i was just wondering if lebarons still have the quantum icon rod reel combo, for 50 bux or so, its usually right on the left as soon as u enter store on display, does anyone know if its still available?
this is some funny stuff,
saw this one on some other site, if u really dont know the answer to a question simply write...
I refuse to anwer this question on the grounds that it conflicts my religious beliefs.
i read an article in the ontario outofdoors mag stating the 07 salmon run will be huge! bigger than previous years, because of all the young ones all grown up and stocking, what yall think?
i heard about this family organizing on the web some kind of gas boycott? something like 1 gas station a month to be boycotted, he said " this will hopefully get the message across." What message? this sounds like a good idea though, what yall think...