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Everything posted by Skud

  1. I think as long as the shotgun shells are only #2 shot or smaller you should be ok.
  2. Here are a couple of pics I took of the Hercules plane that was circling for hours searching for the missing boater. To bad they were not successful.
  3. I was brushing up on my shooting skills with my compound bow for the deer season. Had to adjust the sites because it was wandering a bit to the right. Got things straightened out but it cost me twenty dollars. Even pushed the nock straight down the shaft.
  4. As Terry said, 6 C batteries. My Bushnell took 4 D batteries. When you go to the CT site the camera is not listed as the I-35, but just as a 5Mp camera in camo. Just go by the pic Terry linked to.
  5. Yes
  6. I think that second tree stand is too close to the ground.
  7. I bought it at canadian tire last week when it was $50 off so it was only $150
  8. As some have noticed from my last pic I posted, Moultrie cameras take a pretty crisp picture. Ten times better than my Bushnell. There are still some blurry pics when the animal is moving quickly but most are great. Here is another one of the same doe. My camera is on the same tree but turned to a different direction. I don't think I have seen a deer with such dark ears and such a dark stripe down the chest.
  9. Congrats on your first. I am still trying. It sure is a big one
  10. Here is the original
  11. Great report. You have some real nice pictures too. Did that pike become dinner? Gotta keep the Kawarthas clean of those buggers.
  12. It is a 4 mp. I also cleaned the pic up a bit.
  13. Since I left my Bushnell Game camera up at Eddie North's camp a few weeks ago I had to take advantage of the sale at CT last week. I bought myself the Moultrie Spy cam and set it up on a major junction of deer trails. I am really hooked on these cameras and always look forward to seeing what I caught on film. Even though I managed a lot of great pics last year I didn't get a deer. I have yet to even buy my tag for this year. Here is a pic of the first doe to stroll buy the camera. I have some apples out now so I should see even more this week.
  14. I was down in Gilford working and seen the plane buzzing around for several hours. Took some nice pics when it came real close. We thought it maybe was searching for something but there was no rescue boats on the water. It was rough out there.
  15. Thanks for the report Terry. i will be out on cooks bay Sunday afternoon(tomorrow) looking for pike and perch
  16. Thanks for the comments all. It was fun putting it together. Mike, that big walleye my Dad caught was on a #11 Minnow Rap in the purpledescent colour. He bought it when you posted about there limited numbers and was using it all week.
  17. Well I was able to convince my dad to head up to the high north again for some fishing adventures. I also had to convince my wife since I was up there during our 18th wedding anniversary. My good friend Nathan also joined us. It was his first fly-in experience. Here we are at the airport itching to go. Our weeks weather was very much like the week before for the other group of OFC'ers that proceeded us. Cold, windy and rainy without let up. My emergency cold weather clothes became my full time clothes and having the wood stove going through the night was a must. Pike fishing was slow for several days except for the ever eager hammer handles willing to entertain us. Fortunately for us Josh(Bluesky 1713) gave us a tip regarding the walleye bite before he jumped on the plane and flew out. Look for a 9ft hole in Junction bay to find walleye he said. That tip gave us many hours of enjoyment and full bellies during the week. Regardless of the weather there was consistent action on jigs and casting bodybaits. Average size was between 16 to 19 inches with a few dozen caught between 20 to 24 inches. Nathan's 22" A 25" for me Dinner! A side task for myself was to see if I could get a Bear. Getting a bear rug for my wife for our anniversary was one of the deals I had to try to fulfill to make her happy. Eddie and I set up a bait site and I rigged up my trail cam. The first few days had only some smaller critters show up. Red squirrel A Fisher in the tree My Dad and I But eventually the target species turned up During the worst weather we had to settle on other activity's. I brought up a Dart board and several sets of darts and we set it up in the main lodge as a permanent fixture for all to enjoy. Playing cards also killed some time As well as sleep(Eddie's friend Harry) We also helped Eddie out around camp fixing things up and building a platform for a future Cabin By Wednesday the bad weather started to let up leading into a good afternoon. It started with this Then it started looking like this That was enough to wake up Mr. Pike. I finally managed to get my first decent pike for the week by catching this 36". As the sun went down below the treetops my Dad shows me up by hooking into this Leviathan. What a way to end the day The next Day we woke to a beautiful site. Clear skies My Dad wouldn't wait for us We started off by getting into low 30" fish. I then got into a great run of catching some beauties between 36"-38" Then I finally got into a 41.5" It even got warm enough for just a t-shirt The bite died down for the pike so we headed back to the Walleye hole for the last bite My Dad then shows us up again by nailing this whopper. 29 1/4 inches It inspired Nathan to try harder Another beautiful sunset Back at the Bear bait the trail camera revealed that the bear was visiting during the daylight hours. It was time for me to take to the treestand. Here was my view While I was up there I took some pictures of the local woodland creatures Red Squirrel Fisher Then Mr. Bear showed up This bear was a young male, 2-3 years old. Not the trophy I was looking for but it was Friday night with 20 minutes of shooting light left and I wasn't going home without a rug for my wife. I took the shot. Eddie's 300 Win Mag dropped it in it's tracks. We flew out early the next morning trying to beat some more rotten weather moving in. I could have easily waited a few days for it to clear so I could spend more time there but we had to go. After a safe drive home my boys were eager to see my first bear. A few more years and they will be joining me on the Attawapiskat. Being that the winds were high that last Saturday morning I could not retrieve my Trail cam. Eddie sent these pics that were taken after we flew out. Eddie re-baiting with some peanut butter. The visiting peanut butter lover. A young Bald Eagle. There are several pics but this was by far the coolest
  18. Thanks for the replies. I ended up going to Chris Bowyer in Brentwood out past Angus. He has been around for 35 years but not well known. He was once the Canadian champion for taxidermy. He does a lot of polar bears and muskox for an artic outfitter. Hopefully all goes well.
  19. A report is being worked on. It will be a few days
  20. Anybody know a reliable, timely place to bring some work to?
  21. I just bought my cat this model. He is very happy with it.
  22. Great report Mike. Good to see that things worked out after all that effort.
  23. Here you go. Click on pic
  24. I also saw some dead White Suckers floating around last Sept when I was there and I seen perch in the river too. Lots to eat. I pulled a half digested 12" Whitefish out of the mouth of a 24" Walleye. I will post the video.
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