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Everything posted by cram

  1. Can you tell me how many people have been killed by coyotes in the last 10 yrs? 100? Or how many non-toddlers have been attacked. Look it up.
  2. I don't, but spend a LOT of time backwoods camping (with wolves remarkably close by one time this fall) and wolves have never been a concern. And never will. There are lots at my parents place up north as well....coming out of algonquin park. Never ever a concern except for the nearby farmers who lose some livestock. Dog packs - I have heard stories about them killing animals for fun (versus eating, which is what wolves do) but have never heard of htem hunting down a person. But, i don't know that it doesn't happen. Killing coyotes because you're deer hunting sounds just dumb to me. Really dumb.
  3. i was just about to put my musky gear away and you guys got me all excited. :-)
  4. I understand the fear of a bunch of dogs running at you....i would be scared as well. At that moment. No idea about wild dogs. Your example is from a native reserve near in a very barren area where a pack of starving dogs attacked a child. Not sure its the same....but like i said -- know nothing about wild dogs. My point is -- no one should be afraid of wolves. This isn't a Jack London book. But again -- if i were the original poster i'd have been alarmed as well.
  5. Curious -- how many cases have there been of people getting attacked by wolves in ontario? How about packs of dogs? Does it even happen? I mean, come on....
  6. Like Kemper said, if they're attacking you who cares if its legal or not. That said, doesn't sound like they were attacking you.
  7. Say that in england. Besides, if steelhead is anything like salmon fishing (shoulder to shoulder with a billion other guys) then i disagree. Love the fish...hate the crowds.
  8. Thank you -- will try it for sure. Maybe a dumb question, but what are they doing up iin the creeks? I thought they spawned in marshy areas Chris
  9. Thanks for putting this thread together. I would LOVE to try carp fishing. Have tried in the spring - see them busting up the bullrushes, but assume they're spawning and not interested in eating. Any recommendations as to where? Creeks i might try this in? Curing the corn -- how?
  10. Magnificent animal. I am NOT anti hunting at all, but the one thing i wish is that the biggest trophies didn't have to die to be trophies. Its the one thing i like better about fishing. Don't you wish that magnificent animal were still walking around today? That said -- congrats to that guy. Huge, HUGE trophy.
  11. i didn`t watch the video but if its about plant estrogens in the water its legit stuff. Lots of chemicals used in manufacturing etc that our bodies (and lots of animals`bodies) mistake for estrogen. Screws up mating cycles (ie. fish turning up in rivers too early or late), male parts (ie. smaller genitalia) and ratio of male to female overall.
  12. I think the no-drag part may be part of your problem. The reels are meant to work with drag. Not saying its a better way to fish (i think it is, but i suspect you know 25x more about fishing than me), but mechanically i can't see the gears being built to work without drag as a buffer.
  13. no problem with zero tolerance for boozing and driving. Also no prob for those who are suspended for booze. Banning multiple passengers is RIDICULOUS. Seriously -- is this not a free country? I fear for what's next. On that note, while i dont' mind the cell phone law.....how many here know its apparently now law? I heard it was proposed.....did not hear it was passed, but have been told twice by my cell phone company (when going in to buy a charger) that it is now law. I yhave asked a number of friends and all but one had no idea it was passed. Is it passed? And if so, doesn't our government have some obligation to tell us before laying down the law (points and fine)?
  14. I pound my lake for HOURS this year and only saw 3 muskies (caught one). You put 3 great ones in the boat in one day. Amazing. Good for you guys!!
