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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Paul, it's wooden projects that get's me through it.... in between hard water fishing trips nuff said
  2. Mike I'm stupify by this rant and think it's childish..... and this is in no way disrespect to you my friend. I love your reports and think that the passion you have for fishing reflects the detail you put into them The board has not change one bit. It's been the same since the day I've joined back in 2008. I've posted a lot of reports since then and some get replies and some not as much, I'm fine with that. The control you have when posting is when you press the submit button but the reply button is another story, you don't. I could name a few members that post regularly and don't get replies for it and that's fishing and non fishing reports I understand your frustration not getting the replies to the reports you post to share but you can't expect every member browsing at the time to drop in and reply. I for myself, this past Friday celebrated my dad's birthday without him (past away a couple of years ago) and was in no mood to chime in / in any of the threads being posted Hope this was not to harsh on you but is what I think of this rant Keep doing what you enjoy doing, go fishing and post reports!!! Tight lines Leechman
  3. You have the coolest partner Skeet Now you need to bring her out to enjoy your good fortune You're one lucky dude if you ask me Leechman
  4. Terry you need something to get your mind off things..... listen to this tune..... you'd be stupify
  5. What you do with the bun??? Joking Nice largie Chris Congrats Leechman
  6. Awesome way to end the year Thanks for sharing l2p Leechman
  7. Outstanding Terry
  8. Outstanding moxie BOQ's finest Leechman
  9. Looking good Terry I ain't steelheader but that float sure caught my attention Jacques
  10. Ya can't beat Quebecer's hospitality Sounds like the perfect gateaway for the whole family Thanks for sharing icefisherman!!! Leechman
  11. Can't go wrong price wise
  12. Great report and pics carpman Congrats on your PB's Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. Can't get any better than that Fun Times Thanks for sharing Joey!!! Leechman
  14. Excellent video brandon Enjoyed it Leechman
  15. Ya shouldn't do that eh in close quarters Joking Great report, pic and video as always Simon Leechman
  16. Nice buck Aaron Congrats Leechman
  17. Sweet ride Joey Congrats to the both of you Leechman
  18. Brian, I have the 6" Sub Zero and have no issues with it.... going on the 3rd year now and the blade is as sharp as the day I bought it It cuts through ice like butter Mind you I always keep the protective blade guard on it when moving around and make sure I don't bang it on the hard surface Jacques
  19. I know the feeling of skunking too well Simon I got out yesterday and the targeted species did not want to come out and play Daughter decided to sleep in so I ventured out solo I did however manage to land a short fat perch on a white jig dressed with a teaser type body tipped with a 1" Gulp black shad I made a short video of it Enjoy!!! Happy New Year to you and your family Jacques <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2FIceFishing2010.mp4">
  20. Great report and pics Frank It's days like this, that keeps me going out fishing, day in, day out Their smiles says it all Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Nice Bruce Love the colors on those perch Real nice healthy looking Jacques
  22. Awesome work Skeet I noticed you don't have place for a wood stove.... what do you use for heating??? Leechman
  23. Don't tell me you caught that thing on Little Woody Leechman
  24. Nicely done Tony even with lite biters, you managed a good mix bag of them Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
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