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Everything posted by cram

  1. I for one am very excited to see the pics. Why is it a "rookie mistake" to post about a record (if it is genuine and legit)?
  2. Would you kill a fish like that?
  3. That's the thing. If it is a genuine record fish (and it sounds like it is) I think its fantastic that the guy released it. Cared more about that then getting the IGFA record.
  4. I loved this. Hilarious. Laughed my ass off.
  5. I have had an abu 6501C3 for a few years and its been great. Generally fish with jerk baits, glide baits, and spinner baits. Probably not ideal for the bigger in-line spinners (esp those with two blades) as its more speed than power (i think?). I have never had or tried a more serious musky reel and assume they are more smooth/enjoyable/whatever.....but for the moneyt he 6501C is a fantastic beginner reel.
  6. I use regular reels on my rods. All are incredibly non-balanced (big reel, tiny rod) but it seems to work for me. I would not buy special reels for ice fishing. As for line, i agree with the comments about ice fishing line though admitt4edly i don't have enough experience to really judge. I think the braids are generally crap (freeze). Comments about mono etc on ice are good. For handlines i have heard of people using black/dark dacron as its easier to see/handle. I haven't tried it but seems like a good idea to me.
  7. Intent of this poll is great, but i would really hate to read this poll and be the wife, son, daughter, or parents of someone who dies this winter. Kind of bad taste.
  8. Beautiful fish -- congrats!! i'm jealous.
  9. If that's the case i think its fair. A far more prominent part of their heritage than ours.
  10. You're calling someone a liar without knowing anything about the catch or the person who caught it.
  11. Is this house on Clinton Street by any chance?
  12. I fish smallmouth all the time and live leeches (or crayfish if you can get them) are by far the best bait. Rich - you may think you don't *need* them but i guarantee they put more fish in your boat then artificials. Especially on a smaller fly-in lake. Thanks for posting this. I would LOVE to find a backlake for musky that i can hike into. This obviously isn't that one, but great to know they exist.
  13. Good rods? I have a couple of spare reels with no partners...need to pick up a couple of rods this wnter.
  14. where do you live? I may have an idea or two for you.
  15. curious - how many have you nailed?
  16. Lew -- beautiful muskies. You had a terrific season. Bald Eagle -- Nipissing? My cottage is not far away (Restoule) and i have never seen one up there (but sure would love to)
  17. Really. That's brilliant.
  18. I agree -- love hearing them at night. Though i think the ones i hear are wolves (near algonquin). Did walk between what i assume was 2 packs of coyotes yipping to each other earlier this fall. Weird, but neat.
  19. Curious -- why wouldn't there be HUGE musky in a lake ontario like lake system. Aside from the walleye, there's lots of cisco/herring (i think) and salmonoids to eat.
  20. Interesting stuff. I remember seeing one that someone had and it was very nice but very very skittish. Not sure if it was because of its DNA or just how it was raised.
  21. That's totally understandable. I have even heard of coyotes attacking toddlers playing in their yards. It does happen, and when close to people's homes i say shoot them all. Just that I just don't see coyotes attacking a hunter. Even if they wanted to, you're way too big for them. They much prefer squirrels and rabbits :-) And wolves....never. Give me a break. Dogs turned wild -- interesting. I don't know. They certainly wouldn't be scared the same way wolves are
  22. that said -- just read about a pack of 200 dogs attacking a town in albania. Not kidding. Yikes.
  23. Fair enough, but you're not one....and i assume (hope) you don't have a toddler sitting beside you when hunting in a tree stand in the bush.
  24. My lake is likely icing up right now. My fishing is done for the season. In all truth, i have never been much of a fall fisherman anyway. Have tried, but once it gets cool and they move off the weeds i am usually pretty lost. Besides -- isn't the season closer december 15th?
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