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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. That's just awesome Simon Quality time for the both of you Thanks for sharing Jacques
  2. Great job Chad on the new technique If you want to try something new, crank wise... give a Hot'N Tot a go Hot 'N Tot They are killer for eyes and go real deep The one I like is the dark camo green with orange under belly Nice fish and pics btw Thanks for sharing! Jacques
  3. Thanks Frankie!!! It sure does Thanks TennesseeGuy!!! WOW Very honorable I not even going to think about it.... Congrats to the both of you
  4. Thansk Paul!!!
  5. Thanks Dan!!! Happy belated anniversary to the both of you Merci mon ami Paul!!! Right on Bruce!!! Thanks mon ami!!! Thanks Terry!!! Thanks John!!! That is just awesome Congrats to the both of you Thanks Chad!!!
  6. WOW Frankie.... what a trip That's a lot of priceless moments the whole family will not forget Thanks for taking the time to share your dream vacation with us Jacques
  7. Thank you mon ami Vince!!!
  8. Thanks spincast!!! Thanks Wayne!!! Happy belated 29th to Leah and you Thanks Terry!!! WOW!!! Happy 36th to the both of you
  9. Just thought I'd share our 22nd with you all.... What a beautiful day Enjoy Leechman Goofing around The love of my life
  10. Very sad to hear Chris but fully support your decision.... Family is number one and fishing should not interfere in any way.... Wish you the best of luck!!! Jacques
  11. You're not the only one.... all I ever use is mono and not planning on switching anytime soon
  12. Great report, fish and pics Joey Mini G2G..... doesn't get much better than that Thanks for sharing your day on the water!!! Jacques
  13. Some nice bass Cliff That 5.2Lb'er is a beauty!!! Congrats to your cousin Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. I always have a pack of pickerel rig in my tackle box and use them in the boat when anchored.... I've caught bass, pike, cats, eyes etc... on it with live leeches. It's especially good when fish are hugging bottom Thanks for sharing the video NWO! Leechman
  15. Great job you guys
  16. Congrats on your PB Paul S'tun cristy beau doré Got to love catching a limit of eyes when the sun is high Thanks for sharing Jacques
  17. Great report, fish and pics Will Just doesn't get any better than that!!! Thanks for taking the time to post and share your adventure with us Jacques
  18. I never use a leader for bass.... main line is 10lbs mono and tie direct to lures / hooks, works for me
  19. Great collection of fish!!! Good job you two
  20. Great report, fish and pics Cliff Just doesn't get any better than that Congrats Thanks for sharing Jacques
  21. Thanks Will!!! It was a nice break for the family and I for sure
  22. Only words that comes to mind is WOW & INCREDIBLE Loved all the pics but the shot of Lake Louise and the two of you in the canoe is priceless the water is aqua Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip!!! Jacques
  23. Thanks Cliff!!! It sure is Thanks Jet!!!
  24. Excellent report, fish and pics Jet The restaurant looks great... the food and fishes too Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
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