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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Always is! But this year I start fishing at 12:01 AM
  2. Just wondering where everybody is going for opening day for bass? I will be heading down to the cottage in Long Point with the family for a 4 day weekend!
  3. Live well! JK Spare Bucket goes in the boat.
  4. I don't think you are allowed to do that. Those are live release traps. I could be wrong though
  5. Banana was the problem guaranteed!
  6. Just took a drive to Paris. Cleared up now but I could see a lot of clouds coming from the west.
  7. Sorry meant 25% of the 1 liter bottle that probably works out to 2-3 ounces per 10 gallons of gas. I will do some research on this one.
  8. I believe acetone is in fuel treatments as it is. Usually up to 25%
  9. I guess they are telling people in Brantford to go to their basements. Can anyone confirm this?
  10. Great Report! I hope to get down there soon if the calendar co-operates.
  11. First Batch wasn't bad but it is black and thundering here! Should be a good show. At least the pool will fill up faster! EDIT: Pouring now!
  12. Wild ones are great! But you need a trappers license to trap them.
  13. Great! Now go Fishing
  14. Here's a good one for ya!
  15. Great Report! Too bad about all the flooding up there.
  16. Oakville
  17. Main section at the top then classifieds http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=5
  18. Great Report! That be a perch though not a pike
  19. At least you got out and seen a musky. I think that's better than saying to yourself "There's no fish in this lake"!
  20. I believe this is what the topic is about. Not running 100% hydrogen. The replies keep stating the same thing over and over again. I think it is time to move on. Everybody will think what they want and their opinions won't change. When/If my little experiment works I will gladly share the conclusion with everyone.
  21. get some muffs and turn on the water or put it in a barrel
  22. Great Report! Looks like a perfect day fishing.
  23. lots of pics in the classifieds, Fine looking vessel!
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