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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Ya and I didn't have anything else to pay for either!
  2. 1981 GMC Sierra. Loved that truck, If you go down a certain road in Cambridge the holes are still in the asphalt from a little burnout I did about 7 years ago
  3. Go to Brantford. I took the test the day after I bought my truck. I was use to driving a small car NOT a truck. I couldn't parallel park, do a 3 point turn and spun my tires by accident. I still passed. A guy i knew (DON"T DO THIS EVER) drank a 26er in his car before going in and ended up passing.
  4. Because we kept the smaller ones they tasted good. I know what you mean about the muddy taste, any one over 2 lbs out of the bay seems to have that. I do notice a lot of guys out there keeping whatever they catch and you are right the sizing are going way down. Let's hope the bigguns are just getting better at hiding! I'm hoping to get back down in a couple weeks for some calm water bassin'
  5. Happy Canada Day! Off to the parade with my son followed by a little shore bass fishing.
  6. Sounds like you had a good day out there as well. The wind did get pretty bad.
  7. Late Friday afternoon we decided to go down and stay over on the boat in Port Rowan. The plan was to catch a few perch that evening, cook them up for dinner, then get up very early to start bass fishing. The plan started out alright as we got a few perch then met up with my dad in Port Rowan and had a little fish fry on the boat. I was hoping that the thunderstorms would hold off but I knew it wasn't going to happen. The stand up top for the new boat was going through a very tough test that night and it passed with flying colours. We didn't get a bit of rain on us sleeping on the boat. The lightning was very cool to watch from the boat. Saturday morning we didn't get out as early as I wanted due to the storm but the bay was very calm so I was still happy. We went out to our first spot and weren't getting anything so after about 30 minutes I decided to head over towards a shallow area with lots of weeds. First cast out and it was my first smallie of the year. We caught about 15 bass, 10 WGSF and 1 pike there in the next 45 minutes. We decided to keep 6 rock bass and have a little breakfast fish fry on the boat. So we went off seaching for some calm water, which was nearly impossible to find in the area we were at. But we finally found some and had a perfect breakfast of pancake battered rockies. We decided to call it an early day and go clean some fish at the cottage and check the weigh in for the derby. Does any one know what the final weights were? This is the only pic we took since the water was a little rough and I didn't want to lose the camera. Other than the breakfast rockies this is all we kept for a nice dinner. Hope everybody enjoyed their opener. Judging by the reports it looks like everybody did.
  8. Gave a buddy a cheap (very cheap) 2" plastic lure from Scotland and he pulled in a 4 pound smallie.
  9. I don't think I am the one missing the point here! I see you can figure out how much I drive it. That's a good start, now go back and get my point. I think some people are just getting a little too peed off that they have to pay a little more at the pumps and want someone to yell at!
  10. Put a chev motor in it Sorry it was bound to slip out sooner or later! Nice truck.
  11. - I use about 40 dollars a month on gas for the suburban - My kids and dogs are with me 99% of the time - I am towing something 80% of the time - If gas is $4 a liter I will still be driving my suburban As for wanting to criticize the people that want to drive SUV's that just childish. If you have the money to drive what you like go for it (Including a hummer ). The last thing I would want to do is get rid of something I enjoy because of a little extra money being spent.
  12. They have closed fishing this year until bass opening (this Saturday) to help from all the pressure.
  13. I personally like the console. For the reasons DanC already mentioned.
  14. " If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice" Neil Peart from Rush "The road to success is always under construction"
  15. Great shots! Hopefully I can make it up next year.
  16. Uh oh! Let's not get into this again Gerritt
  17. Exactly! If they make an electric car to haul around my 2 kids, two large dogs, boat, car trailer and what ever else I decide to take with me I would happily trade my suburban for it. I don't have the $$$ to have another vehicle in the driveway either. And if anybody wants to have a SUV or a hummer just because they enjoy them or for style reasons then they have every right to drive them.
  18. I would say a lot and even if they don't it is their choice what they drive in the end. How many people need a sports car or a muscle car? Most people that don't NEED their SUVs are getting rid of them already.
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