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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. great report, if uve been spending all that time STUDYING now ud be mathematician haha nice carp
  2. thnx for trying carper, but yeah im talking about the paddle boats on the island...
  3. this report is useless without info on boat rentals, haha, kidding, nice carp there, wtg
  4. does anyone know how much boat rentals are at the islands? anyone have a link or info much appreciaterd...
  5. thats great to hear, this board and its members are one big family, lol, i have personally felt the love, way to go guys!
  6. too bad bout the lost fish, but that pic of u holding ur head gave me a big laugh, yeah i laugh at other ppls despair, shame on me
  7. nice dsn, u must have rescented that towel good for now, u deserved a break...
  8. hmm good info, i had same question about this, heres 1 i cant figure out, how do u stop the boilie from coming off, do u just use a stopper, or what else can u do?
  9. no its cus they eat french toast for breakfast, lol
  10. well they do eat really unhealthy, this could be a reason
  11. my tree looks like itll be uprooted, just went dark, and winds are almost tornadoe like, her leg is hanging, easy out ther guys
  12. stolen licsense
  13. too funny, tell him to do LAST MINUTE shopping
  14. yes, till i found out u were on the team! haha, then i pulled the plug
  15. ok i dont mean to hijack this thread, and i second cooks bay, but what are some good bass tips at simcoe?
  16. yep i do know dave personally, by scammer i mean what i sed, but yeah i geuss thats a strong word to use,
  17. these eyes have been on somone i cant even post on here... i cant even tell u what ive been eating on here.... i congratulate dave for being such a good scammer, he can get himself out of everything and make sweet deals, im not talking about the team picks damn it, cant ppl post jokes and stuff, without having someone like u kill it? ur very argumental arnt u?
  18. you are the biggest bragger and scammer!! haha
  19. now u can study they deserved it
  20. nice carp! oh if we only knew how u made out on those days we dont see a report from u haha, jk well done
  21. way to go Cliff, i remember we joined about same time, on old board, and yet ur miles ahead haha, keep talking
  22. im with pat on this
  23. nice pike, and report
  24. sweet fish and report! i was expecting to see u in between those two carp, where da love at? haha
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