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Everything posted by MuskyBill

  1. Mike won a subscription a while back & I got to read it tonight, during intermissions of the stupid hockey game.... I'm fairly sure I recognized the guy in Dip's article, but I just can't put my finger on it.... Great issue, Pete!
  2. Wow, I missed the original post too, Glenner....BUT, I'm glad I caught this one, & even happier to hear you're all doing better! Hang in there, man....
  3. I agree with Yo. I'm usually strictly CPR, but after 2 trips to the BoQ, I've noticed how these BIG ones like to take the bait too deep. My puny 9.5 lb'er was 'supposed' to swim away, but man, did she bleed all over the place. A team decision was made to keep her for a big fish-fry on the dock. It took me a while, but I became 'ok' with it. As Yo said though, a 15 lb'er deserves to be displayed for all to see. Not even from a boat!! Amazing, simply amazing. Well done Cliff & Carole....
  4. I'll keep our spot on Cooks, Ray, have a great time! Don't be surprised though, when you get back & I've caught all the Perch...
  5. Good memory, Cisco....that was May '04...
  6. Yup, Olds was front wheel drive, and the Pathfinder is a 5-speed....
  7. Looks great, Pam!
  8. Man, I woulda loved to be in on that adventure. But alas, work, work, & more work always gets in the way of a good time.... Good on ya for tryin' though!
  9. I really like "Muskies on the Shield", by Dick Pearson, even though I don't fish 'shield lakes'....
  10. As some of you know, I've only been towing a boat for 3 years now, & today I said 'goodbye' to my first tow vehicle... Poor thing has been sitting in my driveway since I bought the Pathfinder. My original plan was to drive the car Mon-Fri as a commuter, but I quickly realized I couldn't afford to do that. She was a '95 Olds Cutlass Ciera, not the best tow vehicle by far, but man, she gave myself, my bro, & lots of my friends memories that will last a lifetime. Here's some of the memories... It's not ALL bad though, the Pathfinder has been much better for towing... There, now I've made my peace....closure....
  11. Jerkbaits!!! Suicks, Sledges, even big Husky Jerks....that's how I'd go. Have a great day, as I'm now off to freakin' work.....I'm sooo jealous....
  12. Muskies Canada puts on the Musky Odyssey every two years, & you're in luck, there just happens to be a 2007 Muskie Odyssey, in St. Catherines in Feb. or March, not too sure.....
  13. I had decided to take 6B's to see my marine guy for Winterization on Saturday, but with the awesome weather we had, how could I pass up another run at The Bog before I dropped 'er off? So, I arrived at the Port Perry launch, & quickly noticed 4 things, right away. 1. A boat out in the middle of the lake, presumably fishing??? 2. A boat at the launch. 3. The Gov't dock has already been removed. 4. These guys... When I got out of my truck, one of them asked what I planning on doing. I told him I just wanted to run up the lake to blow out the carbon & crud in the motor before she gets stored for a while. "No problem", he says, & asked if I needed any room to back down the ramp. "Nope, I'm ok, but what are those guys doing out there?" I asked. "We're about to find out" he replied. The C.O.'s had just called them in for a few questions. SO, it turns out, the boat at the shore got dinged for fishing OOS. Buddy was taking his nephew out for a day, & thought The Bog was still open! It also turned out, the boat in the middle had THREE brainiacs fishing OOS!!! In 5 minutes, 4 (four) charges, $240 each.....not too shabby for a days work! Once I was in the water, I realized one more thing. Most of the lake had ice on it.... I had to go pretty far before I could find enough open water to open 'er up! Once opened up, I quickly found out that I couldn't make it up the lake. Way too much ice to break.... Anyways, after a few minutes of wasting gas, I pulled out & dropped 6B's off at the mechanics, & found parking right beside out2llunge's vessel.... Sunday was met with more fantastic weather, but what was I gonna do? I had dropped the boat off! Fortunately, I still have some friends that still have their boats 'in season'. With the low-wind conditions, a plan was concocted to hit Lake O, near the Plant. I used to fish it from shore, about 12 years ago, but I'd never fished it from a boat. Frenchman's Bay like glass... Heading out on the big Lake.... Well, I had to resort to my old 'shore techniques', but it seemed they still work... Even at night, the Sheepies like their minnows! Because of a work-related schedule, I ended up getting the next few Monday's off, but will have to make up for it on Saturdays.... So, when I got home on Sunday night, I was excited to see my buddy Graham had his friend Frank from work cancel on him, last minute like, & an opening was created for another trip to The BoQ, for monster 'eyes. When I got to his place @ 5:00am on Monday, he was just getting off the phone with his other buddy Keith who was ALSO cancelling...so, it was us against the Bay. Here's where we stayed last weekend, & probably where I'll stay in the future. Fantastic breakfast! We blasted out of Picton, heading towards the cement plant for the 2-line thingy....KIDDING Wayne!!! Once past the ferry, we set out our puny 4-rod spread. Once the spread is out, in goes the sock... I'm really diggin' the planer board stuff. It's really foreign to me, but everytime one gets clipped onto the line, it's like sending a soldier out to do battle.... Ya know what they say, find the bait... .....find the fish.... Gotta love the smile! Graham's becoming quite the BoQ guy, his boat always sees success! We had quite a hard time with one particular bait. Every now & then. the reel would do it's 'zzzz zz zzzzz z zz' thing, but there was never a fish on the other end!??!! We wondered if maybe the fish were just getting off, or maybe after a while, the bait would go 'off track'. Who knows, who cares, we found fish. We were also surprised with the boat pressure out there for a Monday! Doesn't anyone work anymore....
  14. Nice job, Terry...Charlotte will be missed....
  15. Thanks for the link, Steve....& everybody else for the advice....
  16. Great mixed bag, Erik. I was at your spot today (I think) & all I got were Sheepshead. I saw big schools of the Bass, but they were much smaller than the ones majorlifts caught. Say what you will though, Sheepies put up an awesome fight....
  17. Great report & pics! Even better that you were able to get a biggun from a boat this time....
  18. If you've decided to start collecting the set, please send me a PM. It'd be much easier to collect the set with more collecters, & we could even trade through the mail, or in person if you're around the area I'm in.... I just started, on a whim, but have decided to collect the set. Unfortunately, I've already got a small pile of doubles....
  19. "Song of the Coho"....Stompin' Tom Conners....
  20. I also like fishing with someone new as well...you can never have too many friends!
  21. Holy moly, you guys are the Walleye Tag-Team Champions!!!
  22. Great tips guys, thanks.
  23. I agree with Cliff. It seems this thread has been around for a while & I just noticed it. Needs a new title, something that'll GRAB your attention. This is awesome stuff though, really makes you feel good to know you're 'doing something' instead of just sittin' around, whining about idiots like these guys.
  24. I scored Monday off work, so I just might head down then....anyone going to be down there on Monday?
  25. Great report, Wayne, & darn nice fish to boot!!
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