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Everything posted by MuskyBill

  1. Nice chunky Pike!!
  2. I bought my first & only boat just 3 years ago, in December '03. She's an '89 Fisher DLX, & she just gets better with age....
  3. The chances of hooking Smallies on Cook's Bay through the ice just doesn't compare to the chances of hooking a Musky on Scugog through the ice. I know of LOTS of Muskies that were caught or broken off ice fishing Scugog, BUT I can only think of ONE report where someone actually caught a Smallie, & it was on Simcoe, not Cook's. For me, it's not worth the aggravation, so I'll avoid it. Personally, I don't think Scugog should have an ice season, but that's another topic, & MY opinion.
  4. Smallie... Largie.... Suicide Perch...
  5. I've only broken off on one Musky in my life, & I was sick for days about it, so no, I don't feel very comfortable fishing The Bog through the ice with light line.
  6. I'm hoping to try The Bog during Hard Water season this year, but out of fear of breaking off on Muskies, I'll spend most of my ice time on Cooks Bay. Thanks for the updates, Entropy.....
  7. Hahahaha, Terry! Congrats Roger....
  8. That's great news, Peter!! Congrats of the new place, & you couldn't have picked a better location either....
  9. Pretty talented kids, Jim!
  10. That was excellent, Roger!! Very impressive, the great tune & video just made my day...
  11. With you Ray, I'd ice fish in the Arctic..... I read somewhere today that the ice season on the BoQ was going to be short at best, because of the high water conditions in the rivers running into it. I don't have a clue really, I just read it....but YES, I'd be in!! Don't forget, you still have to show me how to catch a Whitey....
  12. Well said, & I even go further with my cig. butts. Whether it's my boat, or on the ice, there is ALWAYS an empty pop bottle for everyone's butts. Personally, I can't stand the sight of them, especially floating in the lake. Takes 12 years to decompose.....
  13. Now I'm jealous....great job with the first 'crack'....
  14. Now, this is great entertainment....
  15. It was rumoured that THIS was caused by a guy testing his new auger close to shore, real early, & then headed out to the deeper areas. All of these guys didn't know about the 'test' holes, & found out the hard way that insurance won't cover stupidity... That was Gilford, last January 7th....
  16. Yup, all my life. My Mom used to say I should've been born a fish, because I was either swimming, or fishing, all the time.
  17. Eric, anyone who's seen your reports would disagree with this. She may have been old, but she sure caught fish.... If I hadn't of already winterized 6B's, I woulda let you take it out. It's NOT a great Lake O boat though..... That does really suck, but is it's anyone that deserves an upgrade, it's you. Maybe Majorlifts knows something about it. Maybe you've been TOO busy, & he just couldn't wait anymore for a Plant trip....
  18. I thought Jimmy Bananas was a bookee....
  19. Awesome, congrats Remo! But it's a FORD man!!??!? Nice rides really, the Ranger is sure to make a great first tow-vehicle. What size hitch is on it?
  20. Ho Ho Ho....
  21. Count me in, I love Cooks Bay Perchin'....
  22. C'mon, Wayne, where's your Christmas Spirit? Ya big party pooper.... You're right though, next weeks high temps will make quick history of whatever ice we have.....
  23. Great idea, Glen, I'll do the same...
  24. Wowee, what a fantastic report.... Thanks for taking the time!
  25. It'll be nice to go to bed after the first 2 periods for a change, I'll certainly get more sleep...
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