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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Awesome report Rick, that boy can fish!
  2. Here is a quick vid that I threw together. Hopefully it works (trying to do it on my phone) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEcjU2NTR2c&sns=em
  3. Awesome Report Juli! It's too bad that some of the best moments can't be shared on here due to mostly foul language I've got a video uploading now with some highlights
  4. FISH-A-THON!!!!! I'm in for some crappies
  6. I won't be making it up, I'm still hungover from last year!
  7. Planer board + Small lure + massive treble = 8.6lb Mike, I'm on the water now
  8. What is the best way to snag a walleye with a planer board?
  9. This literally happened about 1 minute after I decided to pull off to use a restroom. God bless dollar drink days.
  10. Here's a little slideshow I put together a while ago Can't wait! apparently I am having issues lol, it's Here
  11. Personally I wouldn't pay that amount for HD. I have HD and it's great but I only pay $10/month extra I had no HD for years on my 50" and it worked just fine
  12. I hate you! no offence just insane
  13. Thanks Fisherman, I'm hoping to hear some reviews from people that have been there themselves. I'll text ya. You know I can't turn down cold beer in Temagami
  14. So I just landed a contract for work that is sending me to Moosonee in a few weeks with about 10 stops in between. I will be staying in Cochrane a couple nights, Moosonee for 1 night and if things work out Temagami for one night. Basically what I'm looking for is the best place to stay in Moosonee for the night and something to do for the morning after (preferably fishing or a cruise of some sort). I know there are only a couple places to stay but I haven't heard great things about any of them I'm also hoping to find a spot near Cochrane to catch some fish. I'm hoping that Temagami works out. I think I know a guy who can help me with that one Feel free to PM me Thanks, Dan
  15. If you got stuck in an elevator while I was on the road you would probably WANT me to have a cell. I would answer by pressing a button on the steering wheel that's easier to press then the signals.
  16. Just got back from seeing it in 3D. One of the best movies that I have ever seen!
  17. How does it compare to the pre movies (iron man, hulk, captain america)?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anbrb2u9GYI&ob=av2n
  19. haha, The beach is actually worse to run on than most other surfaces. It goes from soft sinking sand to unlevel hard sand often and you can't get use to it. Thanks Nip Two gallons per hour Thanks Juli, 2.5 more weeks! Thanks Phil, My ultimate goal for this year is a half marathon in September
  20. Dave, I can never find the right words but stay strong and I hope it turns out to be ok.
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