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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Beauty report Skud A real nice eye on the first pic!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. After coming back from CTC this morning and buying another load of fishing tackle for the up coming trip to my sister's cottage, got thinking about the prices of lures and how expensive they are and thought I could copy my favorite crank bait and make a wooden one. Well I started right away with this idea that I could carve it out with a knife and I did try for the longest time but the results were not even close to what I had anticipated..... So I went down to the basement and got my band saw and trace the contour of the lure onto a piece of pine wood and got busy..... Well let me tell ya that after cutting the piece of wood on the saw, the results was a real joy.... Had to hand sand the piece for a few hours to my likings and truly like the end results. Here is the piece that I made.... it looks very similar to a BigO with some modifications and will call this one " a wooden plug " as I do not have a name for it yet LOL and again different angle I still have to paint it and varnish it for the trial run this upcoming weekend and hope that I can finish it in time. Hope you enjoy! Leechman
  3. Happy Birthday Clive Wishing you a great day!!! Leechman
  4. I use jitterbugs and hula poppers when the surface is like glass at dusk and was rewarded big time with some chunky ones. It's a real great feeling to see bass come up and inhale the lure and I have seen a few bass take a hula popper that was sitting there for a good 30-40 seconds after being casted out. For me black is the color of choice for poppers and frog pattern color for jitterbug. As mentioned, once you cast out, wait for the ripples to fade away before starting the retrieve. Leechman
  5. Great report and pics Jim Some serious teeth marks on that bass in the first pic Looks like you guys had fun out there... your smiles says it all!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Now that's a beauty gator right there Go Jady, Go Girl!!! Leechman
  7. Yeah I know the feeling Rich but at least you landed a fish which is good Too bad about the big brown that followed and did not want to commit Like you said, you know where it lives now.... you'll get'em next time Leechman
  8. Yeah G I think I need more then a mint to eradicate the smell The garlic is drying in the shed and as soon as you walk in there you can smell it pretty strong Tell your wife to put aside a couple of bread and butter jars for me..... I love that stuff and home made is nothing but the best My tomatoes are still green but doing fine..... just not enough sun to ripen them Question: Did you get my reply from the last PM you sent me?? Jacques
  9. Some great looking smallies there Bushart Always great to share some hot spots with family!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Yeah that'll do Thanks Twocoda Holly molly Bruce, 100 sets is a lot of garlic But I know that you love cooking and see why the needed amount
  11. Great looking king TnL A real beauty for sure!!! Leechman
  12. No worries Drew, here is the left overs from the crop last year This new batch will end up in the freezer mixed in some olive oil, after it got into the food processor ready for any dish I might prepare This little recipe will keep for a full year in the deep freeze. I was kind of glad to see the new batch cause I was running kind of low. Some of my wife's colleagues want some to start their own and might just give a little so that I don't need to do some serious amount of croutons to rid of LOL Jacques
  13. I just looked at mine and I'm certain others say that I don't have any life other than my Internet connection to this site LOL Keep on posting bud!!! Leechman
  14. Thanks Joko..... It's real easy and as simple as planting tulip bulbs. You can buy them in any gardening stores or if you know someone that is growing them the better. I was fortunate enough to have a great neighbor like Paul aka whitespinnerbait that gave me a few heads for planting. I've been growing them for the last 3 years and very successful at it I might say and keep the biggest plants for that. http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/l...09/IMGP1995.jpg The above picture is the plants that I will keep for planting next fall. What you need to do is take each plant apart and transplant the clove into your garden, making sure that the root of the bulb is facing toward the ground, other wise, once it starts to germinate, won't even come out of the ground. As for depth, if you hold the bulb in your hand at the tip of your five fingers, force it into the ground until you reach below your knuckles which would be roughly around 3" to 5" deep. As for when to plant them.... mid October, around the 15th, if it's cold out other wise wait for the following week. Mid July, around the 15th is the time to harvest, like I did today. As for the caring of them, just like any other plant, not too much water is required. I will be posting pics of the finish product in this thread for those that are interested. I keep my garlic in the freezer and last the whole year. Hope this help If you have any question please fell free to PM me. Leechman
  15. After planting my garlic bulbs (50 of them) last fall in mid October 2008, it was finally time to harvest them out. We had a lot rain last night and early morning and now it is bright and sunny.... made the harvest a little easier cause the earth is really wet. Here is the results.... garlic for the next year: and kept the biggest ones for a starter kit next fall: Now my job is not over yet..... got to clean them out and hang them to dry in the shed for a couple of weeks. Then it's time for the food processor Neighbors will be smelling garlic for a little while I guess Leechman
  16. Attaboy Paul Great report and nice pics Now where's the video????? Jacques
  17. Just added 3 more....
  18. Great report and pics Ice Fisherman You certainly got into a good mix bag of them!!! and looks like you all had a good time.... that camp site looks like gem!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Great report and pics Jay Congratulations on the new boat and like others said.... got her slimmed pretty good On the last couple of pics, for a small lake.... sure produces some quality fish Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Great looking ski's Pete Got to love it when you can get some good insights from members of this community!!! Too bad about the one that got away..... sounds like it was a biggun You know where it lives.... you'll get her next time Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Great report and pics Matt 4 for 4 just doesn't get any better than that Congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Life is good to you Mike.... another epic report That was a very enjoyable read and love the scenic pictures of your paradise!!! Thanks for taking the time to post and share with us Jacques
  23. Nice smallies from Simcoe Cudz Got to love it when you're able to switch to plan B and land some nice ones Keep it up! and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Ugly or not... it's still a good size one!!! Congratulations on your PB A2F Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Great report and pics TJ Congratulations to Jaden for this beauty bass Thanks for sharing Leechman
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