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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks for sharing your 2010 review Lasz Congratulations to the both of you on your new addition she's a keeper and a real cutie Leechman
  2. Beauties Ben Thanks for sharing Leechman
  3. Lots of determination on his part Thanks for sharing Rob!!! Jacques
  4. Got another 3 today
  5. Well tonight got to playing with the camera and shot multiple footage of my pet bird Bungee, a love bird. This little fella is such a delight to watch every time I come close to his cage that tonight just could not resist I've tried numerous times to capture the moment on cam in the past but did not want to play along and act normal Tonight I was able to capture when he says his name and ask me what I'm doing in french obviously So I've compiled numerous videos into one for you to watch and hope you enjoy Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2FBungee%2FBungee2.mp4">
  6. Thanks Azulu!!! If you get the urge for making lures.... give Luremaking.com a try, they have everything you need to get started Great site and great prices
  7. Now that's bloody stone cold
  8. Lots of excitements from the sudden double header eh Simon Love it Man I still can't believe you're not keeping them whities Looks like a decent size too Great job you two and thanks for sharing Jacques
  9. Thanks Corvy!!! Lures galore lol I'm good to go for the next couple of years Certainly looking forward to having a few teeth marks on them babies Stay tune Thanks Bruce!!! I hear ya on stuff getting in the way of fishing.... certainly looking forward to ice season now Thanks TJ!!! Thanks Paul!!! It sure do
  10. You never cease to amaze me with your brush work Awesome job Terry Looking forward to your next one Jacques
  11. No worries just thought you should know I tried to search for the post and can't find it
  12. That was posted earlier last year i believe Paul.... and I don't remember who but they did an incredible job on the repairs for sure Jacques
  13. Kudos to you and Louis for giving it all you got considering the below temps and nasty winds Leechman
  14. Right on Jo-Anne That's hilarious Amazing what narrators can do with animal footage Thanks for sharing Jacques
  15. You are very lucky Lew.... must be very relaxing, watching from your vantage point Thanks for sharing those pics!!! Leechman
  16. After reading Bunk's reply above, well I just could not resist I did not get much fishing in this year but did get quite a lot accomplished at home.... stuff that I had put on the back burner for a couple of years. Suffice to say that this year, it needed to be done. From roof repairs to windows painting and driveway patching etc and the list goes on.... did manage to get a lot done So I put this little video together for you guys to watch and will let the slide show (pics) speak for itself Enjoy! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2F2010%2520Year%2520End%2520Report%2F2010YearEndReport.mp4">
  17. Awesome Dude Beautiful colors Leechman
  18. Yeah awesome video Dave Love it
  19. I remember that one what a giant laker
  20. You got 3 from me this afternoon.... good luck Shawn Awesome video dude Leechman
  21. Great report, pics and video Simon Got to love spending a couple of hours on the hard stuff and getting a limit of eyes and that 24"er was a beaut Too bad about losing the big ones at the hole would of been nice to see the pic of it *cough* uni knot *cough cough* p.s. do you always leave your pack of cigs on the ice near the hole while fishing Again great job and thanks for sharing Jacques
  22. Seen that one before Here Awesome stunt
  23. There's the report I was looking forward too What took you so long eh Looks like a fun day out minus the temps Questions Simon.... what was the ice thinkness on that lake? and why aren't you guys keeping the whities for the pan? The whities make a great table fare.... similar to walleye taste wise and just as flaky flesh wise. With the temps dipping that low I guess we can expect another back yard outing / video from you eh Always enjoy watching them and keep them coming my friend!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. Great report and pics superdad Got to love days like that when the walleyes come out to play Perfect weather, quantity and quality, just doesn't get any better than that Congrats to the both of you Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. WOW that is amazing Awesome work
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