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Everything posted by Skud

  1. Here is the bunny and the doe. I haven't seen either during daylight hours. Makes me wish I had made more of an effort to get out while the days were longer. I didn't sit in the blind until the last week of October. Wasted three weeks of the season. Maybe you need to move that stand to the other side of the field. One of those tall skinny poplars would be perfect. lol Perhaps we can get out together again this weekend Brian.
  2. I know I would love to try for pike in Canal and Balsam immediately after the ice breaks up. I am sure there will be no bass, walleye or musky in a foot of water in April.
  3. Well written report Mike. Some awesome pics of fish. Such beautiful creatures. I like the action shots too.
  4. You sure put your work in today. The payoff will be dandy. I was stripping and re shingling my sister's house today in Gilford. Need to finish it tomorrow. Not near as much fun as being in the bush. Hope to get out a few times mid week to the blind and see what's happening out there.
  5. Nicely done. Congrats.
  6. I did that already. Too expensive for truck repairs.
  7. I believe this course will become mandatory in Ontario soon enough. The Wolf's Den has been offering this course for a while now. It is $150 for a day course. Those who take it are heading to a foreign land to hunt and it is require by that country, state or province. Those who travel abroad to hunt have too much money to start with so what's another $150. I will only take it when I have to.
  8. Sounds like a good trick I can try Sat morn. Thanks for the tip.
  9. Is it just for the controlled hunt?
  10. I also sat in the blind this afternoon. Didn't see any deer, just a porcupine eating the carrots. Also heard some turkeys gobbling like they were being chased by something. My cam again took close to 100 pics last night. Three or more Does and the 5 point Buck all at night. I need to think of a different strategy to catch these deer during the day or just lay off till it gets colder.
  11. Sounds like you put in your time and it paid off. Congrats on a successful hunt.
  12. Started my weekend off by spending the morning with Misfish in his neck of the woods. We sat in tree stands about 150 yards apart. We entertained ourselves by making deer calls back and forth to each other. Brian seen I doe that was to far for a shot. I only heard the critters run about in the thick brush behind me, no sightings. When I got home I discovered my family was gone till the evening so I headed down to my haunt to sit in the blind. Was settled in for 3:15 and by 3:25 that menacing Grouse was back to taunt me. Having learned my lesson I took care not to put my arrow through the blind again and hit my mark. Ruffed Grouse Down. I settled back in the bind and waited. I made the occasional call with no results. At about 5:10pm I decided it was now to dark to shot and started to pack up. Just then a Doe walks out and starts feeding on the apples. Although I could still see my sight pins, the doe was too blurry when looking through the peep. I sat back and watched the doe until the flash went of on my trail cam and scared her off. This is the pic. I think it was just a fawn. I took that opportunity to scoot myself. I still had a deer snort at me as I left so I guess it didn't go to far or there was another. I ended up sleeping in this morning so I again sat for the afternoon in my blind. I saw only one squirrel. As I left I grabbed the SD card from the trail cam. It had 228 pics on it from the last 48 hours. I guessed it was mostly raccoons but to my surprise almost 200 of the pics were deer. The majority was two does and a new buck. He looks like a 1 1/2 year old, a 5 point. That makes a total of 5 bucks cruising the area.(If all are still alive) This is the one Doe I have over 100 pics of. She is not shy of the camera at all and hangs around all night. All the pics now are only at night. Since I am restricted to my Dads small property I can not set up closer to a better feeding area or bedding area. I will have to spend every afternoon in that stand during the rut hoping for a deer to make it to my blind before dark. Sounds like fun.
  13. Great job smashing those hawgs.
  14. Good call on taking that Buck. Saved you walking out there ten more times. I am at that point now too, whoever stands broadside to me is going to catch an arrow. If he is the baby, I would love to see a picture of the 14 point. Great report. Thanks for sharing.
  15. This guy is much smaller and his camo sucks . He is really an ugly character too. Don't let him get away with it.
  16. What neck? He just has shoulders and a head. That's unreal. Great looking Buck!
  17. Beautiful fish. How about some action shots?
  18. You would think that six point would have brow tines to make it an eight point. Either way, it looks yummy. I also thought you put Doe urine in the area to attract them bucks.
  19. I will get that bird Brian. Mike, I don't know when and if I can go. Work is starting to pile up. I am only getting chances to hunt during the week because I just happen to be working really close to my Dads.
  20. Sat in the blind this afternoon after the Trail cam has shown that deer are coming in from 4:30pm till dark the last two days. Except today. I didn't see Whitetail but the Ruffed Grouse came by for a snack. On Misfish's recommendation I switched out my broadhead with a fieldpoint and took a shot. The first thing I noticed was that I missed because the bird flew a way unharmed. I also noticed that when I fired the bow it was really loud(probably why no deer showed up). My fist thought was that the top limb of the bow whacked the inside of the blind when fired but it wouldn't have made such a racket. I then noticed that I put my arrow through the blind at the bottom of the opening. Forgot I was aiming at the ground, not 3 feet up at a deer so the arrow hit about an inch to low to clear. It also explained why I missed the target which was less than 18 yards away. Satisfied with that explanation for the loud noise and the miss I sat till the daylight was gone. I took a walk over to where the Grouse was hoping to find my arrow. I did That's why it was so loud of a bang. I killed the (dead) tree that was about 6 feet in front of the bird. I was barely able to extract the arrow. It is still in good condition so I can use it again to get that critter. I have a new Buck coming every night, a little 8 point. And I finally had the 9 point come in during shooting hours. Will be out again on Friday.
  21. I bought a pair of those last winter due to a friends recommendation. They are warmer then other socks I have that I paid $20 for. I wouldn't walk 4km without boots for a free pair though. You're nuts TJ.
  22. Great job on harvesting those Grouse. What were the Shotguns for?
  23. I still haven't changed the time on my camera either. I retrieved my card today also. I had some Does coming in at 4:30pm yesterday and a new young buck show himself but again only at night. I would take note of the spot those deer came out of that you spooked. They may bed down on a regular basis in that spot. With the right wind you may be able to put a stalk on them.
  24. What a monster! Congrats
  25. Just make sure you don't put a bullet through the French doors.
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