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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. I send people I don't trust to bad spots or no spot at all. I send people I know & trust to good spots. I'm not the only person who does this. Generic Example: White bucket guy comes up to me in a spot that only holds carp asking if there are bass or pike in there - answer? TONS. As for the bait thing - there are baits that attract fish in different moods - if you figure out their mood, you figure out what bait they want. It's that simple.
  2. Heh, I know you're his cameraman, so you obviously know, but you're not the first person I've heard this from. I know a few guys who fished the Shimano invitational tournament in NY with him this year and they couldn't get over that that's his real laugh.
  3. Yeah, you do have to pound your share of riverbank while learning - that's just part of it. There are certain bodies of water that can make any of us feel new again, and that is the fun of it. Since we''ll be exploring a new stretch tomorrow, that could happen to both of us. Sometimes it is more walking than casting and more casting than fish. Last night was my first skunk in awhile and it's just part of it. I walked a lot more than I cast, exploring a different stretch of river and failing to find good pools. When I did find good pools, nothing! Bait selection is something else that evolves in time. For a long time I thought live bait was best, and now I'm sure it isn't. That's a big evolution. The bait bucket has been left at home all year this season.
  4. One thing you should do is google "Through the Gill Hook Removal." I can't remember the exact website, but there is a great article on it and that is its exact title. I'm like you Ron - when I lose a bass I'm generally not too happy. I've lost two this year (both in the gills on soft plastics) and it's just part of it sometimes. Like Timmeh and Fish Finder, I go barbless 9/10 times. It really does help and it makes life easier on you as well with EASY releases.
  5. You go right by the Bass Pro - it's near the wildlife and game reserve.
  6. On a local stretch tonight I caught 3 bass (one was about 18"), 1 Pike about 36" and the rare Pickerel - the first in the area I was at. The storm clouds & lightning had me leave the river at about 8ish sadly! Nice report and grats on the new PB. We'll go out this week Tyler at some point. I think Monday I'm traveling to fish a bit, but Tuesday or Wednesday should do nicely. PM me with what works best for you. Ryan EDIT - Nice Vest - I see you took the advice. Convenient eh?
  7. I had the pleasure of taking in the Gar episode and some of the Amazon episode. I hope to watch all of them in the near future - they are great shows.
  8. Congrats to you and Averie again on another great outing. She really does have the fishing itch and she seems to have it down pat. Awesome man
  9. Those are some HOGS!!! Great report and thanks a lot for sharing.
  10. Who in the rest of the division outside of San Diego is going to be better than the Chiefs? The Broncos? Not Likely . . . McDaniels is ruining that team systematically. Oakland is Oakland. Trust me Rock, I got Prociw to go through the Chiefs lineup when he was saying the same things to me, and he was immediately convinced. They've been stock-piling picks and making good ones. Oh, and does this coaching staff look familiar? HC - Todd Haley OC - Charlie Weiss DC - Romeo Crenell
  11. I feel your pain . . . I have a lot of friends that are Bills fans, some are long-time season ticket holders and they still just keep going, full well knowing that it's going to be disappointment after disappointment. Like me when it comes to basketball . . . I'm a Knicks fan If you're looking for some "up and comers" I think these are a few: The Bengals - will win the division this year and could win a playoff game or two. That young defense is starting to look SCARY. Their O is still capable. The Chiefs - This year will be when they start emerging, and depending on when they emerge, they could even compete for the division. I think they'll win the division in 2011 and start to cash in on all those early draft picks they've been taking. I don't have a second favourite team, but if I was going to adopt one, it would be right here. You've got to love their tradition too. Remember when Arrowhead was inpenitreble? The NFC doesn't offer much - the East is generally a crap-shoot and I find the teams kind of disgusting. Packers/Vikings will win the North division, the other will win a wildcard. The south will clearly be New Orleans & Atlanta and the West is just terrible. I hate how the 49ers have been "dark horses" for the past 8 seasons now. I don't do Superbowl predictions this early, but if I had to, I'd say Green Bay represents the NFC and (for lack of a better option) the Colts get one more crack at it before their "dynasty" fades.
  12. And Sadly for you, you can start mulling over that number 1 pick right now. I think the over/under on Cleveland wins this year is 1.5
  13. Bears fans have about until the end of September to talk, and then it's time to start talking about the 2011 draft for you.
  14. Nice report Tyler and nice fish! We'll get into a few of those next week and we'll do our best to get you a new PB!
  15. I've been a huge Packers fan since I saw a game at Lambeau in 1993 when I was 11. NFC Favourites this year folks . . . count on it. If anyone is up for some Fantasy Football (with fishing gear as wagers?) I'd be up to set something up. Let me know Ryan
  16. You come to learn quickly that BPS is good for buying bulk and not much else (save for the awesome sales they sometimes have) - if you're looking for bulk jig heads, go to Bass Pro, if you're looking for Legend rods, go somewhere else.
  17. Ouch! I'm a big believer in getting my rods at smaller tackle shops - they take GOOD care of you and really try and help you get exactly what you need. Also, I've found that my local tackle shops are CHEAPER than BPS for most rods. At first I didn't believe it, and then I realized BPS just has a lot of people bent over.
  18. Catch 'Em & Bait 'Em There are some old timers that used to drift mice down brown-holding waters on cedar planks and then jerk them off in fish-holding waters.
  19. Beauty Fish Man! Some absolute monster urban-gators! Beautiful! Also, big props on keeping spots and presentations quiet!
  20. Another Beauty Report Garry. I've been spending a bit of time with swim-baits this year for my first time as well. I also really noticed the need to slow down as I almost always fish a Stradic (and they have fast fast fast gear ratios). Long casts here are awfully important as well
  21. Man, don't get all fired up. Just don't name specific spots - it is against the rules of this forum - this is why your post was edited and my posts were removed (to stop the flame war and post closure that would have surely ensued). Consider it a lesson for the future and let it die now. For all you know, that "spot" is 4-5 other members of this board who have gone to great lengths to keep it quiet - that's the heart of the rule - it is designed to protect the fishery, because newsflash, word of fishing spots travel quickly and they don't remain good spots for long after that. (And FYI - the Grand is a navigable waterway, your Grandfather's land isn't "untouchable" so your argumentative tone is misplaced)
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