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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. nice 1, odd i think im ur bad luck huh? when u heading out agin? i may be able to on wedns morning?
  2. if it wasnt for toskala it would have been 15 - 1, he gave up when the damn defence did, they r screwd
  3. those r amazing shots man, thnx
  4. LOL i bet it was, pink bears
  5. lets remember ottawa is a much superior team, i think we held our own, only 1 goal difference, not bad... go leafs
  6. thnx guys for all ur input, CCMT no we dont have CAA, how much did that cost u though? a bundle i bet drop of glue sounds like it should work but my mom says what if i mess it up and the whole thing gets stuck and so on, but i tell her a little drop cant get it stuck so u cant pull it out with force We havent decided yet what to do, but i will try the jig thing, and the paper clippers or tweezers tommorow, thnx yall, ill yet you know what happens when it happens thnx
  7. ford , 99 mecury cougar, thats an interesting idea with the glue, we've been through this before and the ford guys charge a bundle for a new key, and a locksmith to take it out is like 100 bux, but the glue idea sounds interesting thnx where can we get a magnet like that? would it be strong enough?
  8. hey guys i have a situation here and am wondering if anyone can help, my car key broke in the ignition, and the small top half peice is stuck in it, we currently use the bottom half and can start up the car that way, but this is no resoulution to the problem, does anyone know any keysmiths or anyone who can take this piece out of the ignition for cheap?
  9. hey yall i just recieved an ipod nano silver 4 GB, i need to upgrade to itunes 7, but it says only for windows xp or vista, i only have 2000, what can i do?
  10. ur secret safe with me SNAG, nice kidddiee rod hehe
  11. sweet GUIDE MEEEEE lol
  12. go for centre island and work the way over, trout pond is good, try topwater frogs, rats, etc over the lily pads, toss in senkos where u can, good luck
  13. hey guys im getting started in float fishing, i had a browning 10 6 UL rod before and i wanna upgrade to the OKUMA AVENTA FLOAT ROD - 15'6" Is this a fine rod for a starter? smaller easter tribs, and some western tribs are the spots for me, im wondering if the 15 6 is suitable for those kind of rivers?thinking of getting the aventa centre pin reel to go with, thnx
  14. soon we dont have to fish for carp we can pick them up with our hands lol
  15. ahh DAVE, why dont u change ur schedule i got dang skool tommorow
  16. congrats, what did u catch em on?
  17. excellent well done, congrats
  18. nice one wtg, keep it going with ur son!
  19. some healthy looking fish there, wtg
  20. congrats on first pike, i also caught my very first pike at the harbourfront last year what did the pike have an appetite for ?
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