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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Did you ever? I agree, I'll fish in pretty much anything this side of a lightning storm . . . ya just never know and experience in different weather systems is only an asset and is only achieved with experience.
  2. Try anywhere from 7' to 20'
  3. Update from my end: I've received a response from a CO who informs me that they have now received several calls about the area in question and that they are speaking with property owners and treating it as serious. It works folks.
  4. Thanks Mike, you should make your way up to these parts sometime and we'll hit the river together. Cheers, Ryan
  5. Nice Bruisers there Steve - awesome report & thanks a lot for sharing. I enjoyed it. Ryan
  6. A post by Garry? Time to fire up that printer again! Awesome as always
  7. That's all well and good but it's still a complete shakedown, not to mention unethical. This would completely blindside most people . . . changing Doctors can be stressful enough. We could then go into the lack-of-consent for sale of extremely private files . . . HH has a legitimate complaint here.
  8. So, how 'bout them fish
  9. This past week I've been pounding the rivers hard with some tapered success. The dog days of summer seem to have arrived and the fishing has slowed down a bit, but if you slog hard enough you can still dig out some gems. Thursday Evening with Tybrad. Tybrad and I met on Wednesday evening for a relatively casual river fish. The night was slow, but the fishing was good and he was a good guy to fish with. We were in touch on Thursday and went for an impromptu fish. My first cast saw me cast to some weeds and miss a BIG bass who was at the surface to meet my falling lure. This, for me at least, was a sign of things to come. I lost a good amount of fish throughout the evening and ended up only catching 2 fish around 12". Tyler had a better night using a different presentation and topped out at this beautiful river bass. Check out how lean & muscular this fish is: Friday was a day of rest for me after having fished for 5/7 days. SATURDAY with Musky of Specks Saturday saw me meet OFC'er Musky or Specks for the first time. Musky and Myself have been in conversation for a few years now, but hadn't received the chance to get out on the rivers. Today I was at his disposal as he showed me a few of his spots. The weather was murky, rainy, and cloudy all day and we think it threw the fishing a little bit, but we still managed to get into over a dozen fish combined. We hardly toppled the scales, as this fish was big fish of the day: Here's Musky or Specks holding an average bass for the day: I'll say to the community what I said to MoS. Don't judge the hole by the fish you catch on any given day, judge it by how it looks, and they all looked great. I thank MoS again for sharing some of his vast knowledge and a few of his spots with me. It was a pleasure and I look forward to the next time out! Sunday with Tybrad Sunday was an ugly day in these parts - heavy cloud, and at best, light rain, at worst big downpours. Tybrad and I decided to brave it and give some new water a shot. As someone who fishes a lot of pristine trout waters, I had to laugh when this was one of our fishing holes: No sign of Ricky, Bubbles, or Julian (much less Randy or Lahey), but there was a sign of some river SMB. Tyler and I each had some success in the rain. Tyler is here with the big guy of the day - measuring 16" on the nose: One thing we experienced A LOT throughout this rainy day were bass that were striking at our lures as soon as they hit the water after a long cast. Violent splashes & attacks. Unfortunately, the fish were not that accurate and we missed more of these surprise strikes than we landed. At around 8:00 the rain got to us and we decided to leave the river, drenched, but with some more time on the water under our belts and some more fish stories for the rest of you. It was good getting out with Tyler again as well, and I suspect there will probably be another river-fish at some point this week. In closing, here's an Observation from fishing with these two OFC'ers: I fish braid with fluoro-leaders and I have for a long time. I've always figured that the fluoro-leader can only help. I noticed this weekend that both Tybrad and Musky or Specks fish straight braid. They both have success doing so and this is NOT limited to murky water. This should save me some anxiety over the coming years as I notice those spools of flouro in my vest start to get empty - it's no big deal now - at that time I'll just fish straight braid! Cheers, Ryan
  10. Haha, I remember Dwight Howard once got fined for twittering during halftime, from the bench when he was taking a breather & during a one-game suspension in the playoffs.
