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Everything posted by Skud

  1. I was skunked by Whitetails too.
  2. It certainly does unfortunately. I'm surprised I still enjoy fishing after all these years of sucking at it. I guess I'd rather sit and do nothing but stare at Mother nature than the TV. Max, I did see you walking about looking for a better spot to fish. I should have followed after you.
  3. Same here. We moved around to several spots also. 105 fow up to 85 fow. Tried lots of different lures too.
  4. I was on the ice with my Bro-in-law from 7:30am till noon. Many fish came up to have a look at our lures but I only had one hit on a jigging Shadrap around 11:30 which I promptly lost after a 5 second fight. Lots of people everywhere. I seen only a few fish iced. May try again tomorrow afternoon.
  5. Long time since we've heard from you Kevin. Nice video.
  6. Thanks for the report. I great lesson to start things off. You will nail them next time.
  7. The Lakers are really getting chunky with all the forage in Simcoe now. The one I kept yesterday was full of Emerald shiners. I thought it would be full of smelt. Great job hammering them.
  8. Good work Gents. I may head out to that area on Sunday morning. BTW, how deep were you fishing?
  9. Instant?.......I would never drink it. The chance of catching a trophy pike(or any fish) is more than enough to keep me alert.
  10. archie_james_c : The jigging Shadraps have produced for me almost every time. A top 3 lure for me now. Shore Lunch : The ice is 6-8 inches. Phil65 : A pleasure meeting you. douG : As my post stated, I have to 'slip away'. HearingFish : Simcoe had my # for many, many years. I hope to keep my success going. Cityfisher : There are very few machines out there. 99% of the fishermen are playing it safe and walking. Thanks for the comments all.
  11. I slipped away from work this afternoon and was on the ice fishing by 2pm. Walked out to 110 fow and set up shop. Fish regularly showed up on the radar and took a look at my lures but I didn't hook into a fish until 3:30pm. A little 16" grabbed my Jigging Shadrap. Snapped a pic and sent it back down. About 20 min later this fatty chased up after a Williams gold/silver. Being too small to feed a family of six I sent him on his way also. The action died so I moved into 95 fow. The sun went down and I was cursing the fact that I let dinner go. I had about 4 hits that I had missed on a 4 inch tube so I down sized to a 3 inch to see if that would get a fish to suck it in better. As daylight was fading I looked to the shoreline to make sure I knew were I was heading to get off the ice. Just then a Laker hammered the tube almost taking the rod from my hand. After a short battle I iced dinner, a sweet 26". For once Lady Simcoe blessed my efforts. It usually takes me all winter to catch 3 trout through the ice. It is nice to get that monkey off my back so soon in the season.
  12. Dat boy is messed up y'all.
  13. Hey Max, Good to see you on the board. Welcome
  14. I have nothing to report for Sunday morning do to the fact that I slept in till 10am. It was my wifes fault.
  15. Take one of the sideroads north off of BBP road before you reach the main lake to access the inside of the bay. Parking is tricky. Obey the signs. Steve, I checked the ice with a friend Friday afternoon and we found no less than 4 inches. A night at -20 put another two inches to it. Several spots are at 8" but we all know there can be thin spots due to pressure cracks and deep snow during anytime of the hardwater season. It will always be a gamble walking out on the ice.
  16. I was using the smaller size 50/50 Williams and the Herring were all over it. I then switched to tubes and jigging raps and caught the Whitey.
  17. That sounds like a story fishermen would tell.
  18. The WF hit a silver Jigging Rap about five feet off bottom.
  19. The ice has thickened up to a good 6 to 8 inches on the inside of the bay. Caught some Herring in 75 fow and then hooked into a 4lb Whitey in 90 fow. The bite stopped for me by 10:30am but I stuck it out until noon. Will be out again tomorrow morning looking for a Laker. A couple of pics. Sunrise My setup.
  20. I'm just happy that it wasn't just another show about catching Smallmouth. Cheers
  21. It is pretty amazing that the whole lake froze over and Kemp is still open water. Maybe the treatment plant is pouring in more warm water then we think. One good wind storm and the lake will be open again.
  22. Great video. You didn't get every fish but you sure had some great entertainment from them.
  23. Skud

    Hot Toddy

    Whiskey straight up wimp.
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