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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Nice rickster Do you have a feeder near by?? or are they just coming to this area all the time? Jacques
  2. I second that.... real good info Fishnwire
  3. That's a real nice salmon Mark and caught from shore.... Awesome Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Thanks Skud for sharing your adventure with us Some great looking essox and eyes in those pics!!! Congrats to your dad on his PB's You guys sure spent quality time together!!! Leechman
  5. Congratulations dizzidevil on your for ski A real beauty Leechman
  6. tsk tsk tsk I heard that
  7. OK Glen..... Sounds like a plan :lol:
  8. Thanks Jay!!! We are surrounded by a multitude of lakes that hold both SMB's and LMB's It sure is fun to go out and try for them Leechman
  9. My friend Paul and I have had great success fishing after sundown..... my favorite lures were jitterbug or hula popper. There's no words that can explain the thrill of top water bite when you can't even see the lure as you real it in and then you hear a big slash Keep at it and try different lures.... I'm sure that at some point you'll connect with some lunkers!!! Leechman
  10. Great report and pics uglyfish Sounds like you guys had a good evening.... just doesn't get any better than that Those senkos wacky style sure is a hot lure!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Ya sure put a beating on them bass laszlo Got to love when they come out to play!!! Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Ya sure put that triton to good use bossman187 Some great looking ones in those pics!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. Man I'm jealous.... you sure will have a hard choice to make come hunting time There's some pretty bigguns in those pics!!! Keep us updated on the new arrivals rickster Leechman
  14. I'm no good at guessing weight but from the pic.... she's one huge healthy bucket Congratulations Ping Leechman
  15. AWESOME STEVE Congratulation on breaking to old club records Leechman
  16. Excellent report and pics Mike I don't think I can add any other words that was already mentioned in the replies but the only word that comes to my mind is UNBELIEVABLE OK I lied.... 2 "EPIC" Thanks for taking the time to put this report together and sharing it with us!!! Jacques
  17. Yes you may joke about it Jim It wasn't funny when it happen but like I said in my first reply.... after driving a few kilometers we sure did have a good laugh about it Jacques
  18. Thanks splashhopper!!! cause she's one great fisherwomen LOL Thanks Bruce!!! Yeah the bite was tough but got a couple of em Thanks corvette!!! The car is fine even after spending a couple hours in the drink Thanks Victor!!! Yes it sure is a beautiful place to spend the afternoon fishing Thanks Brian!!! was just an unfortunate mishap
  19. Glen your post did not offend me at all..... just felt like I had to set the record straight LOL and you're right, no one was hurt just our ego LOL Jacques
  20. Great report and pics Mike It's nice to see that you recovered from your surgery and out in the boat fishing.... Looks like junior put on a clinic again LOL Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Jacques
  21. You didn't get into numbers but the ones you caught were pure beauties Congratulations Dan Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Ummmm OK.... somehow I knew this was coming Now I really feel much better about this Here is what went down just before I was drop on shore to get the Sunfire.... I recall Paul saying to back her up towards where he let me off, to the right of the launch and that is what I did..... but this launch have seen the Sunfire before without any glitches. When we go out fishing, I always go get the car and back it up for Paul so he can get the boat on the trailer and never had any problems so far until then. This time I was 12" too much on the right..... the launch, if you want to call it that, is very shallow and to get to boat off the trailer or onto it, the car needs to be backed into a couple of feet of water. This time I backed the car in the same spot as usual but while I was backing up I saw the trailer jump a couple of times and not paying attention to it much..... should of pulled out and re positioned it but once I hit the breaks, I hear Paul yell "BACK UP" so I proceeded to hit the throttle but what I didn't know was the back tire on the right hand side was just sitting flush on the front a big rock...... and once I got over it..... heard a big THUMP and that was that The frame of the car on the rear right was sitting on top of this big rock Then I hear Paul yell "BACKUP" "BACKUP" but there was no way the car would budge off So Paul got the boat off the trailer and went to shore.... when he got close to the car he said "DONT TURN IT OFF" so I sat in the driver seat while Paul unpinned the trailer, he tried to jack it up off the rock with the car jack. Tried to drive off while jacked but this attempt was unsuccessful and got the front end to dig deeper..... I then saw smoke coming off the front of the hood..... so Paul said to pop the hood up..... I then hear "TURN IT OFF". At this point Paul thought the motor overheated and the rad was leaking.... not good news at all so we decided to walk to the property owners house that was 2KMs away, when we got there, like Paul mentioned, nobody home...... THEN WHAT..... We were in a no cell phone zone and could not call for help... so we proceeded to go back and try to get the car out..... by then it was pitch dark.... got our flash lights and started to look for some piece of lumber.... we found a couple of 2"x 8s" and started to jack the right side.... got it high enough to slip one piece of lumber under the right front wheel and positioned the other piece under the frame to try and pry it off the rock.... we were successful in prying the car frame off the top of the rock so we wanted to do the same on the left but while I was cranking the jack down.... it broke Paul popped the hood up again and was looking to see if the rad was leaking.... It turned out that when the front of the car sunk a few inches deeper, the fan was slightly submerged in water causing it to throw water into the rad and hence the smoke....... boy o boy that was good news!!! Then Paul sat down in the driver's seat, started the car and put it reverse.... got it back far enough that when he put it in forward, drove right off onto dry land Was I ever happy to see the car off shore Then we had to get the trailer out by hand and pin it to the hitch of the car.... Paul repositioned the rig, stopped and got out of the car and said "OK JACQUES..... PART TWO" backed the car out some more and got the boat onto the trailer and the rest is history. We still had a good day out on the water and after driving a few kilometers we had a good laugh about it.... we weren't in any real danger but the though of seeing the car in that position and in water somehow just did not make sense. For those that ask if we caught fish.... read my report... it has all the specifics and pics of the day. Jacques
  23. Chris water level was down yesterday at the lake we were in and made the launch a whole lot shallower then what it was this past July. Ontario Hydro just like QC are regulating the levels. They open the dams at full throttle and doesn't take long for it to drop to what they consider an acceptable level. My sister has a cottage on one the reservoir up by Lac St-Marie and they drop it several feet come fall My brother in law has to tie his boat dock fairly secure before they close the cottage up in September..... the dock actually sits on dry land when Hydro QC are done with the drainage. Come spring, you have 8 to 10 feet of water at the end of the dock. Jacques
  24. I cannot help you with your question but would like to welcome you both to OFC Good luck on your moose hunt!!! Leechman
  25. Good luck with your charter trip Cliff and be safe!!!
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