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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Welcome back fisherboy I remember some of your post but it's been some time now.... great that you drop by and say hi Leechman
  2. Awesome report Dave and superb pics Sounds like a good time out on soft water Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  3. Awesome Ryan You guys did an excellent job Enjoy the cold ones cause you deserve it my friend I'll be keeping an eye out for the full report tomorrow Tight lines Jacques
  4. Hey Ryan how did it go dude??? The suspense is killing me
  5. Seriously.... where's the 6 lbs'er eh??? Those are just normal size ones for this area -------------------------------------- JUST KIDDING -------------------------------------- Good job you too
  6. Great deal you got Kev Perfect for the back lakes
  7. Great report and pics laszlo That is a nice eye that Fidel got into and kudos to him for releasing it Some nice fish you guys got into!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Right on Carole Looks like you all had a great time fish wise.... weather.... well you made the best of it On a side note.... you seemed to have lost quite some weight, hope you are doing better health wise Thanks for sharing your outing with us!!! Leechman
  9. There was a post about this subject back in may.... here's the link http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43345&hl=best%20way%20to%20kill%20&st=0 IMHO the best way to kill a fish is to insert the point of your fillet knife between the eyes and then give it a slight motion downward about an inch and lights out Leechman
  10. Not often you see pics of Salmon in a report caught from a creek I love it Great job daryl0815 and thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Great report and pics JJ Looks like fun was had by everyone and a good mix bag of fish was caught Thanks for sharing your trip with us Leechman
  12. Wow that is a big brute Congrats redsfishin
  13. Great report and pics BassMan Smallies, pike and trout just doesn't get any better than that Isn't Quebec such a beautiful place to explore?? Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Sweet reward for your efforts Bill Bonus on landing that walleye Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!!! Leechman
  15. Secret spots or not.... you're having a great year so far Thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  16. monsterman...... you'll find a great assortments of music in this past thread of mine http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39078&st=0 Leechman
  17. Very sorry to hear of your lost Gov. I've gone through the same thing as you when I was a teenager.... mom's dog and two cats had to be put down and to make a long story short, I stuck by their sides while they were being injected and promise myself that I would never do it again.... It's a tough decision to make and tougher to be there by their sides when it's unfolding.... I still have vivid memories of the events. I think you did the right thing, your friend is in a better place right now and it's not suffering anymore. Time will heal Leechman
  18. Awesome report jayess and beautiful specks Those specks sure are tough to get sometime.... but you made the right change at the right time.... congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Good luck to all the participants tomorrow Sounds like it's going to be an awesome time Tight lines Leechman
  20. Congrats on your first shark Ryan Sounds like it gave you an awesome fight Thanks for sharing your trip with us Jacques
  21. You got to love being able to walk a couple of minutes over to the shoreline and get into a nice fish like that Nice Bronze Ian Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Nice trip doack Some nice eyes you guys got into For the pics the codes that gets inserted before the image code properties and after will not show the picture when replying or posting a report..... here's what I mean Posting a report or replying to one http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff272/doack/Fishing2010RibesLake075.jpg'>http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff272/doack/Fishing2010RibesLake075.jpg doesn't show pic but only a link to it after clicking Post new Topic or Add Reply The following is what you want in your report or reply without the double quotes ["img]http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff272/doack/Fishing2010RibesLake075.jpg[/img"] If you're unsure.... click on Preview Post to see what it's going to look like..... Here's the results Give it a try and hope it helps you out Leechman
  23. Great job guys Awesome gators Thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Welcome to OFC RC Best site on the planet.... looking forward to reading your future reports! Leechman
  25. Hey Terry.... I sure hope it doesn't go POUFFFF next time you go out on the ice in your clam Nice real for sure dude Leechman
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