  11. That's precisely why I would contact local media.
  12. A good read as always Garry. I can't say I've ever witnessed a loon do that! It's non-fish related things like that that really add spice to a day on the water. Ryan
  13. HH! This is pretty horrible governance of your private & personal information here. I must reiterate what others are saying and state that this is truly a big rip-off. Here's what I'd do. 1) Call the new doctor and say that you simply can't afford the big fee. See if they can cut you a break in the price or cut it altogether. Offer to drive over there and pick them up yourself. 2) If they refuse this write a letter to the editor in a local newspaper. Provided it is well-written they will run it for sure. I have been published on 3 occasions in the KW Record (I have wrote them 3 times). You'd hope to find some common decency here. You really can't appreciate the shape your former doctor left you in. After 35+ years of service, my family doctor recently retired. He, however, handled the situation with class. He sent out a letter 6 months in advance to all of his patients, he had a new doctor lined up, he gave a history on the new doctor and allowed patients to meet him in advance. The new doctor came in to the same building and took over his practice. It was done with class and forethought. It's too bad they're not all that way. Good Luck! Give us an update on how it finishes up! Ryan
  14. Hello Everybody, Well, I've never really understood the twitter phenomenon, but I know that people use twitter to some effectiveness for several different aspects. I decided that I may be able to use it as a fishing resource and signed up today. I have found some pages that appear to be useful, but there is A LOT of crap to wade through (no my kind of wading). I am wondering if anyone on here uses Twitter as a fishing resource and if they have any good fishing page suggestions. Ryan
  15. Hey Chance, Welcome to the boards and welcome back to the wonderful world of fishing. It sounds like you already have the fever again! Look forward to having some discussions with you! Cheers, Ryan
  16. That alone is good enough to make it not good!
  17. This is true hahaha. My first carp run ever came when I was tinkering with tackle and had set my rod aside momentarily. Thank God I wedged it in between two rocks, or it would have been in the drink! It bent over and line started screaming & peeling. Hold that rod, set that drag loose!
  18. Beauty Ski's - Awesome that you got your buddy into his first fish and showed him what musky fishing is all about. I'll cut my musky teeth next season!
  19. Tybrad and I pounded the rainy waters for about 5 hours yesterday and did alright. It doesn't really seem to bother the fish at all, and it doesn't bother me.
  20. Sigh Shimano, are you just going to ask about every bridge in Ontario?
  21. I just started carping this year as well and I have yet to upgrade to the hair rig (As I'm an extremely part time carper during bass or trout season). It was The Urban Fisherman's post that he posted here that I used as my guide. I had trouble catching carp on my first 3-4 trips, but the following trips all had carp. Chumming the area before you go is a great idea. I used a medium-sized hook as shown above, and I'd be scared off from using giant hooks, as carp can be finicky once they have that metal in their mouth. There's lots to learn and there are lots of great online resources that you can check out. Ontario Carp is something that TJ helped setup and is worth a look. The Carp Anglers Association is a good resource as well. Take an hour or two to read up on the species and techniques as well. If you're going to do something, you might as well actually catch fish
  22. Most bridges are safe, some are not, and some are strictly catch & release areas. You need to read the regs for areas that you intend on fishing. Here they are: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/Publication/STEL02_163615.html We are Zone 16, but there is some useful information in the opening sections. At most fishing license retailers (you do have a fishing license right?) you can get the Reg guide for free.
  23. Hey There, Welcome to the Boards This may sound harsh, but it isn't at all. 1) Read the Regulations and get in the habit of reading the regulations. That will tell you it is legal. Telling the CO that some dudes from the internet said it was legit won't get you very far. 2) Fish it for 30-60 minutes for yourself and then you'll know. Some dudes from the internet saying "some bass" (no offense) doesn't tell you a whole lot. Good Luck and post a sweet report if you get into some lunkers.
  24. Amen. But do it after your trip to Baltimore.
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