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Everything posted by Skud

  1. Great report. Amazing pics as usual. Would you mind telling us what camera you have? I am looking to upgrade soon.
  2. OOhhhhh! I got it. Alabaster; a white mineral/gypsum. By the way Joey, that ain't me. That's my Bro-in-law. He has a trailer at the north end of Little Doe. Here's a pic of me a few hours later further from the narrows but also with grey hair.
  3. GCD, I get the lack of posting thing. I don't get the "alabaster" part. And yes Joey, by Katrine. The picture was taken at the narrrows.
  4. I don't get it
  5. I don't believe I posted this pic from last July. It is my favourite one and I think it really captures the great times and the beautiful surroundings we experience on the water here in Ontario. Enjoy
  6. I'm going for the least amount of posts for the time I spend here.
  7. Skud


    Here is one of mine being held by my son.
  8. Awsome report. That small esox looks like a Muskie.
  9. Misfish, That many deer at your dads and you still didn't get one. tsk,tsk
  10. Not recently, there hasn't been that much snow there for over a month. And why are they not afraid of the people at both ends of the crowd? I don't think it is the Kawartha's. Maybe Manitoulin or Restoule. North west of Ottawa has crazy numbers of deer also. And why aren't you in Cuba?
  11. Yes, too late........I already converted.
  12. OK, I will bend to the masses and go with pike. Thanks for the replies and kudos to Ron for posting pics with his rebuttal.
  13. I didn't want to hijack a great report/thread so I start this one to debate on the small fish Limeyangler caught. I believe it be a muskie so I post pics to back up my thoughts. #1 - Pike are dark green in colour with white, irregular spots from the size of 6 inches to 50 inches. Here are some pictures of mine from the past years. #2 - Muskie are light in colour with dark strips, bars and spots. The patterns vary and change as the fish grows and many times most markings disappear. Here is a pic of my own plus some from the internet. Notice in the one picture there is a pike and a young muskie together and how they contrast in colour. Please back up your rebuttal with examples and pictures of these wonderful creatures. Please note that I am only making this fuss because I am bored due to the weather is too crappy to dewinterize my boat for the coming softwater season.
  14. Great report............................................it's a muskie.
  15. Well at least all that rain yesterday and the wind last night and today will clear up Simcoe of ice. Time to unpack the boat for some perching.
  16. It would have been fun to have fished for pike today at the river mouth in Cooks.
  17. When are thinking of going up Chris? I am hoping to go up this weekend but just not sure if Sat or Sun.
  18. Nice report. Simcoe beat me down real good this year too. I caught 2 Trout and 1 Whitey but it took about 40+ hrs of fishing to get them. Went out today at BBP and got skunked.
  19. great video!
  20. Now if it was only the summer time and you could use yer boat eh? With a busy summer/fall and all the snow we've had this winter I forgot what my boat even looks like. I will at least have a good chance of catching another Simcoe Laker.
  21. Because I ran out of work. If anyone is need of a handsome, rugged Carpenter/Handyman (me), that has all the tools to get the job done(wink,wink), feel free to drop a PM. I live in Barrie and 'try' to keep within an hours drive in any direction. 20 yrs experience in residential and commercial.
  22. I saw a skidoo wipe out crossing over a crack at the 6th line of Innisfil yesterday. He was banged up but OK
  23. Good job. Hoping to experience a day like that on Simcoe sometime soon.
  24. I think their usual is 6am
  25. Awsome report. Wish I had done that when I was a young lad.
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