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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. hmm and this is directly from MNR
  2. · Testing by the University of Guelph Fish Health Lab and the Fisheries and Oceans Canada lab has been completed for most of the carp submitted from the Kawartha Lakes this summer. · The tests results indicate the bacteria Columnaris to be the primary cause of death in the fish die-offs. There were no viruses or other diseases found in the carp. · Columnaris, a disease of fresh water fish, is caused by bacteria that lives naturally in water and mud. · Columnaris has been associated with fish die-offs in the past, eg in channel catfish in the Ottawa River, 2006. It does not pose a threat to human health however it is still a good idea to wear gloves if handling dead fish. · Large die-offs can occur when fish are under some type of stress and unable to fight off a disease. Stress in fish can be caused by high water temperatures, low levels of oxygen in the water, crowding such as occurs during spawning, or a combination of these factors. Bacteria like Columnaris can grow rapidly in these conditions and fish may become sick and die. · Outbreaks of Columnaris do occur from time to time in the wild, and are almost impossible to prevent or treat. · MNR has not documented any new locations of carp die off throughout the month of August within the Kawartha Lakes. MNR staff have been on Rice Lake over the last two weeks (and will be again this week) and have not observed any sick or dead carp.
  3. nice one! what condition are the weeds in now?
  4. giant everything thnx
  5. ill be leaving tonight for belgrade, serbia. ill be coming back sept 4, keep the reports and fish coming in
  6. hows this, no rod, hold the line in ur hand and cast
  7. man if the ducks n pests would be that smart at our honey, well vinegar for now, hole we'd be busted out
  8. thanks for links there:)
  9. thnx Kevin Hey Bass, i found one wayyy under 100 LOL, were going on a one day schedule
  10. hey thnx BassKiller!!
  11. this weekend my dad and I may go to Buckhorn or Stoney/Burleigh falls, we plan on renting a little boat, i am wondering where is the chepiest place to rent? also we hope to get some bass and maybe walleye, i know stoney has good SM, and walleye, but i only fished there twice with no luck, what should i look for and use? TIA
  12. fish TV and Outdoor Adventures
  13. wohoooo, haha, thats right, i win i win i win! can i get that on print?
  14. 4.5lb do i get a prize?
  15. premium p line, in 8 lb mainline, 3 or 4 lb leader of seaguar
  16. thats crazy, wtg!
  17. well my dad finally decided to take me to Algonquin Park for a 2 day canoe/fishing trip. We plan on renting from Algonquin Bound Outdoor Store, or the Portge Store or Algonquin Outfitters, we wanna catch some brookies, maybe SM bass, and Lake trout, i was just wondering if anyone can shed some light on to which direction we should head out, we plan on crossing 2 or 3 lakes and rivers. As for lures i am familiarly with what to use just am totally location lost, never been there before, any help greatly appreciated( this weekend coming up)
  20. yea stoty, i think so too, no way it could have bounced off his head that hard
  21. he had a nestea moment
  22. nice, man u seem to have the LB figured at the island wtg, ive missed out soo many times, skunked like 10 times in a row there
  23. very nice, its sure a treat to see reports from Europe, Thnx!
  24. yep cus deep it goes the less visible, all to do with the color spectrum
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