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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. ok thnx mjl, now which is closer, lol from 401 west?
  2. cant help u with locations, but have a great time dude, nothing beats a fishing road trip
  3. ok thnx, i didnt know LB's sells fresh roe
  4. that sell roe, already packed, planning to try credit tommorow and need some roe, if we can find a shop in missi, that would be great, thnx
  5. carp , for me, carp are too underated in canada
  6. some unknowledgable, ignorant, poor sports
  7. hmm thats one sweet deal, that reel is just awsome!
  8. nice report, and nice carp, not so much the catfish tho
  9. like golfisher said, all along the waterfront, look for ponds, little inlets, and bays, humber bay park is good start
  10. i think its 10 or 12lb mono
  11. nice, sounds like u two had a good day
  12. i just took it off cus i couldnt find a bigger size, lol, yup looks about the same huh
  13. lost u there big time, what the heck is that mean lol, pls explain, ur asking too many questions, like xrap said go out and explore, or do u expect ppl here to put the trout on the hook for u also?
  14. nice trout, congrats on ur catch!
  15. haha, thats halarious, im crying
  16. hey yall, never been walleye fishing and am looking at giving it a go on the opener, im a shore angler, and dunno where to begin, i hear around Boq near the otanabee rivermouth is a good bet, along the walls maybe? jigs and twister tails? any help would be great, thnx
  17. aha so thats ur secret for making fish look bigger than they actaully are lol
  18. wow thats crazy, GPS location pls? we on same team here, we could do damage when season opens haha
  19. haha congrats on smallest carp, ur well on ur way to the record books, nice tho, the second carp looks like decent size
  20. yup, i put the logo in my pocket after hoping to catch another but just wasnt to be size 9, but yea 10lbs probably
  21. like my grandmas soup its still swimming around
  22. hmm ok thnx guys, he didnt call the mnr, not sure if he knew the regs or not, they just drove by and stopped, so second or 3rd saturday in May will do it, thnx
  23. hey yall, i heard from a buddy that burleigh falls in peterborough was on fire today, ppl were hauling in walleye from shore, is the season for that division even open? if so we are going this weekend if not we will go on the opener, anyone ever fished up there?
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