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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. "He's in critical condition sir" "How critical is it?" "He's dead sir"
  2. I have photos. I'll call the GRCA. As soon as I saw this violation I knew it was a bigger deal than your standard fishing violation. I'm sure it will be looked into.
  3. Don't watch the HBO show "The Wire" before going to Baltimore - just don't do it
  4. I've witnessed 4-5 violations from the same group of people on 4-5 different occasions. I certainly wasn't hasty in calling the MNR. These donkeys have deforested a good stretch of the Grand River and are starting to put a paved parking lot right beside the river. They've also set up rod holders and firepits to burn the wood they cut down. I think deforestation on the the GR floodplain is a relatively major concern, particularly if they don't have permits to do so. Also, there were several "anglers" using multiple rods on multiple occasions and naturally keeping everything they catch. I suspect that if their licenses get checked that they'll be "misplaced" at the time. EDIT - If I saw people fishing live bait in a C&R area I would most certainly call the tips line. Barbed hooks probably not, but I might pleasantly inform them of the rules and show them how to clip their barbs.
  5. Beautiful Carp Man - I've seen some monsters trolling around - lots of those to go around for anyone who wants to fish for them. How was the run?
  6. Beauty Bass, but about those dang gobies. I hope they all died!
  7. Ummmm . . . you caught a snake once - remember waving it around off that bridge?
  8. 2.5 MAX - you've been watching too many fishing shows
  9. I notice these guys in the river ALL THE TIME. On my first carping trip ever one of these guys was circling around my lure and kind of ruined the spot lol. I really do like them though. I saw one the other week swim up right beside me and stick his head out of the water and look up at me. He hung out for a minute and swam about 6 feet away and just chilled. It was the biggest snapping turtle I've ever seen. It looked like something pre-historic.
  10. I'm glad you did that for a lot of reasons, there's a lot of donkeys that would have gone and kept the gun without even asking themselves "why is this thing in the water?" It was clearly used in a crime.
  11. They don't carry it at BPS - with Rio you get 50 yard spools as opposed to the standard 25, so they'd rather have you buy something else for $12 and get 25 yards as opposed to 50. I'd say the stretch is comparable, but the Rio is less brittle. You do lose some sensitivity with leaders, but you catch a helluva lot more fish with them too
  12. My tubes are getting dusty - I've been fishing Chigger Craws
  13. Always a pleasure reading these reports Mike. Nice Eyes and a Nice Few Days on the Water! You may have the biggest case of fishing fever I have ever seen. (I can relate) I like how you get right into every species you are fishing for - full research of species, a complete knowledge of the major rigs, and all the other good stuff that adds to fishing. I suspect the two of us will be spending our winters like mad scientists with every accessible MNR document, topographic maps, and all the old classic books etc. My library card will be working overtime for sure BTBM
  14. A quality combo indeed, I fished that for a long time. Seagur is good, but not the best. Give PP and Rio 12 a shot. You'll switch
  15. You can type any email address in the vote key and receive votes - 2 per day per email address. Example - [email protected] works (but already voted twice today ) [email protected] works as well etc. Anything works as look as it has the @ and the .com or .net or .ca
  16. It's like anything else in life - you have to practice to master it. If it's still a 'mess' for you then you didn't learn anything
  17. A little off topic but on topic enough for me to post it. I'll make it big to get my point across Rio Fluoro Leaders are second-to-none. These guys make the best fly-fishing tippets, and their leader-material for tying to braid or mono is AMAZING. So, why are they good? 1) They're super strong and 'knick' resistent. 2) When you buy a spool you get 50 yards as opposed to 25 yards (like the other guys). I believe to this day that this is why BPS does not sell the Rio leaders (whereas they sell everything else by Rio). They want you spending $12 on 25 yards, not $12 on 50 yards. 3) I've used almost everything up to 12lbs test and am super impressed with their quality as opposed to what I think is second best - Seagur. No, I don't work for them. I like how they save me money and have me catch more fish. Period. As for straight fluoro, I can say Seagur has been good to me and I can say that Vanish is pretty awful. Good Luck
  18. Hello Folks, Well, I placed a call to the MNR tips line for the first time today after witnessing about a half-dozen violations on a local watershed recently including what appears to be a major violation. It appears to be a positive experience and the gentleman I spoke with said that they'd be sending some CO's to check out these violations for sure. That was reassuring, let's hope it happens. I'm just polling the community here to see how many of you actively call the MNR tips line and whether or not you have noticed if it has had an effect or not. I'm assuming the more calls that are placed about a specific area result in more attention being given to that specific area. So, what, if any, has your experience been with calling 1-877-TIPS-MNR?
  19. Now that's my kind of fishing! Definitely a rain check . . . dang work.
  20. He'll be shipped at the deadline this year - other teams will be throwing out decent offers in say January to try and get him cheaper than he'll be at the deadline. In classic leafs fashion, I suspect they'll bite in January (like ATL did last year with Kovalchuk).
  21. My deepest condolences as well Ron. I hope you remember the great times through this time of grieving and it sounds like Hutch has left a lot of good behind him. Ryan
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