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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Congrats on the 39"er Bruce Got to love the early morning bite Thanks for sharing Jacques
  2. Thanks Erik!!! You bet
  3. Thanks johnny!!! It's the same lake we ice fish for whities.... I think it was you that said in one of my previous report ( bet you can't wait 'til the lakers are in season ) Well.... they were and real glad too
  4. Thanks Paul!!! It's the million dollar smile Thanks Joey!!! Thanks Splash!!! Thanks Tony!!! Thanks Homer!!! Thanks Chad!!! Never seen them commit like that.... loads of fun Thanks Live2fish85!!!
  5. Thanks spincast!!! Not a single mark on them and the colors are awesome Thanks Grimace!!! It's a big body of water.... lots of shoreline to work and beautiful scenery Thanks Steve!!! Thanks Roy!!! As soon as we got there, the rain came down a little but cleared up after Thanks outlaw!!! Thanks lakerguy!!! Thanks Terry!!!
  6. Great job Terry Nothing wrong with boat #2 Got to love plan B sometimes How heavy is the boat when it's all put together? without the motor and gear?
  7. Been hunting lakers with Paul the past couple of weekends since our speck hunt have been a total failure The pokadots have lock jaw but today sure was another story.... we got into them The day started with a little rain but cleared off late in the morning To make a long story short... It was an epic day Thank you Paul for an awesome time Paul and I got our PB's His was 24 3/4" and mine was 24" We went 7 for 12... and an OOS small mouth that was quickly released Bait of choice were: 3" white power tube, 3 1/2" white crank bait, Black fury spinner #5 orange Enjoy!!! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2011%2FSoftwater%2FLaker%2520Hunting%2520May29%25202011%2FMOV05995.mp4">
  8. Excellent Greg Some real beauties
  9. Pimp my ride MTV lol She's looking real good B
  10. Like Kerry said, it looks similar to a suspended rogue.... but could be wrong
  11. Thanks for sharing the pics Cliff!!! Sounds like fun times Leechman
  12. Great gator report and pics Kev I can't wait to try my new spinnerbaits I made Thanks for sharing Jacques
  13. Happy Birthday Lloyd! Time to crack open a cold one, sit back and relax Have youself a great day!
  14. Look at the gut Congrats on your PB
  15. What a beast Congrats Aaron
  16. That's a musky not a pike.... nice one tho!!!
  17. Awesome Steve as always
  18. p.s. Also white or chartreuse big O
  19. Nice Jamie Congrats to Bella on her first of the season
  20. For pike and this is for my region.... I'd use white spinnerbaits or 3" power tubes
  21. Berkley Power Tube Great work on them lakers BTW
  22. Looks like you got to a great start Simon Better than mine anyway Got to love back yard fishing Jacques
  23. Getting back on track is sweet Dan Congrats on them gems
  24. Nice work on those pokadot beauties Splash and congrats on your first Leechman
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