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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Hey Ron, If you're catching a 36" pike in the areas you generally fish (I roughly know the area) then you are doing well. You can't expect much more than 36", 40" would really surprise me. I think you can get into some hogs outside of G-Bay, but not too far outside of G-Bay. Ryan
  2. Very Nice . . . Thanks. I'm going to look into the gummy - the lord knows I love my soft plastics.
  3. Yeah, no clue on whether it's the same fish or not here . . . the identical fight shows me that it very well could be. They generally try and jump in this waterbody, and this fellow didn't jump in either case. I've added the poll - I guess it didn't work the first time!
  4. Hello Folks, So I've been pounding a lot of different rivers this year for Bass and Trout and I've got into some great fish from the start of the season to now using various techniques. I've recently landed these two bass, but as soon as I landed the one this morning, I got thinking it MIGHT be the same fish. Here are the details: 1) They were caught within 50 yard of eachother. The first one was caught 8 days ago, the second one was caught this morning. 2) They were caught on similar, though varying, presentations. 3) They fought the same way - no jumps, screaming line at the start of the fight and towards the end of the fight. I think the one from this morning might be bigger. I'm also looking for a rough measurement on these fellas since I didn't take the time to measure them myself (as I unhooked them, took a quick picture, and held them in the current to receive some nasty tail slaps when they swam away!) The one from 8 days ago: The one from today: An unflattering picture of the one from today: Cheers, Ryan
  5. I'm still too new to fly-fishing to effectively nymph for smallmouth. I generally get them on buggers (I've caught 3 SMB on 2 SMB fly-fishing trips). When talking in my circles, however, I hear that big hexagenia nymphs are second to none, and idaho nymphs, as well as stonefly nymphs, can all get the job done. Ryan
  6. Yeah, I can't disagree with any of that - too many times have I been out when donkey boaters are going way too fast and disturbing an area that does not need to be disturbed. Re: Fishing Docks As far as I see it, you can fish all the docks you want to fish. Here's where I won't personally fish a dock: 1) I won't fish a dock when people or pets are in the area - not for fear of their yipping, for common respect purposes 2) I won't fish a dock if there are children's toys scattered in the general area. 3) I won't fish a dock if it is surrounded by docked watercraft. 4) I won't fish a dock if it is in proximity to a roped off swimming area or floating raft. 5) If you fish roped off swimming areas, you're a donkey. Ryan
  7. Amazing Report!!!! You can't stress that enough - this is the exact type of trip that I would LOVE to start doing and am hoping to in the near future. You must feel like you're living on the edge of the world on a trip like that! Thanks for sharing!
  8. What a great report! The scenery looks amazing, the fish are absolutely massive, and the staff sound like great people. Can you please send me information on booking for this lodge? Website, contacts, airlines etc? Please PM me the info! I'm there. Ryan
  9. All I know is that they have been underperforming for me this season - but I only have GreenX worms - watermelon, green pumpkin etc. Next time I'm in the mood to try some, I'll be expanding my colours. The greens used to work best for me, now they've died down a little.
  10. I handmake rod cases out of PVC pipe - easy and cheap.
  11. Ask Fishmaster - he owns that tackle shop in Dunnville and has a good knowledge base of channel cats. Most cats are in the big lake this time of year.
  12. I was hoping you'd sniff out this thread Mike Thanks for the food for thought and good info. I'm not sure if I have any deep water carp spots, but I can go to my general carp areas and they'll still be there, just in the deepest water. I don't think I'll be developing too many new carp spots this season and I'll focus on my knowledge, bait, abilities etc. @ TJ Publish this man's article please!
  13. I'm in the process of getting an all purpose rod as well and I think I'm going to go with the St. Croix Legend Extreme (though my model may be a little too light for big Pike).
  14. Oktoberfest in KW is a pretty good time. I could offer a guide service for drink tickets.
  15. Hello Again Carpers! As most of you Carp addicts know, I've recently started dabbling with Carping! I've done some reading on the subject, but I have yet to find a whole lot on their seasonal tendencies. Here is why I want to know: I've started feeling the crunch of another fishing season nearing its end! My next month will be Bass, September will see a mix of Bass and Trout, early October will be Bass until the bite dies. When the bite dies (which could be early this season) I'll focus the rest of the decent weather on Carp. I will do random carping in the interim period, learning the ropes a little more, working with new baits, and landing a few more lunkers - but to be honest, most of my time on water will go to Bass and Trout. The Question: What are the seasonal habits of Carp in the post-September period. Do they continue to actively feed until ice-over, or does the bite die at the end of the summer? Do tactics need to change for September - December carping? It is a big draw that Carp do not have a season and that I can fish for them deeper into the year than I normally would! I'm hoping the bite can still be hot in the fall and early autumn. Ryan
  16. Nope, they jump clear out of the water in still waters as well. I see it ALL the time (though they do what you say they do as well).
  17. Nice report Alex - great to see you get a gator on an otherwise slow day. Your buddy looks like he's got that fishing fever too!
  18. Yep, Carp jump lots and consistently, what you saw would have been carp. Bass don't jump clear of the water unless they're on the end of my line. Ryan
  19. Great Report and Great Pics . . . I can't wait to get back on Georgian Bay in a few weeks time - still one of my favourite fishing areas for both scenery and fishing.
  20. I know that there is a difference between a homemade trailer vs a commercial trailer. I'm not 100% on what that difference is, but if you have a homemade trailer it is less of a hassle (it has something to do with being registered, though it still requires license plates). I know this from almost buying a boat from an ex-cop not too long ago. His trailer was commercial, but he had it marked as homemade. Perhaps someone on here can clear this up.
  21. I love those nights when you get out on the river and you can tell my your first couple casts that it's going to be a good one - makes up for some of the not-so-good days. Do you ever nymph for SMB? Nice smallies and thanks for sharing!
  22. Beauty Fish - Man, that thing is FAT!
  23. The Jays aren't interested in spending money in the Post-Ted-Rogers-Era - that ship has sailed and it didn't even land the Jays a playoff spot. Thankfully for me I'm a Bosox guy
  24. I'm interested in Garry saying fluro-leaders are 100% not necessary on reaction baits - here's why: Many times a successful technique with these reaction baits is the pause and retrieve method (particularly with heavier spinners, spin-minnows, rapala countdowns). It's like you're putting finesse to a reaction bait, and I can't see how not having a leader here doesn't hinder you a little. The pause allows the line to be more visible, and often on the pause, or on the immediate retrieve after the pause, you get a strike. I know Garry is a great angler, but that's just my two cents
  25. Yep, I'm just a stone's throw away from good browns and good smallies (though I tone down the browns after bass opens for mortality rate reasons). I'm looking forward to getting a few September browns before the season ends though. I'll have to try and get down to Caledonia at some point this season and see what kind of SMB I can get into. Got a few more on the rivers tonight, but nothing to brag about this time (big guy tonight was 14" though I saw an abnormally large snapping turtle who swam right up to me and hung out beside me for 5 minutes. He even did this lean back thing and stuck his head out of the water . . . strange). Ryan
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