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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Ryan, Here's my goto bait for pannies..... had lots of success last hard water season Micro jig tipped with Gulp fish fry in white Jacques
  2. Chris, if it's any consolation, I'm in the same boat as you do I live on a side street and the city crew will usually plow the main street first and then get to the side streets much later..... sometimes during the night but most often is when I'm finished using the snowblower. I always have to clean the driveway snowbank twice Jacques
  3. Right on corvy got to feel good about that OFC ROCKS!!!
  4. Thanks Bubbles!!! Nothing special, just Varathane Diamond Wood Finish water based. Varathane oil based is what I used in the past but it took too long to dry in between coats and over time would turn yellow. The water based will not. It goes on white and dries to a perfect clear coat. I also use water based paint and lay a couple of coats. Maybe in your case, you needed a primer coat to have your paint adhere to it Hope this helps you out Leechman
  5. Merci Dan!!! Thanks dizzidevil!!! Thanks Jocko!!! Patience is a virtue and precision is a must.... that is why I created a template for the layout of the holes
  6. Awesome job Drew Quadmobile looks great!!! Now bring on the ice Jacques
  7. Personally I wouldn't go.... I'd wait til you see a report from us first joke joke Kidding aside...... looks like you have 3" inches of good black ice, go for it but don't venture out too far. Have fun Simon and be safe!!! Jacques
  8. Thanks Paul!!! It just might Thanks Kevin!!!
  9. My favorite species to target would be speckle trout...... but I have to be realistic, only can fish for them from April to September. It's the most beautiful fresh water fish I've ever seen, hard to catch and puts up a great fight. On the other hand, bass & pike are plentiful up here, so is walleye..... can fish for bass from mid June to end of March..... pike & walleye from mid May to end of March. I mostly practice CPR but like to keep walleyes for a fry. So to answer your question.... walleyes is the species I could target for the rest of my days Good eats and fun to catch!!! Leechman
  10. cough cough Gatineau cough cough now
  11. No Steve..... I was referring to the Outaouais Valley
  12. Thanks Chuck!!! You're so lucky to be able to target trout.... Up here, season closed late September and only opens in mid April You certainly have a good choice of species to target Tight lines Leechman
  13. Pretty similar situation up here, no where to be found..... the herd seemed to have moved Where.... I don't know Even my brother in law only seen 7 different deers this riffle season.... not normal for this area.... on a normal year, he would see 30 to 50 deers in a weekend alone I think it's due to the increase in deer predators..... lots more bear, wolves and coyotes in the bush now a days. My deer season came to an end mid November.... now waiting for the ice to show up Good luck to ya for the hunt and tight lines Jacques
  14. Thanks anders!!! It turned out pretty good Merci Randy!!! vraiment apprécier
  15. Cool Drew!!! If ya ever make it over in our neck of the woods, let me know We got some of the best fishing lakes the Valley has to offer Jacques
  16. Thanks crankbait!!! It sure can Thanks corvette!!! Thanks jayess!!! That's something I'd like to do too.... get a 1" thick slice of oak or maple and build one from that keeping the bark on the side
  17. Sure will Simon.... she really enjoyed it last year
  18. Thanks Drew!!! What about whities?? Are you planing to go toward Moose Factory for pike?? Jacques
  19. Awesome Report and pics frozen-fire Sounds like you had fun with them steelies!!! Congrats to all involved :clapping: and kudos to Mike for his great advice and guidance Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Thanks Rob!!! Thanks Bruce!!! I hear ya on the 19's..... double skunk happens to me from time to time also
  21. Awesome Bernie Seems to be running OK from the video you showed..... shouldn't take you to long to restore it It'll make a nice addition to the cedar boat Keep us posted on the development. Leechman
  22. You lucky dawg J/K Over here not much ice so far...... but winds are from the North West and dipping below zero at night. Guess it won't be long now But I still think you're lucky Simon Jacques
  23. Was a phenomenal year for me. From first to PB's.... just can't ask for anything better
  24. Cool Bruce I will most likely order some more after I try this one. Just tell me how much?? Thanks again!!! Much appreciated
  25. Right on Bruce.... Good to hear you got out for some fun Thanks for sharing Jacques
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