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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Hey PB, They went on sale yesterday for $159.99 - so far so good!
  2. The JVC Everio has an internal hard drive - no memory card needed, so no chance of retrieving the pics unless the rice gambit works. The battery was taken off for the rice thing. Just last week Tybrad almost wrecked his blackberry when we were out, and I said to him "it's just a matter of time before the same thing happens to my camera." I knew what its eventual fate would be.
  3. Well folks, you'll be sure to notice that this report is lacking something that my report always has . . . pictures. I'll address this in time, but my $500+ camera found its way into a watery grave. (Stay tuned to see the brain fart that lead to this.) So, after not managing to hook up with any OFNers this past Saturday, I decided to take the opportunity to go to one of my favourite honey holes. It did not disappoint. I had the best day of river fishing for smallies that I've had all year. The Highlights! I didn't think this was possible, but I went 14/14 deal with heavy current and looooooooooooong hooksets. I managed to catch two nice smallies out from under canoes of some rude anglers that decided to park right in front of me (the first fishermen that I've seen at this spot all season). They were skunked. It was a beautiful day and every thing was shaping up nicely. I'll argue anyone about this - when it's HOT and humid, that's when I like smallie fishing the best. I had at least 9 pictures of smallies that were all beautiful in colour and size. The average fish for the day was about 15", I topped out at 18.5" I was very excited about the report I was going to be able to deliver to all of you wonderful people. I went for a long wade down river and came across a guided trip where the guide was giving a fly and spey cast lesson, so I asked if he minded if I watched and he didn't care, so I had some snacks and learned a few things - a great break. My lure confidence grew on several "potential" baits that I have, and they picked up some nice fish on this day. The fish are on the feedbag now and even small fish are bulking up and able to pull some line - it's a wonderful thing to feel and see! I was loving life and the never-ending supply of fiesty bronzebacks. I had hours to fish before the first beers were to be opened with some buddies that night, and life was good. The Lowlight: After landing fish #12 (A beauty 16" smallie), I was fumbling around with my rod, my camera, and the fish. The left hand had the rod and the bass, the right hand had my turned on JVC Everio, ready to snap a quick picture and to release the fish. Sadly, I released my fishing rod into the river and it started to slowly drift downstream. I let the bass go immediately and without thinking, reached into the water with my right hand and dunked my everio to retrieve my rod. I noticed it right away, cursed a little, and noticed that the Everio was on no more! It currently is sitting completely encompassed in a bowl of rice for minimum 10 days. I'm hoping I'll get all the moisture out of it and that it may work again. Seeing as the outlook is not-so-good, I went to Future Shop and took advantage of their new sale on the Fuji underwater/waterproof digital cameras (so my reports will be photoless no more). Anyway, my fishing went downhill after this incident, and I only caught two more. I guess self-pity doesn't help your angling ability. I decided to call it at 1 O'Clock and head home. I'm laughing about the incident now and I didn't have to pay too much to get a good replacement camera that should allow for some epic underwater shots. I'm sorry folks that this report in particular isn't littered with all the amazing fish I caught this Saturday. The next one surely will. Cheers, Ryan
  4. Great to hear this Rick - I was thinking about those dogs this weekend!
  5. Awesome report and an amazing vacation - thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it! I'm glad that this had a happy ending! Ryan
  6. I can see what I can do, but 1 day notice makes it dang near impossible. I'm in a rural area and know a lot of people with farms. That could be a suitable foster (unless they have the husky trait to run). I agree that they cant be split up, I've seen dogs die immediately after their "buddy" dies on more than one occasion. That's a bond you can't mess with. Regardless. keep me updated. I probably won't be able to string anything together by tomorrow, but if you found an interim person, I might be able to help after. Best of Luck, Ryan
  7. Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner.
  8. Man what a way to break the musky cherry!!! That is one thick Musky. Congrats bro. Ryan
  9. Awesome report Richard! It looks like you've had a quality month. Keep up the fun work Regards, Ryan
  10. Carp is a delicacy in Europe.
  11. Ah Man! I had a partner and everything and was getting all rev'd up for this, but sadly it's on the long-weekend and I already have prior engagements. Wish I could be there . . . next year!
  12. Sweet, but toss me some on air props!
  13. I'm not sure if a WFN Vlog will work
  14. I thought you had ball all day. Regardless, I'm available from 6am to 4pm and later if the fishing is good. I'll only do 6kms this Saturday if there is something fishable in between me and 6kms.
  15. Dan, you've really been making me laugh on these salmon threads - kudos. Someone should film a "fishing" show at the rivers when the Salmon run, if Dave Mercer did it, it would be epic!
  16. You don't have to worry about nothing being there . . . they'll be plenty there. Whether any of the life there has fins or not is anyone's guess.
  17. Well . . . What is it!!!!???
  18. Hello OFC'ers, Well, this Saturday has my usual fishing partners tied-up with other plans so it seems like a good opportunity to fish with someone new from the OFC Community! The Plan: 1) To river fish for SMB from Saturday morning until late afternoon in the Kitchener-to-Brantford Area (not sure what spot yet). 2) There will be walking as I'm not big on fishing bridges with 19 other people. Our legs might get sore, but I almost guarantee that our arms will be sorer! 3) We won't be keeping anything. 4) Three is a crowd on the rivers . . . it just is. 5) I'm not dishing out any honey-holes, I'm fishing relatively new (but productive) water. I suspect we'll find a honey hole or two. If anyone is interested post here or send me a PM. Cheers, Ryan
  19. I was down by the river and the salmon were all replaced by 400 scraggly looking creatures carrying swimming pool nets and treble hooks the size of a rake blade. Why they needed both was beyond me.
  20. Seriously, just Ebay a Stradic and forget about buying another reel for 5+ years.
  21. Nice Bronzebacks Old Guy! Thanks for Sharing!
  22. Are two sets of leaky waders really better than one?
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