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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics Fang Good luck with your next round with Mr silver
  2. Nicely done Jer Some good eats right there
  3. Awesome Bruce She's a nice one for sure
  4. Great job on your first malcolm Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Un faucon.... oopppss sorry Joey.... what whitespinnerbait said... hawk
  6. Ataboy Frankie Beauties Are one of those an upgrade?
  7. Thanks Chad!!! It's 16C right now.... what a change in temps hoping it melts what's left of the ice
  8. That's some nice chrome archie Great job and thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  9. Superbe thread Randy Priceless shot on this one for you two Here's Mélissa at her starting fishing debut:
  10. Thanks canuckjack!!! I don't know why they changed it in the first place But I really prefer "The Bear" has a better punch to it
  11. Great job Skeet Kudos to you and all involved
  12. Nice going COPPER Sounds like you had them bows dialed in Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. That's awesome Dan Priceless moments between you and your boy Just doesn't get any better than that Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Thanks Mike!!!They eventually got to open water Thanks Joey!!! That one was a real nice surprise.... it kept me from packing it in early Thanks FRANKIE!!! Good luck to you Thanks Chris!!! Yes the Cruze is mine and I love it... Very economic on gas (just about 1/4 tank for round trip 215km's) Thanks Carl!!! I had about 25-30 feet to play with and the ice was not thick enough for me to venture out onto it... Sounds like you had better results then me!!! Good luck to you! Thanks Simon!!! Yeah the rock thing worked like a charm.... Got to love plan B sometimes
  15. That's AWESOME Good on you Geoff and to all involved
  16. Saint si monac... where you been mon chum?? Been a long time Mike Hope all is fine? Good luck tomorrow for opener We had ours today..... lots of ice still
  17. Thanks Live2fish85!!! Another week me thinks
  18. Yeah he did B but don't shoot the messenger.... I was on shore safe and sound.... just an observer As for the 1oz sinker.... can you ship a reel spool that will hold 1000 meters of 10Lbs mono? Ice fishing is an understatement Thanks mon chum!!!
  19. Right on canuckjack Always great to spend time fishing father / son duo style Sounds like a riot
  20. That's purely extreme Dave Just doesn't get any better than that Good on you guys
  21. Well folks, today was the day, trout opener for us up here "insert YESSSSS emotion here" Been waiting very anxiously for this date, had a very detailed plan I wanted to execute and it all got thrown out the window the minute I arrived Keep reading you'll understand! But first, let's start with the details Temps when I got up Time I left home Time I arrived at destination The view of the office As you can see I had very little shoreline to play with Thanks to mother nature for blowing her north westerly overnight and dipping the temps to -6C The only open water was in this bay on the other side.... could not go over because of private land so I had to think of another plan to execute.... the only thing I could think of, was to throw a rock to create a hole and then cast my line beyond that hole, retrieve the slack to get my sinker in it and then release the drag and hope for the best Well that plan sounded real good at the time and I wasn't driving back just because everything was frozen..... NONONO I got my line exactly where I wanted on the cast and positioned right, retrieve the slack and BINGO, the sinker goes down WHOOOO HOOOO At this point I'm not overly confident to catch something but I'm hopeful I didn't get a sniff and I'm getting cold from the wind blowing but I kept being hopeful Then Paul aka Whitespinnerbait comes along with Craig aka Cprince and try to get their tinny launched.... they did get it in the water and at the same time, created open water for me The ice braker Then not long after they had launched.... I get a very subtle hit I set the hook and landed my very first & only speckle of my stay 13 3/4er" This one was caught on the slip bobber rigs I had made last fall.... she swallowed it deep.... almost in her stomach that is why the blood all over sorry And this one adds inches for Team 8 Not the biggest but it's a start At around noon, I decided to leave since I wasn't getting any hits.... I think that another week and the ice will go Also made a little video with additional raw footage... Enjoy!!! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2011%2FSoftwater%2FIcy%2520Trout%2520Opener%2520Apr22%25202011%2FIcyTroutOpener-April22-2011.mp4">
  22. Beauty report and some nice chrome Tyler Congrats Leechman
  23. That's awesome Bruce Glad to see you back in action along the shoreline I can't wait for tomorrow morning to get here going out very early to tease the square tails Got all the gear checked, rods spooled with new line and a bucket of crawlers Apparently the lake I'm going to (and this is from a good source ;) thanks Whitespinnerbait ) it's partially free of ice and fishable It should be a great time!!! Again great job on those victims and thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. Paul, I'm a multi species guy too and only have two tackle boxes. One is the main where I keep all of my lures in and the second is for trout, much smaller and lighter to carry around. The main box is a plano type, it has 4 drawers and a flip top. The top holds my terminal tackle, pliers, tape, extra spool of line etc.... Each drawer has specific lures in them, one is for spoons, another for cranks, another for spinners etc.... I know exactly where everything is by keeping the lures in the same location. I don't buy lures every year like some of you guys so the way I have it organize works for me Jacques
  25. Nice going Fidel Congrats on your first
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