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Everything posted by Syn

  1. IM8 rod too you say? That sounds like a great deal for $90. This looks like the combo http://www.canadiant...o.jsp?locale=en
  2. Syn


    ummm... nice fish.
  3. Thanks for the heads up http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/06/04/f-lyme-disease-ticks.html "How do ticks pass on the disease? Close-up of an adult female deer tick, dog tick, and a lone star tick. (Getty Images) Blacklegged ticks live for about two years. They have three feeding stages: larvae, nymph and adult. When a young tick feeds on an infected animal, it picks up a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. It's normally carried by mice, squirrels, birds and other small animals. The bacterium then lives in the gut of the tick. If you are the tick's next meal after it's ingested infected blood, you could show symptoms in three to 30 days. Most cases are reported in late spring and summer, when the young ticks are most active and people are outdoors more often. Ticks often feed on deer but don't infect them very often. Deer are important to the tick population because they provide them with a lot of food — and a mode of transportation over long distances, which is important in maintaining the tick population. Health Canada estimates that about 10 per cent of blacklegged ticks in any infected area carry the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. What are the symptoms of Lyme disease? The first sign that you may be infected is a circular rash surrounding the spot where the tick bit you. It'll show up between three and 30 days after the tick helped itself to your blood. The rash may be followed by symptoms like fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, the disease can progress to a second phase, which can last several months. Symptoms in the second phase include migraines, weakness, multiple skin rashes, painful or stiff joints, abnormal heartbeat and extreme fatigue. Still not seeking treatment? Well, it's highly unlikely that you will die, but you may suffer symptoms such as chronic arthritis and neurological symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, numbness and paralysis. Is there a cure? Lyme disease is generally easy to treat with antibiotics in its early stages. But if left too long, treatment may involve several rounds of antibiotics. How do I protect myself? Make yourself a difficult meal for a tick. Nova Scotia zoologist Andrew Hebda notes that ticks aren't very active. They can't leap at you as you walk by. But if you brush up against them, they can latch on to you. Hebda recommends that you stay on trails and avoid deep bush. Health Canada offers several tips, including: If infected ticks are in your area, wear long-sleeved shirts that fit tightly around the wrist, and long-legged pants tucked into socks or boots. Light-coloured clothing makes it easier to see if there are any ticks on your clothes. Wear shoes that cover your entire foot - avoid sandals in areas where ticks might be. Use insect repellents that contain DEET to repel ticks. Repellents can be applied to clothing as well as exposed skin. How easy is it spot a tick? Adult ticks are about two- to five-millimetres long and are not too difficult to spot. But in their nymph form, they are the size of a poppy seed. At this stage, the nymph requires a blood meal to reach adulthood. "Basically look for freckles that move," Hebda said. What should I do if I find a tick? If the tick is embedded in your skin, Hebda says, using tweezers, carefully remove it without detaching its mouth. It's virtually impossible to identify species of ticks without the mouth part. Health Canada labs will not analyze ticks if they are missing the mouth. "If you can't remove it," Hebda says, "see your family physician." Do ticks tend to seek out specific areas of the body? Blacklegged ticks need about 48 hours for a proper feeding. Hebda says they tend to seek out more secluded parts of your body, like "behind the knees and points further north." Hebda adds, despite the risk, there's absolutely no reason you should avoid the woods or stay away from trails. "When you come in, just wipe yourself off and take a gander, see if there's anything moving." What other steps can I take to minimize the risk? There are several steps you can take to make sure your yard does not become a haven for ticks that might be able to infect you with Lyme disease. Keep grass on your property well cut to reduce the amount of habitat suitable for ticks. Remove leaves and brush around your house and at the edges of lawns. Create a barrier of wood chips between lawns and wooded areas to restrict the migration of ticks. Ticks love cool, damp areas. They hate hot, dry places. Check your pets regularly for ticks. Keep the ground around bird feeders clean. Stack wood neatly and in dry areas. Keep playground equipment, decks and patios away from the edge of your yard and away from trees. Discourage deer: if they come on your property, don't feed them. Construct barriers to prevent them from coming on to your property. Are there other illnesses that can be passed on by ticks? Yes. Ticks can pass on more than just Lyme disease. These include: Human granulocytic anaplasmosis — a disease that is often difficult to diagnose because symptoms can be non-specific. Most people experience headaches, fever, chills, myalgia and an overall sensation of not feeling well. Human babesiosis — a malaria-like infection first identified in the U.S. on Nantucket Island in Massachusettes. Powassan encephalitis virus — a potentially deadly disease named for the Ontario town where it was first diagnosed. There have been as many as 27 cases across North America since 1958. Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/06/04/f-lyme-disease-ticks.html#ixzz0nmIuDJvo"
  4. Holy cow Pure, I 'd be there all morning just trying to decide which lure to use before the first cast, so much to choose from. edit: Niiiiiccccceeee.