  15. Hilarious.....i bet you did!!
  16. interesting article on cnn.com about what could happen if GM goes under.... http://money.cnn.com/2008/11/14/autos/auto...sion=2008111412
  17. One of the posters referenced all the part shops that depend on the auto industry, and how most of the parts are american cars and only a minute part for foreign cars.......and how the american car companies going down would hurt the parts business -- ding ding ding...we have a winner!!!!!!) Anyway, 1 in 7 jobs in Ontario dependent on the auto industry -- that's scary. Really scary. Yikes. I don't know what the solution is. Regardless of unions, the companies are sinking. The demand for their cars are seriously dropping. I assume part of this is due to gas prices, another part due to durability (yes, they ARE made to break down), and a whole bunch of other things we aren't discussing on this board. Yere is a massive healthcare cost associated with all the US autoworker retirees. That liability alone is sinking the companies. Apparently it costs almost 3k per car sold to pay for that alone. If the US adopted universal healthcare, that's a good start. I don't know that the unions have anything to do with their competitiveness (esp if toyota/honda are payign teh same wages), but i do know its sickening to hear about people who can show up drunk for work and not get reprimanded (or fired). The thing i don't like about unions is how they lift up the weak and hold down the strong. If you're a good hardworking guy who is always held in the same bucket as the drunk who pushes the rules and relies on the union blanket.....that must suck.
  18. Here's the problem....no matter what Ontario does, the big 3 are going to fall. At least one of them will. We'd be better served to get Toyota/Honda/whoever here than to continue feeding an appendage of an otherwise dieing animal. Not sure if you guys realize it but general motors is worth less on the stock market than Mattel (maker of Hot Wheels). The company is dead in the water. We could give them ALL of Ontario's money and they're still going down.
  19. Let me add that i feel bad for the workers. They`re the ones getting hosted. The execs at the automakers will make their dough. Just saying i don;`t think the gov should bail them out. Cash isn`t going to solve anything.
  20. If one of the US automakers had a serious new strategy as to how they are going to become competitive, then fine.....otherwise, this is all just band-aids on a burn victim. Its not going to help at all. Those companies are up poo creek and a few billion dollars isn`t going to change that. New strategies might (and you`re right -- their workforce liabilities are a major disadvantage for them), but $ isn`t.
  21. Leasing machinery is debt. Its a perfect example of what i mean. Machinery companies can't sell to young not-yet-rich companies if there is no debt. The raw materials being paid for in 30 or 60 days is - somewhere along the chain - paid for by debt. Someone is carrying inventory somewhere whose cash-flow is being carried by debt. I'm not saying we should all gobble up debt aggressively....i;m saying the overall system of lending (for a profit) is not evil. It enables the economy to function.
  22. My point is that the system that's being demonized in that video is the same one that enables it to not be a hereditary disease. Without debt an entrepreneur who opens a shoe-store can't carry inventory without paying for all of it up front. Without debt a startup tech company that invents a new type of hybrid car can't find customers to buy it. Without debt, its nearly impossible for someone who doesn't already have lots of $$ to grow any. In other words, we're on the same team.
  23. My point is that the system that's being demonized in that video is the same one that enables it to not be a hereditary disease. Without debt an entrepreneur who opens a shoe-store can't carry inventory without paying for all of it up front. Without debt a startup tech company that invents a new type of hybrid car can't find customers to buy it. Without debt, its nearly impossible for someone who doesn't already have lots of $$ to grow any. In other words, we're on the same team.
  24. I get that stuff, and its interesting (had no idea about the history), and its possibly even being over-manipulated (esp right now), and while it enriches a few at the expense of others........without debt we don't have an economy. Its as simple as that. New inventions never get commercialized (or invented at all). It becomes virtually impossible to build a business. You and I both die in the exact same economic class we were born into. The system may not be ideal, but debt enables us to have non-zero sum economic systems that give us an opportunity to enrich our lives. On the other hand, the US debt may cripple that country for the next 10 yrs. And if not, cripple some generation ahead of us. Their system is very, very, very broken.
  25. Who is this Forrest guy? He keeps posting stuff that has nothing to do with the thread. Weird. Lundboy -- that's an interesting video. I don't really see (or agree with) the conspiratorial conclusions they're drawing, but some really interesting history that i had no idea about. Also, the subject is remarkably on-topic considering what's happening to the economy today. Many of my friends in finance don't get where the US money is coming from. Not just that its being loaned by foreign bodies (esp. China), but the fact that the US just keeps printing money with little regard for inflation. We're facing tough times ahead. I don't think society is going to crumble and go Mad Max on us, but there is going to be a deep recession wtih lots of folks facing the toughest times of their lives.
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