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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. cool, thanks guys! soo im geussing when we get a warm spell, that it should bring them in?
  2. hey guys after seeing a crappie report from cooks bay, i began to think. i have never tried crappies, and would love to try it out. im in toronto so cooks bay is close enough for me, what kinda setup do u guys run? like mini tubes, jigs, minnows? on a float maybe? any help would be great...
  3. both, but more important for it to be tight around spool
  4. it has to be tight on the spool, real tight, then u wont get curls, hope this helps
  5. great info Rick, very helpful, thnx!
  6. dead subject? u just stirred it
  7. nice to see u post Ric, hows things goin?
  8. Walleye Patterns: In spring, Rice lake walleye can be found scattered in the weedflats around Bewdley, cast a silver rattle spot, retrieve at medium speed in 5-8 ft. of water, try to cover a lot of water, this area is quite large. If the bite is off, try trolling in this area with a chartreuse worm harness. Also fish the mouth of the Otonobee River, where it spills into the lake, use jigs tipped with worms or minnows, in the deeper holding pools off Jubillee Point. Rice lake pickerel/walleye average 1-2 pounds, although some lunkers in the 5-6 lb range are not uncommon. this looks helpful, i got it from http://www.thefishinguide.com/rice.shtml
  9. hahaha, that would be interesting
  10. try Al Flahertys, on Dufferin and Rogers, they have a great selection, im not guarunteeing ull find those specific colors though...
  11. its not from rap, just am lasy, lol
  12. mine aint working...
  13. wow, amazing shots! and welcome!
  14. thnx for link ccmt, and mjl lookinforwallye, of course i wouldnt give up fishing, come on what kind of question is that? lol haha
  15. i always get into a debate with my dad about this, do fish feel pain when hooked? i heard bass dont becuase they can eat hard shelled crayfish, what do yall think?
  16. is that a joke? cause its halarious
  17. yup its been a looonnngg timee, we are playing awsome, they play like they been playing together for some years, great chemestry, no one thought theyd be this good soo fast
  18. its coming, from the west, 2 low pressure systems may collide just below us
  19. what da hell? is it pick on leafs day today?
  20. yeah thats exactly the type im talking about, is that rod only used from a boat, and is used to jig with?
  21. very interesting, thnx Kevin
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