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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Glad you like them Robert.... remember, one is for you and the other is for your dad Hope you catch a biggun with them Jacques
  2. Thanks Kev!!! I might make some new ones this year but I think the last ones I made last year are the ultimate ones. Don't forget to pick up Stephanie's set. They will require reels also Jacques
  3. Thanks Matt!!! I can see now how the front eyelet is angled downward. I guess I wasn't paying attention when I looked at the one that my friend was using Thanks corvette!!!
  4. So sorry to hear this Steve..... Please accept my sincerest condolences. Thoughts and prayers are with you and his family. Leechman
  5. You mean the eyelet where the line is tied at the front of the bait??
  6. I have tested the very first one I made (6" one) back in August and it performed just like the real deal. But that one was a little too big for the setup I have..... that is why I down sized to 5's, 4's and 3's. I've never owned one before, only seen it used by another angler and the ones I make are from the memory of seeing one. I've also tested the 5" one back in late October and it also performed just like the real one. I just did not catch any fish with it yet Thanks again Fishnwire for your positive feedback..... I really do appreciate it Leechman
  7. After exchanging a few pm's with BillM a couple of days ago, talking about down sizing the spook to 3" long and adding rattles to it, got busy on the saw and created the miniature size spook. Did not have ball bearings at hand and did not want to use split shots again so had an idea of cutting the top of a 12 gauge cartridge #5 shot and use the little pellets inside...... man did I ever hit the jackpot when I emptied the content into a little bowl I have enough to last for a long while now Nonetheless those little pellets did the trick..... added 5 of them inside the pocket / groove that I created and glued the pieces together. Once the glue dried, shaking the piece produce the sound that I was looking for.... a little higher pitch then the split shots I used previously on my other project On the following pic, I've added a 4" spook along side the 3" ones so to give you perspective Enjoy! and another angle Leechman
  8. May be Rick is working on updating the site software or tweeking some of the site options?? If I recall not too long ago..... that's exactly what was going on Leechman
  9. Cool underwater footage TDunn Congrats on them beauties Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Great assorment of pics Simon of your hardwater fishing season It seemed just like yesterday that I seen all those Thanks for sharing and I'm sure it won't be too long for you now!!! Jacques
  11. Great job on the video Dr. and congrats on all those beauties Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Good on you Steve for your business expansion and offering a new contest Good luck to all the participants!!! Leechman
  13. Yeah in Quebec there's courses for every type of hunting..... now you know why I only riffle hunt Jacques
  14. You said it Ben Congrats on those awesome Bucks Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Beauty report Richard Good looking bronzebacks Did you get those on tubes?? Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Clever bird He's got to touch
  17. Same thing here Terry.... been going on for the past couple of weeks Leechman
  18. Cool Paul May be I can use some of those in exchange for a rattling one
  19. Happy 3rd Anniversary to the greatest site on the planet OFC!!! Looking forward to the O/S upgrade!!! Leechman
  20. Thanks Carl for the info.... I'm no bow hunter but was just reading what you said above on the QMNR site about the special code on the card needed for that type of hunting
  21. I'll certainly give them a go if I find softer ones for sure!!! Thanks Terry!!! Real proud of those ones
  22. Thanks Matt!!! I have a brand new Plano tackle box that's just waiting to be filled with them lures.... if I ran out of space.... I'll keep you in mind Thanks Lunker777!!! I checked Balsa on Google cause I didn't know what it was and seemed to be the same as Bass wood, softwood.... it's another possibility for future projects Batteries not included Thanks Governator!!! So far I've made 5's and 4's.... next on the menu is 3's with rattles Jacques
  23. Nice 10 pointer Carl Thanks for posting the pics I think you should get your bow license and go after the king... that's a trophy right there Good luck to you and your dad if you decide to get the licenses!!! Jacques
  24. That's a good idea fishinguypat!!! But you have to remember that broom stick is a hard wood compared to pine and will be hard to sand. Also will take the fun out making my own from scratch
  25. OK Bill, let me see what I can do about reducing the size and adding ball bearings to it. Another question: do they have 2 sets of treble on the JR's??
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