now, how true that is is beyond me... as I've never tried it. Very interesting question though... wondering if anyone can share some light on this...
  11. I saw their lures once @ a Fishing show a year or 2 ago, and haven't seen it since. Thanks to mistaredone, I've emailed them finding out whom their vendors are and where I can locate MORE of their tackle - Once I get a response, hopefully I can still find this post - and will reply with an update.
  12. Casting for a Cure would be my choice/recommendation... http://www.factsoffishing.com/castingforacure/
  13. LOL!! .... Boom-chika-wow-wow!
  14. I'd check to see if the area you plan to fish - is "Pike" sufficient habitat.
  15. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=binocular+faq%27s
  16. I've found that when the fish are active, X-Rap Slashbaits are your key. When in a neutral/negative feeding mode... Husky Jerks..... Depending if they are in a real negative feeding mood... Use a HJ... Jerk it... and leave it still for as long as you can't stand it anymore! Neutral Mood - Jerk it - leave it for 5-8sec.... then repeat! Good Luck!
  17. Sweet!! I didn't know Mr. Aaron & Barry were members of OFC! Sick!! I'm headin Sunday! (at least hoping)
  18. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fish+of+professor%27s+lake+in+brampton 4th link reads the following 1660 North Park Drive 905-791-7751 Map ID: 55 Types of Fish: Black Crappie, Bluntnose Minnow, Carp, Koi, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Sunfish, Rock Bass, Sucker, Yellow Perch, Jumbo Perch Admission: FREE Boat Rentals: Not available for fishing, shore fishing only Season: Year-round, depending on the weather Hours of Operation: No regulated hours, only for beach area
  19. Does anyone know what hours they operate?
  20. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... That is THEE MOST HONEST THING I've heard all day!!
  21. I've always been interested in doing tournaments... but have NEVER KNOWN how to go about doing so... To anyone that could answer this question: - If I wanted to join either club... How would I go about it? I currently live in Toronto, and do not have access to a boat; Though, I have LOTS of my own fishing equip. Anyone looking for a fishing partner? I have so many questions, I don't even know where to begin.
  22. CRAM: I didn't say I was going to buy EVERYTHING before my 1st adventure for hunting for Esox! I'm not rich! MuskyGreenHorn: What does the SXR14 look like? To whomever invited me to a Musky Hunt: For sure, I will definitally be contacting you for a trip!
  23. Wicked!! Thanks Man... I don't have access to a boat... so, im trying to stick with lures that work best for me. But I will definitely be looking into grabbing a few more tomorrow...
  24. Yeah, I'm going back there tomorrow... How many of the savagear's did you see left? Last I was there... I saw maybe 12-14 lures left....
  25. .........MTBF............. The Dolla-Rama Tourny..... fish were caught? weren't they?
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