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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. Roy, thnx for the info, thnx yall, best people are on OFC, great people here, thnx again i will go to check it out tommorow
  2. yep, i was looking at that site earlier, relaxed me a lil , lol
  3. hmm, ive had it for a few days, soo i dont think its very urgent, altho i will make an appointment tommorw
  4. ok ic, thnx guys, really, vet? lol i dont know bout that, im not getting fixed, NOOOO WAYYY
  5. what part were u fishing on? good to hear!
  6. this may be wierd posting this, but this is getting unusual, i had one little bump under my armpit, now i have 3, 2 small ones, .5 cm or 1, and one bigger, thing is, it feels like a muscle strain cus when i turn my arm in a certain direction, i feel the strain, and shoots, they are a little red now, and hurt when i touch them, if any has any info/advice or knowledge about this, would be very helpful, thnx, ive have them before but never felt them while making a movement with my arm
  7. dammmn, words just poured out of u huh? lol
  8. nice ones, were going tommorow, i hope we get some
  9. oh uh, is a war over the horizon? what place did u come in? Dave, u still in for tuesdays trip? ill call u tommorow night.
  10. beauty lookin carp there, what to go on some grand carp
  11. nice, too bad we didnt run into eachother out there, pm when ur going, maybe i could tag along
  12. caught on a 5 inch senko, green and creme, we playing it infront of its face for long time, many casts it took, i think it got fed up of it and picked it up, yes i also noticed their still kinda in gaurd mode...
  13. oh yep i remember you, cool, maybe cya out there sometime...
  14. hey mikeymike, did u give me the leetch?
  15. fished with my buddy today at the toronto islands and he caught 2 bass, me none, pretty bad day fishing wise, really slow, he was using my rod and bait, so we split the honours of holding it, this is one fat mama! my buddy with the bass me with the same one we forgot the weigher at home, but were geussing 6 lbs
  16. hmmm what else r u holding back that i dont know, maybe u caught all the big mamas before i got there huh? LOL
  17. pretty cool pix, man when did u manage to take soo many pix, lol, thats one nice sized bass!
  18. topwater frogs and buzzbaits, senkos later, watermelon!
  19. right in my backyard, whoooohooo cant wait!!
  20. haha that was moooiiiii, ty! haha, very useful indeed
  21. yea i think ur right Kev, i was planing a paddle boat, cus i dont have license, but down the tube that went
  22. hey i wouldnt know how th bite is, lil off topic here, but can u catch musky from the shores?
  23. dsn dont worry, ur safe up there, hish in the clouds, thunder will only pass u
  24. bit too much for my budget, but 75 an hour is insanse! i had a plan for the opener on saturday but meh, ill do the usually shore fish...
  25. nvm, i found out, 15 bux per hour, shoot, ill skip on that
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