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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Happily I saved it I'd post it here but I have been politely asked not to Actually .. I think of her every time I see this fellas thumbs jiggling
  2. Sweet .. and I think I got a few BPS $$ to spend ...
  3. Yes, sorry to hear of your loss.. I was just gonna reply in the other thread ...
  4. Yep .. the bags are a bit of a pain in the rain...gotta leave em open to dry out afterwards ... but then I normally only take the bags on the trip (in the car) but dump a couple planos into the cooler for on the boat ... especially now that theres all that room since we dont take beer out anymore
  5. I just had a really strange thought .. re-reading the thread on 2 favourite people to fish with .. and didnt wanna hijack it ... Anyhow ... all those folks we remember (dearly departed) who inspire(d) so many of us to fish ... must be smiling at us from heaven ... pole in hand ... and then I had to stop and wonder .... if there are fish in Heaven .... an if so what did the fish have to do to get there
  6. Well I dont have alot of pictures of my dad, he was killed when I was only 7 but here's a few of my favourites... He's taking the picture ... I think we were at Glen Haffy This one is at 'the point' at Heart lake .. where I caught my first rainbow ... my mom and aunt are sitting beside my dad there ... after he died they used to rent a boat together, or drive to collingwood to take me out fishing because they knew how much I loved it ... And this is really the only picture I have of me with my dad As for my grandfather .. I think I am gonna have to raid my mom's photo album and do some scanning ... I havent actually got any of him (he lived in Malta ... and died when I was about 11 but I'll never forget him making up a batch of STINKY cheese to be used as bait balls for the mullet) ... or when he was over staying with my Mom in Brampton just after my dad died I came home one day with a big pike and he was filleting it in the kitchen (that was the LAST fish I was allowed to bring home un-cleaned)
  7. What ? Lick em all ? COUNT ME IN !
  8. I use soft (small) gym type tote-bags for that stuff ... got 3 in my trunk mosta the time ... one with warm (dry) clothes ... one with miscellaneous tools and flashlights and rope etc. and one with all the 'bulkier' fishing type stuff that wont go into a Plano.
  9. Interesting ... I read an 'investor' article this week that predicted Oil down to $30 barrel by the summer ... oversupply .... sheesh ... who do you believe
  10. Ouch ... just be glad that fancy new boat of yours wasnt parked there (mental note for next year ... boat note safe beside hangar)
  11. Easy fellas ... lets not turn that clock ahead too fast (Im getting old and wanna actually enjoy the little time I got left) ... besides the 16th is my birthday so Im in no rush
  12. Planos all the way for me now ... got at least a dozen of em ... and soft bags to carry em in (4 at a time) . I'll never go back to the big bulky tackle boxes
  13. Cant we just move em ahead a couple months and get straight into Spring
  14. Thanks Guys .. mine are on their way
  15. Niether a snagger nor a poacher be Lest the gods of the deep take the lunkers from thee When yer out on the water with a worm on yer hook Let the denisons give it at least one long look May the Trout in the River and the Bass in the sea be your quest for the passion not just for a meal And may you save for the next guy the joys you have found So that when your children grow up itll still be around There .. thats my poem/pledge for the year
  16. I caught one of my biggest pike last season on a figure eight ... not even after a cast ... I was just demonstrating to my buddy what to do after every cast ... had the thing swimming for about a minute around the stern when wooooosh outta the weeds came a 38+ and inhaled my 10" Jake ... talkabout making a believer outta him ... he hardly cast all day .. just swam him his lure around the bow mosta the time
  17. Sorry to hear Lew, hope Sheri has a speedy recovery. As for the punk, well, things have a way of taking care of themselves ...
  18. My father and my Grandfather ... the two guys who taught me to love fishing and both gone before I was old enough to really appreciate them ... nuff said
  19. The Parking lot holds about 50 - 60 cars (and I think there is a second lot nearby) - not sure where the closest place to buy minnows is .. but I used to get them on the 400 just north of BPS at the petrocan (around back)
  20. Dont most of the Provincial parks also have a fee system ? (And all of the conservation Areas) ... personally I'd rather they have a fee and keep fishing 'allowed' than ban it altogether ... or worse yet sell off the land to a developer who will certainly not even allow it ...
  21. True Crusty ... and not just in Europe ... hasnt anyone sent their $5 'lottery' ticket for the right to fish (for one fish in one hole on one river) in the Gaspe rivers for Salmon yet ?
  22. Ok .. crap ... I guess I gotta take it all back when I said I wont ever buy any more music ... I just saw the Time 'Soft Rock' collection ... a 10 cd - 168 song collection for a mere $159 ... and came THIS >< close to buying it ... too bad they dont sell the 'mp3' edition ... then I wouldnt have to go through all the trouble of ripping it all onto another device (and risk breach of copyright in so doing) ...
  23. Wow ... I guess now I understand why they need my hard earned tax dollars so much more than my family does ...
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