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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Hey Folks, I am going to be heading up to Tobermory for a week for some Camping and Fishing (near Cyprus Lake). I was just wondering if anyone else knew of any other shore fishing spots in the area? The only spot I know of right now is the "dock"ish kind of area by Bay St. (See Link) right in Tobermory. <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=45.257247,-81.661828&hl=en&sll=45.255646,-81.66245&sspn=0.01148,0.01929&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=16&t=h&ie=UTF8&ll=45.255646,-81.66245&spn=0.01148,0.01929&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=45.257247,-81.661828&hl=en&sll=45.255646,-81.66245&sspn=0.01148,0.01929&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=16&t=h&ie=UTF8&ll=45.255646,-81.66245&spn=0.01148,0.01929&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small> Does anyone else know of other places I could try? I'm not looking for any "Secret" spots or anything - just a spot I can fish off of from shore. I don't have access to a Canoe/boat. Send me a PM if you wish. Thank you in Advance, Rob (A2F)
  2. I've had the same problems with the eyes too. I take my off - then re-glue then back on with some Crazy Glue - problem seems to have resolved since.
  3. Bruce Peninsula in 8 Days!!

  4. ...I was there on Friday Afternoon - LOTS of CRAPPIES Going to be heading there again NEXT friday!
  5. Hey Folks, I'm thinking of picking up 2 more rods & reels to my arsenal. Quick question... If you could pick and 2 RODS & REELS to bring with you EVERYWHERE FISHIN'... What would you choose? Why? **Specifically, The Power/Action for Rods and Reel Sizes** I'd like for some input... I have a selection of my own, but I wanna hear what others would choose. Thanks! Rob
  6. I have a Musky 2-pc 9' Rod for sale if you are interested. PM ME or have a look @ my profile to look @ my recent post.
  7. I LOVE READING your reports!! Love the "Mercer Hold" pic!
  8. Good Stuff Man!
  9. Just wondering if anyone has been to this lake recently and tried to go fishing? I'm planning on going there this Saturday (May 14th) - Just looking to doing some Ultra-Light Fishing...
  10. I should probably be working but... Anyway, I saw this on the internet (searching google images) and came across this... Thought it was interesting enough to share with everyone... http://worldvisionportal.org/lln/?attachment_id=98
  11. I was thinking of taking my F2 out to the rivers too! Must've been a BLAST! Thanks for Sharing Aaron!
  12. I always see Italo using them on his shows. I can never seem to find them. Would love to know if they're available in the GTA...
  13. Hey Folks, Just wanted to post a quick topic here. I was reading up on some Spring Pike Tips... and came across this thread on the internet... http://www.fishingbuddy.com/spring_pike_baits The part that struck me the most was the use of WD40?! I've tried doing a search on our forum, cause I remember seeing something similar in the past, but the results were too much to return anything substantial. My question is, has anyone heard of this tactic? Does anyone actually deploy this?! What is this stuff really made of?! Thanks, Rob
  14. I'll have to check this out @ home.
  15. Well, the last time I was there I spoke with the Owner of a Coffee Shop (Literally right by the dock that I showed you). He told me his son caught a nice Steelhead there. I would imagine there are lots of SM Bass and Perch around the docks. Let us know how you do! I'm heading there later this year to do some Camping & Fishing myself! Good Luck!
  17. Tobermory has a pier you can fish off of. I was there last year, and apparently hooked into a fish. I didn't know it at the time, because my wife was sitting there while I went to the men's room. When I had returned she told me that my reel was broken ....after a bit of investigation, she just didn't tighten the drag on it! Anyway, here's the link of where you can fish from the pier...I'm sure you can fish the other side, just haven't tried. (Although, the giant ferry that transports people would be a problem though) http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=45.257224,-81.661795&geocode=&hl=en&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&sll=45.255684,-81.663523&sspn=0.005763,0.009645&ie=UTF8&ll=45.256371,-81.662664&spn=0.005762,0.009645&z=17 PS: You'll have to COPY/PASTE the entire link above into another browser.
  18. Blah, its the closest lake to me. I just need to get rid of this "Itch". LOL EDIT: There's no CREAM for it - I've checked! (Thought I'd beat y'all to it - before someone said it!)
  19. Can anyone confirm if they've ever caught CRAPPIE out of that lake?
  20. Now I don't feel so "crazy" about fishing seeing all of those Hardbaits from KF! LOL!
  21. Me neither! I would imagine after soaking it, it'll loosen it up. but once it cools down again, I would imagine the line would conform to the spool again?? Anyone??
  22. Password Keeper for Android. Stores all your passwords and usernames for any application/website you need. Requires a Master Password to login, It's very useful! Does anyone know of an app that has/is a TOPOGRAPHICAL map? I know the guys from G2 Angling have it... Just don't know what it's called. :s Anyone?
  23. I like them. I got the 7'6" version. I use it for Panfish also. My only issue with it is that the tip is a little fragile. I think I've gone through 2 now? 1st one broke just cause I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. 2nd time, broke because I leaned it up against a tree.. when I went to grab it, it somehow got wedged and busted the tip. I'm now looking into getting the Daiwa Spinmatic-C Ultra-Light Series. Its roughly in the same price range I believe. http://lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp11/daiwa_procaster.pdf
  24. Hey Dan, anything? What's the news boss?
  25. I like the comment "I wonder how many quarters he put in the claw machine before he got the prize?" LOL!!!
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