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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Uploading a video!!! Stay tuned Leechman
  2. Thanks Kev!!! That's what I'm hoping for
  3. Sorry, I can't help you with your question but welcome to OFC
  4. Awesome Fisherpete Looks like fun hooking into those big light colored cats Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Thanks Terry!!! This will be my first time in a blind in over 30 some years of hunting.... it's going to be quite cozy in there Thanks Dan!!! Thanks anders!!! First time undertaking such project and I'm quite pleased with the results so far Now I just can't wait to get to the painting stage Stay tune for some more!!!
  6. Nice cats justin elia Congrats Leechman
  7. Rock solid report and pics TDunn Congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Thanks huntingexastrophies!!! And welcome to the OFC
  9. It's always nice to get the kids out fishing and get them into some action My daughter and I truly enjoy the times we spend along the water's edge. Good on you for making their time out special Thanks for sharing Caribou Leechman
  10. Leecher


    I remember your post and found it real interesting You guys sure don't disappoint this year in catching some beauties!!! Looks like a great time hunting them cold blooded creatures for the both of you Thanks for taking the time to post and share with us!!! Leechman
  11. Nice cats Great job you guys!!! Leechman
  12. Happy belated Bly Hope you had a great day!!! Leechman
  13. Great report, fish and pics Ben That one is real dark colored... a very nice surprise in deed Thanks for taking the time to post and share with us Ben Great job!!! Leechman
  14. Awesome report and video Dave Loved the bit where your friend Terry was fighting the big'un at the end I see that you had the extension on the auger still lots of ice up there.... are there any additional trips that you're going to undertake cause by the looks of it, you've got some pretty safe ice Again awesome footage and thanks for taking the time to share with us Leechman
  15. This morning visited my brother to see how his deer blind was coming along..... he's almost finished, his is built differently then mine and to tell you the truth.... I prefer mine I took the opportunity to take some plexiglas off his hands and when I got back home got busy building window frames, I even changed the front window to open from the top instead of the bottom.... made sense and gives me more room when I stand up Here's one of the little window I made in the doorway. You can't see the plexiglas but trust me it's there The other side From the inside.... and you can see the reflection in it Other side This is the other window I added From the inside.... I ran out of wing nuts so I had to improvise I switched the hinges from the top to the bottom so that the window, when open, rest on the stud at the bottom Moved the wing nuts to the top On the next two pics is the windows opened That is it for now If it's not raining tomorrow, might work on the door so stay tuned for some more. Tight lines Leechman
  16. Thanks again troutboy!!! I've worked on it today and added some more hardware.... uploading new pics.... stay tuned
  17. Great haul Fish Farmer I can see in your future that you'll be eating well Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Man how weather changes quickly Gusting winds at the moment
  19. Sounds like it was a peaceful time out Terry Catching fish is bonus!!! That's what's all about Leechman
  20. Great tradition Dan Man that's a lot of pork It sure looks good and bet you can't wait to savor the production Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Awesome Way to go guys Leechman
  22. Happy B day Ryan Hope you had a great day Jacques
  23. Sounds like a good time Dan Perch galore.... got to love it Leechman
  24. Pretty calm up here.... light breeze blowing at the moment Leechman
  25. Right on dude!!! Thanks again
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