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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I'm in! let me know when and where (as long as it's not too far). I am willing to help out to organize this also.
  2. Thanks a lot everybody! Jen that was an amazing reply. I will be heading down to Dunnville to pick up everything I need!
  3. Any day fishing with the family is a great day!
  4. Nice Pics!
  5. I want to get started at Salmon Fishing on Lake O around Oakville or Stoney Creek but the problem is that I know absolutely nothing about salmon fishing. I don't have the $$$ for downriggers at the moment so I'm going to be using divers for now. Can anyone share some info about lures, depths, setups, trolling speeds and just about anything I will need to know. Again I know zero about salmon fishing so all info will help. Thanks in advance. (oh and possibly some GPS coordinates ) Dan
  6. This thread started out great!
  7. I'm confused Can the "old" new angler change his name to "somewhat new angler"!
  8. Patent Pending
  9. Either way you should run the engine off HHO
  10. hmmm.... I drove past Bronte today and wondered if I should give it a try, Thanks for making up my mind!
  11. that is disgusting!
  12. Nice Dinner!
  13. Sweet! I'm looking at one of those for a new work truck.
  14. I'm not much of a dover fan. I'd end up sitting at my dad's the whole day. I fish Puslinch enough. Plus I want to take the new boat out so I's rather not take it there to hit bottom. LPB is looking not too good this weekend.
  15. Strap the Guitar to yer back and your set!
  16. Wasn't that just caught in Ontario
  17. I've used Deep wood before but am trying Muskol this year
  18. You should frame that!
  19. Told my buddy that I would take him out on Sunday. I know all three but can't make up my mind. Also can't go that far.
  20. I wouldn't want to blow my 350 with a NOS kit either
  21. I started doing odd jobs to make a little extra $$$ to put gas in the truck and boat so it doesn't hurt. I am going to do some research on the HHO thing though. Has anybody actually done this? I don't want to destroy my engine.
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