  5. You know who you are... Go Habs GO
  6. Wow wicked boat. Love how everything is laid out and all the little extra features that make it a dream ride. thanks for the video tour JP.
  7. I was secretly hoping you would make a walleye/sucker brown colour one. YES!
  8. Yep once i saw them I had to have a couple. As you might have guessed I got them from ebay . seller texperd Jim Greens' custom flies. They were about $5 a fly. Looking at the design of the flies closely I think they are easy to make. With the supplies I have on hand I think I will make a few of my own. The head is just foam with epoxy. Might be the UV curing kind. The foam sheets I have are from dollar store and it takes crayola markers well. Epoxy? I'll probably use the devcon 2ton. Ordered some 5/0 circle hooks from ebay. eyes check. Add some flash tied in. I think I'll try to make them tube fly versions so I can switch hooks easily. I'm tempted to make them into flouro leaders tied through the tube directly to the hook. Probably make some of these too: http://www.pikeflyro...r-pattern-.html I still have to make magnum spinner baits, rabbit strip lures, and now pike flouro flies. Wonder if I'll have time to fish this summer? haha
  9. More crimping info for those interested. note flared ends http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/showthread.php?t=552919 http://www.leadertec.com/tipsandtechniques/crimp_techniques.html
  10. +1 I'd rather crimp too but I never tried crimps on such light line 50lb. Easier to crimp 80 lb+ for me because I can see whats going on. Crimping loop leaders is great though because it does not make the flouro get into very sharp small turns like a knot would and risk weakening it. Also the loop on a crimped leader allows lots of bait movement. Finally, a crimped leader can have a spring (or wire casing) added to the loop to really cut down on the lure abrasions, making the leader last longer.
  11. 50lb is not that bad to work with. 80lb and 100 are a pain in the to tie knots with. Anyhow I'm thinking a canoe knot or you can use a big game loop knot but you still should use crimped sleeve to finish it off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-40nQRTsIg
  12. 24hr fishing channel. I'm there. thanks. It works fine , needed to install veetle software.
  13. You mean these 2 little guys? They are made by H2o xpress exclusively for Academy sports store in USA but you can find them on ebay for around $10 + a few more dollars for shipping. I got them a few months ago. I have not tried them yet but I think they would be killers for bass. I hope they don't get attacked by pike though because that would damage the nice finish. For pike and musky I purchased heavier duty jerk/ swimbait lures (and inline spinner with trebles) with much bigger trebles and split rings. These have about 4/0 5/0 trebles and range in size 4.5" to 7". Also noticed some of them are coated extra thickly with epoxy but eventually all lures will succumb to the savagery of pike and muskie teeth.
  14. Beautiful looking fish. Great pictures you took.
  15. haha that was a great game. I was stressed at times but it all worked out well. Go Habs Go!!!
  16. Obligatory
  17. You have some nice painting skills that's for sure. The jointed ones must wiggle so nicely. Awesome job!
  18. Mailman just dropped off two new friends: Wonder if they had used circle hooks would be better or worse due to the epoxy head? Anyhow they sure look sweet.
  19. Did you check the sales subform, saw great deals on muskie rods but can't remember if they were 2pc or 1pc. btw you got that pm I sent you about Toronto islands right? I can't tell if mail is working 100%.
  20. yes ebay from bassnbrad in texas. Dealt with him many times. Great guy saved me tons in shipping cost. I noticed ebay is also great if you want custom painted lures.
  21. I put another crankbait box together last week and filled it with mostly H2o Xpress lures. Can't wait to try the Sammy types. Some of them will be given to family members on my july fishing trip. top layer bottom layer
  22. This sword should be good for fish up to the size of groupers-->
  23. Great job. You're off to a great start this season.
  24. ebay or http://lurepartsonli...uct_list&c=1048 Last time I checked lureparts ships USPS at very reasonable rates for small quantity items. edit: art stores should have them, curry's also comes to mind and specialty bead stores in Toronto (use google maps with "beads" in search pattern). Might want to bring along your wire to make sure the hole diameter is big enough.
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