After exchanging a few pm's with BillM a couple of days ago, talking about down sizing the spook to 3" long and adding rattles to it, got busy on the saw and created the miniature size spook.
Did not have ball bearings at hand and did not want to use split shots again so had an idea of cutting the top of a 12 gauge cartridge #5 shot and use the little pellets inside...... man did I ever hit the jackpot when I emptied the content into a little bowl I have enough to last for a long while now
Nonetheless those little pellets did the trick..... added 5 of them inside the pocket / groove that I created and glued the pieces together. Once the glue dried, shaking the piece produce the sound that I was looking for.... a little higher pitch then the split shots I used previously on my other project
On the following pic, I've added a 4" spook along side the 3" ones so to give you perspective
and another angle